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BudJ's Dinafem Diary


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4 minutes ago, Fragg said:

@BudJ maybe even try a 1/4 strength mate given you have them in quite a strong mix, my mix has extra coco for aeration so less nutes. You can always add more next feed but you cant easily fix overfed ;) The watering/feed regularity will pick up soon as they get bigger too :oldtoker:

Cheers @Fragg Since I posted the above I looked up the Old Timer's Grow schedule and it says when in heavy fert compost with autos & LED try 1/4 strength first so you're spot on mate.  Will go with that.

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It's Tuesday, it's update day!  Day 25 White Widow, Day 19 Cheese.


Lights 20/4. 200w (max) since day 18 WW / 12 Cheese

Temps 22 - 30. RH 35 - 62.


White Widow XXL (Day 25)

This girl is really starting to take off now with unbelievable growth in 1 week :)


I've finally got to grips with the watering and she's taking 3l with run off every 2 to 3 days.  What's really helped here is weighing a dry pot of soil and recording that weight as suggested by @Renard (cheers mate!).  If in any doubt about watering I get her on the scales and see if she's close to dry weight.  I'm getting a feel for it now just by lifting the pot.  I've started with the Old Timers Grow, she's had 3 waterings at 0.5ml/l and 4ml/l of liquid seaweed.  A couple of leaves are showing minor yellowing at the tips which you can see in the close up below but nothing to worry about I think.  Glad I started at ¼ recommended dose @Fragg:yep:.


Still LST'ing her, tying down and adjusting ties every other day.  I had a bit of a scary moment Saturday morning when I broke the main branch just below the bud site.  Panic ensued until I asked for advice on here and my mind was put at rest that it wasn't a big deal.  This was spot on as it hasn't affected her at all.  The wound hasn't healed properly yet which is giving me a problem - I can't train this branch until it does and it's dominating as you can see clearly in the first pic.  I would really like to get it tied down.


Which leads me to my current concern - height! My tent is only 130cm high.  Top of the soil is 20cm and my light with hangers needs about 10cm.  This leaves 100cm to play with and obviously I need to keep distance between light and canopy.  Can anyone tell me roughly how tall I would expect the plant to get with training before it stops stretching ?  I realise this is influenced by many factors and there isn't 1 answer but an approximation would really help.  I've got the kit to build a scrog frame but would rather not scrog as it looks a ball ache but I will if needed to avoid burning the tops later in the grow.    


All in all, for my first grow, I think she's looking lovely and exciting to see all these bud sites :thumsup:





Cheese XXL (Day 19)

I potted up to 11l from 0.7l on day 13 soaking the pot 24 hours beforehand.  Had a quick look at the roots whilst doing so but didn't want to fuck about too much as it was my first pot up and wanted to stress her as little as possible.  I've seen more established roots at pot up on other diaries but it all held together fine.  What helped here was inserting a spare 0.7l pot into the 11l pot beforehand.  When it came to potting up I removed the spare 0.7l which left a perfect hole to transplant into.  Basic stuff but really useful.  In hindsight, I feel the pot was a bit too wet and if potting up again I would give it at least 48 hours to dry more.  Still not been watered 6 days later.


With WW being 6 days ahead, I haven't given her much attention in the last week other than tying down the main branch but I intend to give her some well deserved TLC this week.  Here she is -




This week's grow log :-




As always thanks for reading and don't be shy with comments or advice :thumsup:


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I've never done auto WW or any dinafem WW tbh but other widows I've had haven't stretched at all. I assume the cheese will stretch twice although I have no idea how it works with autos. You don't seem to have any light bleaching so you'll probably get away with a shorter distance between the canopy and the light if it come down to it. I've noticed that in quite a few led diaries, they seem to need a very large space compared to hid.


I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya :yep:

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@BudJ you’re smashing it mate :headbang: plants look great! Glad to be of some help with the nutes, you would be struggling now if you had come in at half dose. As it is the slight tip burn is pretty much the perfect level, many growers will push until they see the tips yellow and use it like an amber warning light to stop there ;) 


Regarding height which you really don’t have a lot of, wait a bit for the damage to repair and then see if you can tie the newer more flexible growth down. Try not to leave it too long in case she goes all woody and stiff on you then you will be unable to bend without snapping.


For a first grow it is seriously impressive mate, you have a long and fun journey of ganja growing in your future I can see in my crystal ball :smokin: 


I’ve forgotten, forgive me, which ones are we racing?? #oldstonerproblems :oldtoker:

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42 minutes ago, KC said:

I've never done auto WW or any dinafem WW tbh but other widows I've had haven't stretched at all. I assume the cheese will stretch twice although I have no idea how it works with autos. You don't seem to have any light bleaching so you'll probably get away with a shorter distance between the canopy and the light if it come down to it. I've noticed that in quite a few led diaries, they seem to need a very large space compared to hid.


I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya :yep:

Cheers @KC I only have 200w so hoping I can run close all the way.  Dinafem say 140cm outdoor height - presumably they stretch more outdoor, hopefully I can keep 'em down.

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@BudJ- Nice one! I’m so glad I could help! Following your grow is an absolute joy. You give details, ask reflected questions and understand the information presented to you!


33 minutes ago, Fragg said:

Regarding height which you really don’t have a lot of, wait a bit for the damage to repair and then see if you can tie the newer more flexible growth down. Try not to leave it too long in case she goes all woody and stiff on you then you will be unable to bend without snapping.

I second that :yep:

The WW -  XXL pheno you have there should be the broad leaf one. It will double its size when going into flower. I wouldn’t say, that it has ‚no‘ stretch, but it’s more on the bushy side. Left to grow, the big ones get around 2 1/2 ft. while the stockier plants stay on 2ft.(Outdoors).


You can count the fingers on your leaves down, to see how long the stretch phase will go on. 7 - 5 - 3 - 1 and then they will just fill out.

Edited by Renard
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18 minutes ago, Fragg said:

@BudJ you’re smashing it mate :headbang: plants look great! Glad to be of some help with the nutes, you would be struggling now if you had come in at half dose. As it is the slight tip burn is pretty much the perfect level, many growers will push until they see the tips yellow and use it like an amber warning light to stop there ;) 


Regarding height which you really don’t have a lot of, wait a bit for the damage to repair and then see if you can tie the newer more flexible growth down. Try not to leave it too long in case she goes all woody and stiff on you then you will be unable to bend without snapping.


For a first grow it is seriously impressive mate, you have a long and fun journey of ganja growing in your future I can see in my crystal ball :smokin: 


I’ve forgotten, forgive me, which ones are we racing?? #oldstonerproblems :oldtoker:

Cheers @Fragg That's reassuring to hear :yep:  Target is 1.5oz average per plant.  3oz total will see me through a 2nd grow with any more a bonus. 


After the update, I very gently bent the main branch down a little more and adjusted the tie.  No breakages but I might need to fashion some sort of crutch so the broken bit doesn't get too much downward pressure in the coming days.  Hoping to see it knuckle over soon. 


Moby Dick vs Cheese if I remember :boxing:   I've had a 5 day head start and I'll need every bit of that :rofl:  

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35 minutes ago, Renard said:

@BudJ- Nice one! I’m so glad I could help! Following your grow is an absolute joy. You give details, ask reflected questions and understand the information presented to you!


I second that :yep:

The WW -  XXL pheno you have there should be the broad leaf one. It will double its size when going into flower. I wouldn’t say, that it has ‚no‘ stretch, but it’s more on the bushy side. Left to grow, the big ones get around 2 1/2 ft. while the stockier plants stay on 2ft.(Outdoors).


You can count the fingers on your leaves down, to see how long the stretch phase will go on. 7 - 5 - 3 - 1 and then they will just fill out.

Thanks for the kind words @Renard Great to have you along for my first journey :yep:


That's interesting on the leaf fingers and a great way to check progress.  Just so I'm clear.... as new leaves grow, the number of fingers will reduce and once they get to 1 finger it stops growing vertically?


I think I read a post you made a few weeks ago (apologies if it wasn't you) on how the Fibonacci sequence appears in plant growth.  I was aware of the ratio but not its role in nature.  Very informative that was and I spent the rest of that night youtubing it.     

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Just now, BudJ said:

That's interesting on the leaf fingers and a great way to check progress.  Just so I'm clear.... as new leaves grow, the number of fingers will reduce and once they get to 1 finger it stops growing vertically? 

Exactly! But keep in mind, that no plant has a set internodal length. It is a ‚timer‘ so to speak, but doesn’t measure the growth ratio. 

You can use it as a rule of thumb for indicas and hybrids. A lot of pure sativas just keep spitting out more single finger leaves and grow as long as you let them. 

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@BudJ Thank you for documenting your Dinafem grow on UK420  ;)


Your of to what looks like a flying start :yep:


Happy, healthy and thriving so far ;)


Excited to see how this one turns out  :headbang:


Please keep the diary update coming :cheers:


All the best :bong:



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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Tuesday update.  Day 32 White Widow, Day 26 Cheese.


Lights 20/4 (kind of)

Temps 21-30. RH 33 -70.


This week hasn't been a good one.  Firstly, I snapped the main stem of Cheese doing LST - you would think I'd learn after doing the same to WW but no, snapped it good and proper, dangling by the skin.  I patched it up with duct tape and made a support for it.  Too early to tell if the main stem recovers from this but it was close to the top so fingers crossed. 


Cheese has also been suffering from what I think is mild N toxicity, evidenced by clawing of the leaves as you can see below.  The Batmix must be a little too strong as she hasn't had any nutes.  This doesn't surprise me as I'm sure I read @Dinafem-Marksaying Cheese can be a light feeder.


In addition to this, I found the 2nd biggest bud site on the WW lying limp and lifeless across a fan leave.  Tried to revive it but it's a gonner.  No idea how it happened, maybe I bashed it bringing her in and out the tent.


To top it all off my 4 week old light completely failed on Sunday :censored: The girls spent Sunday by a window in some sunlight and I had to emergency buy a 250w CFL Blue yesterday, which they're under now until my replacement light arrives.  At the earliest I think this will be near the end of this week.  Who knows how all this will affect them.


So it's damage limitation mode right now.  Just trying to keep them going until I get the light and some stability.


White Widow XXL (Day 32)

Upped the Grow nute to 1ml/l.  Taking 3l of water every 2 days although that's slowed since Sunday - probably not a good sign.




Cheese XXL (Day 26)

Cheese is well behind where WW was at this point and not looking too good.  Hardly surprising with everything that's happened!




This week's grow log :-




Thanks for reading :thumsup:

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@BudJ have you got a new bulb on the way mate?


Do your best until it arrives :yep:


The 125w cfl should hold them over until more lighting land's  ;)


All the best :bong:



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6 minutes ago, Dinafem-Mark said:

@BudJ have you got a new bulb on the way mate?


Do your best until it arrives :yep:


The 125w cfl should hold them over until more lighting land's  ;)


All the best :bong:



Hi mate, my light arrived much quicker than expected - the day after the above update so they were only under 250w CFL for those 2 days :yep: 


Nothing seems to phase these girls!  They've been through a lot and it's been another week of stellar growth.  Will post some pics with tomorrow's update.


Just need to work out what to do with the CFL now......veg tent you say :naughty: 

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1 hour ago, BudJ said:

Hi mate, my light arrived much quicker than expected - the day after the above update so they were only under 250w CFL for those 2 days :yep: 


That was nice and fast :headbang:


All the best :bong:



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