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LED vs HPS pros and cons?


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what produce's higher quality bud, led or cmh ? 


is it more important that they both make a noticeable difference from hps ? 

@stu914 @Punk#1 

Edited by BonnieAuto
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Quality LED's produce more light watt for watt than HIDs thats a fact.


Some people will miss the heat if they switched from a HID to an LED especially in an outbuilding or loft in the winter but you would also benefit in the summer when temps are higher. If you grow inside a house an LED should be much easier to manage than a HID.


Leds are the future.

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I've never used cmh so can't comment thoiugh people report they're an improvement on hps...


After switching to led from hps my buds had more resin, were harder and yield went well over 1gpw which I barely reached with hps.



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Another pro I've found since switching to LED is reduced watering frequency....with the HPS light I was watering every 3 days in flowering, but with the LED it's every 4 days.....so less nutrients used and less work overall.

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This is my first grow with CMH, so i cant comment on quality myself although i have read quality is increased with CMH over HPS, More terpenes and resin from what i gather.


I think its mainly down to the CRI (colour rendering index), Which is basically how objects look under pure daylight, A full spectrum of light.  The sun has a CRI of 100, CMH has a CRI of between 90-93, HPS has a CRI of 26 and i think some LED boards can have anything between 80-95 CRI


Im not authority on the subject and everything ive read has been picked up on various forums etc


Moral of the story is the closer you can get to natural sunlight, the better your weed is gonna be

Edited by Punk#1
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this plant has still got 2wks left and is 6-7 inches from a 400w hps which cost me £120 4/5 years ago..




oh no!, I better throw it away and buy the same for £400/£800! 


led lights are going to price new, younger growers out of start ups, theirs no way I could of afforded these prices when I first started growing.


It’s not a revolution it’s a rip off! a much more expensive light AND you’ve got to buy and run a heater lol


what works for you works for you eh.. when the prices come down to equal hps I’ll get one but not at these rip off prices especially these days..



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14 hours ago, LA LUNA said:


Leds are the future.



So are electric cars , I cant afford to buy one though.


Sorry , not meaning to be flippant but people were saying that 5 years ago.

The fact is a lot of pretty bad LED lights have been sold to people , with some over the top claims about performance.


All this 'equivalent to ***watts HPS' nonsense has not helped things


But yes , I agree they are the future , they are improving all the time . HPS works and it is what it is , a known technology.

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1 minute ago, Degsy said:

Sorry , not meaning to be flippant but people were saying that 5 years ago.

No worries, opinions are always devided on the subject, i flower under hps at the minute im not anti hps but good quality leds are superior.

1 minute ago, Degsy said:

All this 'equivalent to ***watts HPS' nonsense has not helped things

If you can grow yourself some fine herb and you have an intrest in growing under leds you should be able to navigate the shite from the good.


I can understand the cost aspect if you have 2 or more lamps to replace its going to cost a fortune, but a smaller grower can only benefit, with a better spectrum, lower running costs and easier heat management.

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11 minutes ago, Degsy said:

Sorry , not meaning to be flippant but people were saying that 5 years ago.


They were saying it 20 years ago



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12 minutes ago, Degsy said:

people were saying that 5 years ago.

Sorry to requote you but you will also find lots more people use leds now than 5 years ago ! 

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49 minutes ago, twigs said:

oh no!, I better throw it away and buy the same for £400

Lovely plant twigs ! Nobodys suggesting you should replace your lights.

The threads called LED vs HPS pros and cons. Not make twigs upgrade by force !

Honestly though mate ive used discharge lamps for decades im not slagging them off !


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19 hours ago, Arthur Mix said:

One thing with led that not many mention is the following and it’s a huge plus point. If the power ever goes out and comes on again LED is fine and lights again. Now if it was Hps or cmh they would keep restriking which if you are not there may not end well .

Not trying to derail the topic but don't the maxibright ballasts have safe start thing to avoid this?

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I've taken a punt on LED for my new drobe. If I was using hps there's a good chance the stash jars would be empty before the next crop was ready, with the improved yield of LEDs that won't happen. It's in the bedroom so I don't want fan noise bothering me, less likely with cooler LEDs. It's unlikely to need extra heating but the 14w heat mats I already have should take care of that. 

I agree LEDs are bloody expensive but  that can be offset against leccy savings and not replacing MH bulbs every 5 minutes.

For a small grow LEDs are  far and away the best choice.

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