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Delagdo's Gelato & More Autos


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Smashing photos alright ,and must be the first completed diary really . Just about there ,great grow Delagdo . 

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Thank you very much @Punta Roja for all of your encouragement :yep:


@Sweet Seeds Apolo :thumsup: Thank you!!! It's funny, it was like I was expecting it this grow and being vigilant checking for it, I just really did not expect it to be that plant!


Thanks @Openairbud - oh the anticipation! It's like smelling a dinner that's almost ready. So glad I have a bit of my last harvest left!


Thanks for looking in @Michael Luchóg 


Thanks for your kind comments @highdihigh2 I have an Olympus EM10iii but the real secret weapon is the 60mm macro lens that 95% of the shots in the diary are taken with. For the trichome photos I also use a Raynox DCR-250 to increase magnification. To light it, my most recent investment was a couple of cheap secondhand Nissin flashes.

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Day 63 to Day 66

Nearly there! This weekend will begin the harvest festival. But before that starts, let's have a look at some of the buds and trichomes over the past couple of days:

Sweet Trainwreck Auto, day 65

The Sweet Trainwreck Auto has been called first by the executioner, and will face her fate on day 67, tomorrow. :execute:


She's looking the most mature of the three, and also the leaves are really starting to look an unhealthy tone. I don't want to crowd her in with the others any more so tonight I've actually taken her out of the tent, in preparation.

The buds are really fat and very dense. The calyxes are very swollen:

Sweet Trainwreck Auto, day 65

 Trichomes look lovely, that cloudy appearance makes me think they must be full of good stuff:

Sweet Trainwreck Auto, day 65

Sweet Trainwreck Auto, day 65



The Ice Cool Auto also has really fat, dense flowers:

Ice Cool Auto, day 65

Very big calyxes stacking up:

Ice Cool Auto, day 65

It's just covered in trichomes:

Ice Cool Auto, day 65

Ice Cool Auto, day 65

Ice Cool Auto, day 65

Ice Cool Auto, day 65

This is next in the queue for the chop, it is still in the tent under the lamp tonight. I might cut it down tomorrow with the Sweet Trainwreck Auto, or allow it a further day. All three plants have been on plain water (EC 0.4 pH'd to 6.2) since day 65 to flush. Also I put the dehumidifier back to 60% on day 64 because I couldn't stand to see the damage being done set at 50%, which I hope wasn't a mistake :ninja:

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Day 63 to Day 66 (contd)

Now for the eponymous star of the show, my beautiful Sweet Gelato Auto. :in_love: 


The main cola is a real tower:

Sweet Gelato Auto, day 66

There are some thick sidebraches too:

Sweet Gelato Auto, day 66

Sweet Gelato Auto, day 66

Sweet Gelato Auto, day 66


Besides the odd few leaves, the general tone of the foliage has not declined like the others - she still seems healthy and transpiring, so she's facing the scissors the last of the three. Possibly on Sunday, or maybe the following day on day 69. Nice. No more than that, she's done really despite the many white pistils, and I don't want to leave her any longer with those buds in any case for risking rot.

Sweet Gelato Auto, day 66

Sweet Gelato Auto, day 66

Sweet Gelato Auto, day 66

Sweet Gelato Auto, day 66

Thank you for reading my diary! :yep:

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Just re-read the whole diary so far. Inspiring stuff and a great read! Might have to try one of those Sweet Gelatos, looks so good... drool

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Fantastic!!! took me a minute to realise that top one wasn't a SweetseedS promo shot :)


Congratulations on your Grower of the Month award :notworthy: very much deserved, diary has looked great all the way through.


Best of luck with your harvest :oldtoker:

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19 hours ago, delagdo said:

Thanks for your kind comments @highdihigh2 I have an Olympus EM10iii but the real secret weapon is the 60mm macro lens that 95% of the shots in the diary are taken with. For the trichome photos I also use a Raynox DCR-250 to increase magnification. To light it, my most recent investment was a couple of cheap secondhand Nissin flashes.

@delagdo thanks for the response my friend. I'm off to purchase these now. I presume the 60mm macro lens is Olympus also ?

Thanks again !

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Hi @Lazy Dayz thanks for your comment! I can only agree it looks delicious and I hope it tastes as good as it looks!


Thank you @jadenugs - I am sure I will!!


@Clumsy thank you very much :yep:


@highdihigh2 thanks, yes it is the Olympus 60mm, I was lucky enough to find it at the local electronics shop second hand. It was a good price but still expensive (£210 I think, a year ago) - camera gear can be pricey so I would recommend doing research before you make an investment. It's about finding what works for you. I went to the camera shop and looked at the options to try and use them. Olympus really won for size, the camera body is small and light, and the lenses especially are too. That suited the photography I do away from the diary, but it is not really so relevant for plant pictures. 


If you are new to photography, the best tip I can give you is not to get too hung up on gear and think and learn about technique instead. There are people who take good pictures with Nikon, Panasonic, and Fujifilm cameras. There's lots of people who take amazing pictures with Canon gear. 

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Day 67: Sweet Trainwreck Auto Harvest


Hello! I have completed my harvest over the past few days. The Sweet Trainwreck Auto went first on day 67:



Sweet Gelato Auto, day 67


Here's the "unhealthy tone" I was saying some leaves were taking:



Sweet Gelato Auto, day 67


Once I stripped her she looked like this:



Sweet Gelato Auto, day 67


The final height was 58cm. This was the leafiest of the three and took the longest to trim, as much as I trim them - I tent to leave a fair bit of 'packaging'. I think it's possibly the smelliest too. I cut the plant and hung it up in the room next to the tent in four bits.

Edited by delagdo
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Day 68: Ice Cool Auto Harvest


I took the Ice Cool Auto out of the tent on day 67. On day 68 I harvested it, after it had spent the day getting a bit of natural light under the skylight.



Ice Cool Auto, day 68


It didn't look as bad as the Sweet Trainwreck Auto was starting to in parts, but it had definitely suffered from the hot period at the end of the grow:



Ice Cool Auto, day 68





Ice Cool Auto, day 68


Very dense flowers throughout, even the lower ones. The final height was 52cm. Also very smelly, it's difficult to say which really smells more between this and the Sweet Trainwreck Auto. It was chopped into three bits and hung up.

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Day 69: Sweet Gelato Auto Harvest


The Sweet Gelato Auto stayed in the tent until day 69, and I carried on with the flush so it had had 4 four days of plain water by then.



Sweet Gelato Auto, day 69


Harvesting on day 69 I couldn't help but notice the main cola looked very sexual:



Sweet Gelato Auto, day 69


Stripped naked:


Sweet Gelato Auto, day 69


This is the plant which sprouted upside-down, and was the runt I nearly scrapped - yet has become (I think) the biggest plant in yield, despite being the shortest.



Sweet Gelato Auto, day 69


The stunted growth produced an amazingly compact plant, it was 48cm tall and untrained, unlike the other two which had been LST'd and supercropped. Check out this incredible node spacing at the bottom:



Sweet Gelato Auto, day 69


I thought I might have damaged the roots when I turned the seedling over, however it grew the best roots of the three. I took a couple of pictures before getting rid of them today:



Sweet Gelato Auto roots



Sweet Gelato Auto roots


Now it is hanging with the others in the room. It's usually 20°C and 50% relative humidity, so in a few days I will move them to shoeboxes to slow the drying.


Thank you for looking at my diary. I hope you are all safe and well. The world seems to be facing a huge crisis at the moment from a dual health and economic threat that brings massive uncertainty. Take care and stay safe everyone. :yinyang:

Edited by delagdo
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