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Billys watery wonderland- The Sweetest edition.....so far!


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Bob I have been busy but lurking in the background so sorry for not posting. Seems you have grown a fucking jungle since I last looked in. Great read mate, keep it going. 

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Cor blimey mate, full steam ahead! 

Girls are looking really healthy and as keen as your skills. Time for me stop in a bit more frequently. 

Must say, your room might well be my favourite on here... I'm a sucker for a central walkway (my back misses mine)


The dross will now forever be known by me as WIFFLE - wonderful word.

(Wiffle & Larf sounds like a Manchester-based shoegaze/breaks fusion duo lol ) 


Keep up the good work and all the best for a smooth flowering.

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Thanks lads, yeah its beginning to shape up now. 

im due a res change which I will do tonight, ninja like.... im looking to up the feed to 1.3/1.4, depending on whether I overspill the bloom nutes lol.

Heres todays pics from the dungeon of doom...…..

first up the view from the hill. I had Stevie Wonder take the pics, I case you are wondering......



Pic is a bit out of focus, again, you just need to smoke more, it looks fine to me...…...

heres the blackjackeroonies, they look most promising, looks like there are gonna be a few donkeys in there come chop time. 



They should start bulking out in the next fortnight. 

heres the cream caramels. one has stayed squat and short, but has lots of budsites on her, the other is the same sorta size as the blackjacks, 

hers some caramel goodness for you. ….focus......focus..... ferfuxsakes focus Chan.....



And not forgetting the sweet afghan d, shes a bit leafier than the others, but its ok, ive got a trimmer for that, it'll sort her right out, come the day of reckoning.


I think im gonna clear some top leaves out of there, to let the lower stuff get more light. 

im gon na psyche myself up to doing it this week too, ….someday......

Edited by badbillybob
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2 minutes ago, badbillybob said:

im gon na psyche myself up to doing it this week too


Careful mate, I had to psyche myself up so much that I got "Nicely Pished" and lost half my photos, the other half were so poorly focused due to me swaying like grass in the wind. lol


Didn't do a bad job with the 2nd prune though and I'm sure you'll get some good shape with yours now you can see where the bud is forming best. Have you got yoyo hangers for the buds or what's the plan to support them?

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You would make a terrible scotsman @Exhale nicely pished is how most o us start the day lol

On the other hand you could just miracle it oot o yer system so...


Edited by McHazy
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I pretty much gave up the drink a few years ago, when I was drinking it turned me into an (even bigger) asshole... and if whisky was involved it all got a bit much....altho I still have the odd sesh.

Aye the blackjacks are looking good min, and they smell great, theres something about them, should be good...

Edited by badbillybob
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A few more weeks won't be long swinging around and those plants will be only fantastic with mature flowers ! Lovely grow space ,it really is very tidy . 

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Thanks man.


in an unprecedented display of competence, I actually changed the res tonight, like I said I would …..swoooon…….

magic numbers are 1.3ec and 5.9ph, just for my goldfish memory.

I was checking out the roots and noticed the airstones are getting swallowed up by the roots, tried to untangle the first pot, broke 2 airstones…….fuggitt, ............the rest will be fine...

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its only been a few days, but I can see a difference in them.they are feeding, ec dropped from1.4 to 1.2, ph should be rising but dropped a couple of points. 

im hoping its nothing root related, but I checked a couple and they look ok in the root zone, maybe the ph pen needed a longer soak to get a proper reading, its a bit temperamental.


Anyway guess what these ones arelarge.112bj.JPGlarge.113bj.JPG


the blackjacks look the best of the 3 of them so far, but there is still time for the others , heres the cream caramels, looking over towards SAD heights, then looking from sad heights to blackjack ridge, then blackjack, then cream caramel, then bats eye view of the room, got all that?large.107cc.JPG


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34 minutes ago, LK1 said:

All of your buds look very stressed out. Not one leaf pointing towards the sky

Always good to come in with fuck all posts and start dishing the compliments! :wanker:


Some massive colas ready to form in the Billy, good luck man. No way I could be doing hydro....looks far too much like hard work! lol 

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