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Dinafem & Intense Nutrients grow off show off pick yer nose and blow off

vince noir rock n roll star

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4 minutes ago, vince noir rock n roll star said:

could be a squisher this one


By the look of things an extract makers wet dream brother  :yep:


Be interesting to see some yield numbers if you do squish a nug or 3 :headbang:


All the best :bong:



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my yeild measurements are done not in percentages but in button sizes or coin sizes ..


like a country bumpkin ..arrrhhh that be a tuppence rosin that ..ooo eee no that there is one of them sticky duffle coat noggins that is ..

but ill try me hand at maths if i have to ..


now did you give me a tenner ?

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3 minutes ago, vince noir rock n roll star said:

now did you give me a tenner ?


It was 2 bob mate ;)


All the best :bong:



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2 minutes ago, vince noir rock n roll star said:

 a florin of your time .


Or a penny for your thoughts  ;)


All the best  :bong:



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1 hour ago, vince noir rock n roll star said:

little secret ..i do as little as possible ..with the plants ..


Totally get that, once I've filled my res (and checked it 24hrs later) I can easily zip up my tent and leave it for a week or more if needs be, although paranoia usually has me checking every other day lol 


After over vegging my last two grows I'm hoping a little less 18/6 will mean less training and chopping to do later on  too - I'm all for the 'less is more' approach :yep:


Edited by Ranec
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the fattening and the frosting is upon us ..maybe another week but maybe not as we need some butter this weekend ..good chance cheeky monkey wont make it to the weekend ..


ave to say ,,i wasnt impressed at tfirst with the growth pattern of the monkey but with a little thought and side pruning she has turned into a proper little madam monkey 

still cannot get me head around how much quicker the sunny d orange plant was ..

also @Intense Nutrients have made this grow and future ones very simple and stinky ..

i am impressed with the ease of use if you read your plants ..a little bit of this and a little  bit of that here and there does wonders ..not having the style of grow where by a schedule is used this makes using these nutrients a doddle ..as easy as seaweed extract but with as good a result ...top work fellas ..

and of course @diyleduk for supplying the lighting which i finally have as keyed in as i think i can get them in such a small space ..again top work fellas ..and the eco products are really helping alongside the organic liquid nutrients .bless you ..

and of course @Dinafem Seeds. @Dinafem-Mark for really promoting their product range so well ..and the products speak for themselves ...frost for days .



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stunning little thing she is vince 

glad you approve of the nutrients and thankyou for all your feedback through the diary have really enjoyed reading through :yep:


all the best 

matt :)

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On 21/01/2020 at 9:53 PM, vince noir rock n roll star said:

i wasnt impressed at tfirst with the growth pattern of the monkey but with a little thought and side pruning she has turned into a proper little madam monkey 


Sometimes we just need to remove those rough edges to remove a gem  ;)


She's a chunky monkey that's for sure and plentiful crystal coverage  :yep:


I have a feeling the scissors will be out anyday now :cheers:


All the best  :bong:



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well cheeky got the chop ten mins ago ..and 70percent of it went straight into some  cheesecloth and into a bowl of melting bbutter ...was sticky as anything too ..so i kept a couple of nugs back for a smoke test in a few weeks time ..going to be some big nugs on other diaries that are growing this ..proper easy plant to get some meds from thats for sure ..

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On 24/01/2020 at 4:46 PM, vince noir rock n roll star said:

well cheeky got the chop ten mins ago ..and 70percent of it went straight into some  cheesecloth and into a bowl of melting bbutter ...was sticky as anything too ..so i kept a couple of nugs back for a smoke test in a few weeks time ..going to be some big nugs on other diaries that are growing this ..proper easy plant to get some meds from thats for sure ..


Interesting, have you always used fresh material and not dried to make your cannabutter mate?


I've done fresh frozen bubble but never fresh picked into extract  :)


Cool :yep:


All the best :bong:



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not always depends on what material we have to make with ..i didnt think the box of trim and lower fluff for this batch looked strong enough ..so i trimmed off the green bits and stems and in it went ..no decarbing as such as 4 hours simmering does that ..made a light green batch which looks way better than shit brown butter ..and its strong enough to suit wifes needs ..so it was good stuff .

we make butter different ways ..if its for recreation then anything goes in ..dry fresh leaf bud stem all of it ..if its meds then buds and fluff only ..this was for daytime meds weekend meds ..

strength about ..laughy starey compared to eyes closed snoring like a rhino or shall i call a doctor they aint breathing oh hold on they farted and smiled ..still alive strength .



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