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Jibba jabba

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16 minutes ago, zabz said:

e pick 'n' mix come harvest


Cheers zabs, I do like a nice bit of variety, rather than smoking the same bud mostly, you can really lose the appreciation for a great bit if you abuse it to much, so I am going to just smoke it from now on :smoke:


Take it easy.Jj:yinyang:

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Alright there Uk420.


Day 43?4?Flower


Well it appears I have lost a day or gained one, either way I am going to have a cup of coffee shortly with a big fat cookie jibba, I am going to blame half term with the kids running around all the time, I can’t blame myself for forgetting what day it is.


Anyway you don’t care about all that nonsense, so the plants are alright, I am still undecided weather the Sugar Breath has had a slight bleaching from the led, or is just starving, I have been feeding her right up and it hasn’t gotten any worse, so I think hungry, IMe bleached leaves die very quickly and never return to any colour, and some of them have some purple in there so I am gonna go with hungry again.


Sugar Breath 1


Not quite as greedy as her sister and noticeably less frosting, also more stocky less streach.



Sugar Breath 2,


She is a frost monster, surprising as this was the gangly one that I thought would be less deseriable.



Now for the Ogkz.large.BA64983B-BFF9-44C8-BB3E-C8C5DCE2CE01.jpeg


This one has been not to fussy, apart from being in a slightly restricted pot, really I should have potted them up once more, but live and learn, feed wise I would say slightly below average, anyway that’s the kettle boiled,


Take it easy.Jj:skin_up:

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12 hours ago, TheGr33nMan said:

am starting sugar breath soon along with ogkz...cant wai


Cheers @TheGr33nMan for your kind words.


Are you going to running a diary?


Take it easy Jj:yinyang:



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alreet Jibba buddy I hope your well, your plants are looking great and that sugar breath 2 looks well covered.




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@Jibba jabba Yes i will be doing a Diary there only just popped 4 x gorilla breath & 2 x ogkz have just popped thought they were not gonna germ

but they have joined the party.i will post when something too see...

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8 hours ago, golf.007 said:

that sugar breath 2 looks well covered.


Nice one Golf, I am not too bad thanks for asking mate, she certainly is a frosty beast, I gave a lower bud a little tiny squeeze, something I am against normally, but the denisity of the lower nugs is very pleasing,


take care. Jj:skin_up:

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The crystal coverage on these new HSO releases is crazy or is that just me?


Fattening up a great mate ;)


Kind regards 



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22 hours ago, HSO-Mark said:

The crystal coverage on these new HSO releases is crazy or is that just me?



Yeah mate.  

The sugar breath more so compared to the ogkz, but both dripping in trics.


wont be too much longer and I'll have the other five in the flower room.


Take it easy. Jj:yinyang:

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Looking swell Jibba nice and frosty, be interesting to hear what you think of the taste and effect once harvested.


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Alright there Uk420.


Time for some nibbler action,

First up Gorilla Breath.


She’s is the smallest out of the bunch so far, stocky and tight so far.


Bubba kush 


I think I might struggle keeping this girl down, I am not going to use a net this time so next pot up I’ll put some canes in with them all. She’s growing well, a bit of yellowing on the very edges of the lower leaves so I cracked out a drop of fish mix at half a ml per litre, I have heard that it is quite strong, so went in gently.


Sapphire Scout 


Growing well so far, has a strong smell to her already, really nice structure to her not too tight not to long.



Mango Sapphire.


Again she is growing well so far another great structured plant.


Blue Fire.



I did have another picture but I don’t know what I have done with it so it’s just the one of the Blue Fire this week, I am not too sure what to expect with this yet but so far so good looks like she will be a cracker.


Thats about it really for the veging plants I’ll be back with the flower side later in the week.


Take it easy Jj:yinyang:

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Alright there Uk420.


Day 50 Flower.


Well I am pleased with how these are going, well pleased :hippy: 

Even with a bit of underfeeding on the Sugar Breath 2 she has bounced through and continues to flood resin all over her pail green leaves, which have a light purple hue  around the edges, a bit of tip burn but I was expecting worse as she has been up to 3.5 ml per litre which is the greediest plant I have ever grown, in hindsight maybe I should have given her another week on the grow, I’ll try that next time.large.21D9F3CE-E37E-4806-80D0-EB55B083D156.jpeglarge.7772B698-7A94-4100-B3A2-0EB3E7C0BF72.jpeg


Sugar Breath 1has a much greener green to her and is now really chucking out the dust, not quite as much as 2 but plenty none the less,large.BFC6FF60-5625-4BFD-82B9-4283EBBF026A.jpeglarge.CA0587B8-EB54-4E51-BD61-BD04B84ACAF9.jpeg


Again a decent bit of tip burn but she has had the same as her sis, looks like she might go a week longer too, we will see about that.


Now for the Ogkz both plants are fairly identical, I took a pic of each,



Almost looks like the same photo, but you can clearly see the top one has stacked up a bit more, I really like all them little purple bits, beautiful plant.


Take it easy. Jj:yinyang:

Edited by Jibba jabba
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Cheers Sam, 


Yeah the girls are coming right into their own now, :hippy:


Well so far the day has been pretty wonderful, no stress, kids are out, not causing bother, but playing nicely with each other, even the Mrs is quite perky and she doesn’t even smoke, kids came home in time for dinner without the need of being picked up of phoned too many times, just setting up a new scope on my lads air rifle in the garden, them cans are getting it tonite. 


If only every very day was 4/20 


Take it easy Jj:skin_up:

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@Jibba jabba Coming up to week 8 of bloom with our OGKZ and sugar breath  ;)


Your entering the final stages now brother, have you got a harvest date in mind? Have you started the flush or reduced feed?


Not long now buddy :)


Kind regards 



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