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Two Quickies, Kush and Critical+


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On 24/11/2018 at 0:27 AM, Smokebelch said:

@jadenugsCheers for the input dude, it’s much appreciated, I know it’s hard to diagnose things especially on some one else’s grow so thanks for giving me some pointers and some options to think about.


Like you I am fairly certain the struggling Critical has an Mg defficiancy and it is quickly moving up the plant, I did water in some Epsoms salts last week but it was only a small amount 2tsp per 5 litres. I know it works quicker with a foliar feed so I will doing that tomorrow at lights out. I have been at work all week so haven’t be able to do it yet. I am going to stop feed her Silicon for a few waters as you say it may be locking stuff out.


Here is a leaf I took off this evening, looks like Mg def to me.



As as for the Poorly Kush I am a bit stumped, I will stop giving her silicon as well for the time being, my other plants are looking ok but will I drop the silicon down to half a ml from now on. It’s the droopyness of her that is really freaky.@Dinafem-MarkIs this normal for this strain to be so droopy all the time? 


I think my environment is ok although the temps in the compost is climbing up to 27c during lights on although it went higher than that in the summer and the plants were ok.


I am going to try and fix the 2 poorly plants and then put them in flower middle of next week.



With Quick Kush this is not normal mate. The droopy leaves and lower leaf yellowing I first thought it could be down to temperature at the root level. This does not look the case.


With most kush variants they can be very hungry girl's. But, typically you don't have this issue. 


This is a strange one mate. I would get a flush going and get some feed into them. They do look like then need watering with those sad and droopy leaves but again they are being watered. 


Could it be the root temps are to high? Maybe it could. I don't think this is the issue.


Other plants in this environment look good. I'm going to back through and read more thoroughly  :yep:


We will get you back on track mate :bong:


All the best 



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@Dinafem-Mark@jadenugsThanks for the input guys, it’s much appreciated.


I gave the poorly Critical a foliar feed of epsoms salts on Sunday during lights out and it looks like it has slowed down the yellowing so fingers crossed it will be ok. The droopy Kush is still looking the same, it’s weird as it’s growing ok and is actually quite a big plant. I have cut the BioSilicon down to 0.5ml on all the plants apart from the 2 poorly ones which I have cut out the Bio Silicon completely.


I suspect my problems have arisen from the root balls being too hot, 25c lights off Upto 28c lights on. I have addressed his problem now by adjusting my tube heaters and raising the light up quite a lot. I had to switch all the heating off for a few days to let the tent cool right down and since I have done that the temps have stabilised and I am now seeing 21c lights off raising up to 25c lights on. My heat mat under the pots is now coming on at lights out which is what I would expect this time of the year.


Hopefully now I have lowered the root zone heat thing will improve. It’s not an issue if the Kush doesn’t make it as I have 7 other plants in there to work with.

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I hope your plants improve for you buddy now you've tweaked the temps and good that you have a ' plan b ' in place.

Loving the close up detailed photos in the best Dinafem photo thread of your sumptuous buds :) .






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Keep the light high! There's been a fair bit of exploration into the hight of the light and it seems that higher is better, causes less stretch and easier temp management apparently

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Just a thought mate, if the QK doesn't pick up her drooping leaves try giving her less water than the others and see if that works. I noticed this with my Pak that was drooping all the time in veg. She's still only drinking 8 or 900ml every 2 days in full flower and that is plenty for her. I find that even if you don't think you're overwatering, it can build up over the course of a few waterings if you don't check the pot weight regularly and some plants are more fussy than others with a fine line. Hope this helps ;)

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Alright there @Smokebelch


Just caught up with all your latest updates, your Qc’s look tidy mate and your Qk’s asr coming right on, I think I would try jadenugs suggestions regarding the watering/ feeding, but sure you’ll get on top of it.


As always your pictures are crisp and detailed, great work bud, Take it easy.Jj:yinyang:

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To everyone who chipped in to help out with my plant problems, the good news is I managed to turn things around and I am now 1 week into flowering with the two poorly plants looking much better than before. Sorry for the lack of updates, the Sweet Seeds Competition is keeping me very busy and then there is work commitments, I am fitting them in when I can so bear with me. 


Four Quick Dinafem Ladies @Day 7




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Quick Critical 1 was giving me some real problems a few weeks back with MG lockout which I suspect was down to my environment not being right, my rootzone temps were way too high a problem which has now been fixed. I stopped feeding her for a week giving just plain water and I also gave her a couple of foliar feeds of Epsoms salts to get the MG levels back up, she has slowly improved over the last week and has now flourished in a big and very branchy plant. It looks like she will have quite a few flower tops. I have just started to feed her again with 2ml Fishmix and 1ml Algamic. I have cut out the BioSilicon on all four plants.


Quick Critical 1












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Quick Critical 2 is a nice little plant and has been very easy to look after, she is completely different to the other one being small and squat, she was topped once and has grown into a stumpy 2 cola little lady who is hardly stretching in early flower. She is getting 3ml of Fishmix and 1ml of Algamic.


Quick Critical 2 @ day 7.








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Quick Kush 1 has been a proper fussy plant again I think due to the hot roots and maybe a bit over watered, she doesn't like to drink much. I still cant work out what is wrong but again I think things have been locked out. I have been feeding her with plain water and to be honest I have nearly got rid of her a couple of times as she was looking shit but over the last week she has perked up a bit and is no longer looking as droopy. I removed one of the cola branches as the leaves went all weird and leathery on it and eventually they shrivelled up and died. Its been a baffling one for sure but I am going to stick with it and see how it ends up.


Quick Kush 1 @ day 7










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Quick Kush 2 is a really nice little plant, not too fussy and looking nice in early flower although not really stratching as much as the poorly one. Feeding her 3ml fishmix and 1 ml algamic.


Sorry for the pants update, I am on holiday from work and I had canna biscuits earlier and I am tripping as I write this, its taken me ages.


Quick Kush 2










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Nice recovery brother  @Smokebelch . With a multiple strain grow you are always going to get a "problem child" so to speak and yours looks to be pheno one of "Quick Critical" :yep:


She may need a bit of extra attention but generally these turn out the better plants come harvest  ;)


Looking in great shape and a great recovery :yep:


All the best



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Quick Critical 2 has a lovely structure dude, she's gonna look lovely when she's full of flowers.

Good job recovering from the problems :yep:

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@Dinafem-Mark@jadenugsCheers guys, it seem like the plants are looking much better now, I still think the roots were too hot. 


Its day 15 of flowering for my Dinafem and Sweet Seeds Quick versions and things are looking ok. I will say these plants have taken a bit of a back seat due to me being in the Sweet Seeds competition, I am doing very well in the competition and I have won the first Grower of the Month trophy so most of time is being spent over there at the moment.


The stretch is almost over now and the plants are flowering very quickly indeed, I am very impressed so far and if they finish as advertised then I am only looking at another 5 weeks. Awesome.


I have taken a load of photos of the plants last night at day 14 and I am going to start with the Quick Kushes.




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Quick Kush 1 is drooping no more, she is looking much better now, she did loose a lot of lower leaves and I still don't know really know why she was struggling so much in veg, she doesn't seem to drink much so I think she was getting a bit over watered, I am watering every 5 days on her with the other plants every 3 days. I took off all the small branches as they were very low down so she is basically now 2 main colas. I haven't been feeding her much and she is looking quite hungry so now she is back on track I have started to feed her up again.


Currently being fed 3ml Fishmix, 1ml Bloom and 1ml Algamic.


Quick Kush @ Day 14
















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