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Grower not a shower

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On 01/04/2018 at 7:54 PM, Grower not a shower said:

She’s still looking cloudy so gonna be another few days at least before the chop.



The finish line is in sight brother :)


Your super close my friend and by the sound of things your in for a decent harvest :bong:


Have you sorted your drying dilemma out?


All the best 



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6 hours ago, Dinafem-Mark said:



The finish line is in sight brother :)


Your super close my friend and by the sound of things your in for a decent harvest :bong:


Have you sorted your drying dilemma out?


All the best 



She’s coming down this weekend, probably Saturday so I’ve got a couple of days to get it chopped, trimmed and into the net to dry. Plus I want to modify my room a little before popping the next seed/seeds sometime next week hopefully. 


Still just giving her plain ph water every other day. Run off ec is down around 0.4 so On Thursday I’m planning on rinsing a good 20litres through her then leave her in complete darkness until Saturday 


I’ll make sure to take plenty of pre and post harvest pics and get them posted. Nothing worse than following someone’s diary and they don’t finish it!


im so excited to get her down and sample my first ever scissor hash!


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Tonight marks the start of her 48 hours of complete darkness before she comes down on Saturday. I’ve taken a couple of pics tonight but I’ll get a lot more before, during and after the harvest. 


Im noticing a few of the leaves looking a bit worse for wear just now but I’m guessing it’s cos I haven’t been feeding her for the past week. 



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And she is down!!

i chopped her this morning and spent the past 5 hours trimming and sorting. 


There was quite a lot of larfy/popcorn buds that I’ve just thrown in with the trimmings to make my ice hash next week. 


Still got a hell of a lot of trimming to do but I’ve got it all spread out on an 8 tier mesh net hanging in my tent for now cos I’m baked and tired. I’ve got the extract running, a small fan blowing for airflow and an oil rad in there to keep the temps up but I’m not entirely sure what kind of environment I should be aiming for. I was thinking around 20c and <50% humidity?


ive got some pics already but really can’t be arsed cropping them tonight. Hopefully get it all trimmed up tomorrow and I’ll get some bud shots. 


P.s any tins for trimming all the tiny little leaves? I was thinking about leaving some of them on till they’re dry and they should break off easier?

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17 hours ago, Grower not a shower said:

And she is down!!

i chopped her this morning and spent the past 5 hours trimming and sorting. 


There was quite a lot of larfy/popcorn buds that I’ve just thrown in with the trimmings to make my ice hash next week. 


Still got a hell of a lot of trimming to do but I’ve got it all spread out on an 8 tier mesh net hanging in my tent for now cos I’m baked and tired. I’ve got the extract running, a small fan blowing for airflow and an oil rad in there to keep the temps up but I’m not entirely sure what kind of environment I should be aiming for. I was thinking around 20c and <50% humidity?


ive got some pics already but really can’t be arsed cropping them tonight. Hopefully get it all trimmed up tomorrow and I’ll get some bud shots. 


P.s any tins for trimming all the tiny little leaves? I was thinking about leaving some of them on till they’re dry and they should break off easier?




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Have been using this guide since it was created.....never steered me wrong 



Edited by zen-ken
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@Grower not a shower Congratulations on the harvest mate now it just need to dry and cure :)


@zen-ken has provided an excellent link that will serve you well for the drying and curing phase  :yep:


Thank you so much for putting up the pre harvest shots and we would love to see some dry bud shots when the time is right  :)


A great Dinafem diary mate anytime you want to run more in only a pm away  :yep:


Will check back in to see how the drying stage is going :)


Enjoy when dry my friend  :bong: and thank you for a great diary . 


All the best 



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4 hours ago, Dinafem-Mark said:

@Grower not a shower Congratulations on the harvest mate now it just need to dry and cure :)


@zen-ken has provided an excellent link that will serve you well for the drying and curing phase  :yep:


Thank you so much for putting up the pre harvest shots and we would love to see some dry bud shots when the time is right  :)


A great Dinafem diary mate anytime you want to run more in only a pm away  :yep:


Will check back in to see how the drying stage is going :)


Enjoy when dry my friend  :bong: and thank you for a great diary . 


All the best 



Thanks mate. I’m glad I’m finally at the end now but I’m feeling a little bit sad with the outcome. Most of the buds are quite airy and there’s a lot of popcorn.


The smell off her when I was trimming was unbelievable! it’s startinng to smell like hay now but I’ve read that’s normal and the smell will come back during curing?


I’ve had the buds all trimmed of fan and sugar leaves. I left most of them on the stalks and put them on a drying rack in the tent in darkness since Saturday. The temps have been pretty steady around 19c with 50-55% humidity but I had the extract running. I checked in on them tonight and I’m worried they’re drying too quickly. The buds are starting to crisp up already but the stalks are still bendy. I’ve turned the extract off as I think it was causing too much of an air exchange. I left a small desk fan running with the front zip half way down so hopefully it’ll slow down the process a bit. 


Im just hoping that it tastes good, as I know now that I was massively over feeding her. Couple that with the temps regularly exceeding 33c and you’ve got the perfect recipe for fluffy, harsh tasting buds :furious:


the popcorn should’ve been avoided but I didn’t defoliate anywhere near enough before the flip. This has probably also compromised the final amount and quality of the buds from the 8 main colas. 


im annoyed at myself because these are all mistakes I’d read about and told myself I wouldn’t make....but I did. 


Im praying the 10 day flush I did before harvest will make sure the buds taste nice and that the fact that the buds are covered in trics will make sure I haven’t wasted the last 4-5 months!


on the plus side, I know what changes I have to make to my equipment and environment before I even attempt to germ my next seeds. Like swapping that crappy reflector for a cool tube/hood (any advice on these would be appreciated) and running 6” extract instead of 4” to get the temps down around 27c lights on


need to just say thank you forThe help and advice I’ve received from the members on here. It has been amazing and got me through some issues along the way (just wish I’d listened to the “less is more” when it came to nutes :furious:)


special mention to yourself @Dinafem-Mark. The seed offer you made right back at the start of this grow when 5 of my seeds didn’t pop, and again just a few weeks ago with the offer of a spare fan you might have lying around went far above anything I thought I’d see on a forum. Because of this (and due to the fact I’ve got quite a few seeds now haha)my next run will definitely be dinafem. 


I’ve got the choice of running another blue cheese, or white widow, critical+, mobey dick or original amnesia....decisions decisions. I’ve somehow got a critical kush from Barneys farm seed in my drawer and I quite fancy running that alongside your critical+


one thing i do know is next time I’ll be running 2 plants to cut down on the amount of veg time. I can’t wait another 5 months till my next crop. I’m also toying with the idea of throwing 12 in there and just doing a SOG....thoughts?


Anyway, I’ve waffled on longer than a Gweneth Paltrow, Oscar acceptance speech already.  dry bud shots and a smoke report will follow in due course :skin_up:


p.s scissor hash is harsh but it fucking works!

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Hi mate, just to let you know I had exactly the same problem drying my first run, I also had the extraction running and it brought my humidity right down to 30% and after 3 days they were so brittle and crispy it was unbelievable, and of corse the smoke was really harsh, I've just started my 2nd run a week ago so I'm going to have to do a lot more studying on the dry and cure game, maybe leaving the humidifier on through drying to try and raise the humidity up to 50ish, I really don't know the answer yet, all I do know is I don't want the same to happen again, you need the extraction on because of the smell during drying, so what to do ah, but nice grow mate well done, we live and learn.

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2 hours ago, colboyxx said:

you need the extraction on because of the smell during drying,

I’m keeping mine off for now and I haven’t noticed too much of a smell. When I pop my head in the tent I get that horrible, drying grass/hay kinda smell but I can’t smell it anywhere else. I’ll check in on them again tonight when I get home. 

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Hey Grower, just found a good article on drying from Dinafem: https://www.dinafem.org/en/blog/drying-and-curing-of-fresh-cannabis-buds/

Temperature. In the first 3 days the best temperature is around 20 degrees Celsius. This way the buds will dry quick, but not too fast. After 3 days the temperature should be lowered to about 17-18 degrees Celsius to slow down the process.

Humidity. In the first 3 days the relative humidity should be around 50%. After three days the relative humidity should rise to about 60%, again with the reason to slow down the drying process.

Air circulation. It’s very important there’s enough air circulation in the room, so it’s advisable to use an electric driven fan. A ventilation fan can also come in handy to control the temperature and humidity. Don’t point the fan directly on the buds though, this will dry the cannabis buds unevenly.

Darkness. The room should be relatively dark as light, especially direct sunlight, degrades THC.

The buds are dried when you can easily snap the stem. If it bends, it needs some more time. You will know when it happens…


I'd keep the filtered extraction on, in case of mould + some folk are bloodhounds with smells and might question strong smell of plant matter in your home, unless it was a shed!

Congrats man lovely grow & cheers for the diary, hope to hear your smoke report :)

Edited by Porko
removed cardboard box suggestion
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Mistakes... well, its relative and all about the learning curve, a mistake is an important lesson learned. Besides, if the worst you got was buds being a bit looser than you'd hoped for, you did really well...


I'd be keeping the extraction on and use temps to manage humidity - the plant matter will be putting off a lot of moisture just now and temps will manage just how much they do release and how fast... ;)


Right back onto the next grow! :yep:

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The temps were around 70 degrees ish, but the humidity was only at 30%. I also chopped at the time of the next water so they were pretty dry to start with, was that a mistake ?. If so should I have watered first then chopped a day later or does that not matter ?, and next time can I control the humidity with my humidifier, sorry for all the questions but only on my 2nd grow now and don't want to make the same mistake again, 

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21 hours ago, colboyxx said:

The temps were around 70 degrees ish, but the humidity was only at 30%. I also chopped at the time of the next water so they were pretty dry to start with, was that a mistake ?. If so should I have watered first then chopped a day later or does that not matter ?, and next time can I control the humidity with my humidifier, sorry for all the questions but only on my 2nd grow now and don't want to make the same mistake again, 


Hi @colboyxx


I don't think chopping plants at the time, or even a fair bit after their next watering time should make any difference - the stems and plant matter would still be very juicy for some time. I also don't see why you couldn't use a humidifier to keep RH where you want it - so long as you can set it to stay pretty much where you want it to be.


Have read up on brown paper bagging - some folks use this after the first phase of drying to slow things down and aid better curing... I've only done this after jarring a little early and I'm not sure it made a huge difference... Lastly, you can re-hydrate using various things - maybe try an internet search (add uk420 to the search terms) to see what folks have used to get some needed moisture back into over-dried weed.


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