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Critical Jack

Green demon

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@riddly Mate I'm open minded but don't believe a word anyone tells me until I see it for my own eyes. When it comes to the world of canna this is especially true. All these bud boosters, and carbs that people mistakenly believe the plant needs, when not only it doesn't need them it can't even use them. This industry and in fact world is full of deceitful bastards looking to con naive folk outta their cash.


For example, I own a quarry of chalk. Chalk contains high amounts of calcium. I pay for a scientific study to confirm that chalk has high amounts of calcium. I then pay for another study to confirm the human body needs calcium. Hey presto I'm now marketing a new chalk based drink that's high in calcium which your bones need.


Sure there was another study that said the human body can't digest, process, or benefit from the calcium contained within, but I'm not regulated in the drinks world and get away with what I want.


You get my point? Who says 18hrs is better? Did Phillips pay for the study? I've grown for years and know my plants looked healthier under GLR than any longer intensive lighting schedule.


I believe 18hrs was adopted as the generic norm because it's believed to be the optimum return. Past light saturation point of six hours the plant still grows, just not as efficiently. Difference in growth between 18 and 24 is such that it works out to be more cost effective to stick with 18.


I think the one thing we agree on is growing indoors is unnatural. You're dead right on that. You can't compare canna trees grown outside to those indoors. You can't compare 15hrs of sunlight, light that changes in intensity, angle, and such throughout the day to 15hrs directly under a part spectrum lamp.


But that's the point. We ain't got the sun in doors, we just got little bulbs and loads of crazy ways to get the most out of them. We take the best out of nature and improve on it like hydroponics for example and also plant training.


Bro you come in my room at one in the morning and switch the light on I'd swing first ask questions later, but these are plants, they don't care. We have very little scientific study to aid us but I'm pretty much 100% certain plants don't give a shit if you switch the light on for an hour in the middle of the night. Don't worry they won't have a breakdown.


Plants are very different to us. Cannabis as a short day annual which requires very little light and is triggered into flower by a decrease in light. When it goes dark, hormone levels in the plants rise. At 12 hrs darkness the plant reaches critical and starts flowering, I agree though 13 hrs darkness produces more hormone for the plant making the switch to flower induce quicker. Putting the light on for one hour in the middle of the dark period simply resets the plants hormone back to zero and prevents it from flowering. Their mental health will be fine! 



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Hope I don't come across rude mate. I'm tired from a day smoking hash and thinking makes my brain hurt. I'm not very good at explaining things I know. I would make a shit teacher, I guess it comes with being dyslexic but I can have an understanding in something but finding the relevant words to articulate my meaning is such a ball ache. :smokin:

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@Green demon  absolutely not demon! i can understand you especially after a full day smoking :D and i think you are very good a explaining things! in fact i was just replying to your earlier message when i got this other one :)

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@Green demon  

I’m like you. I don’t believe everything some1 comes and tells me it’s tre. I need first to have my own experience. I also don’t believe in all these things the industry wants to sell us.

The study in this book given to me is well documented by the person who has written the book. But even then i have to see it myself and do it myself not just because this guy says 18hrs are best for optimum results. I think there is no right or wrong or bettwer or worse. It’s about what you yourself find good for yourself. Everyone (including plants) need a certain amount of hrs to function properly. You might need 6hrs of sleep and me 8hrs to function properly during the day.


I have the feeling that plants do care about how you treat them and also and most importantly they perceive your mood(s) and feeling(s) when you are next to them. There are machines that measure that. Will try to fetch the links that shows and proves this (waiting for my friend to pass me the link. He has bought one of those machines). They are living creatures just like you and i. maybe they won’t have a breakdown but they certainly get affected (that’s my feeling).

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27 minutes ago, Green demon said:

I would make a shit teacher


On the contrary, I think you've explained the information very well mate and have more patience than I lol


:g: Interesting technique this 6/2 regime, experiments are good and might give it a go to see for myself at some point  :v:

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lol @riddly yeah I know of a study where guy hooked up machines to plants and thought about killing them and noticed a frequency spike of some wave he was measuring. He set out to prove plants were telepathic, had feeling, and were very much in tune with us. The mainstream shut him down, I wonder why? 

An italian doctor discovered cancer is just a fungus. It survives in an anaerobic acidic environment. He found a simple cure using bicarbonate of soda that cured terminally ill patients. The Italian government put him in prison for using an untested medicine. 

Again shut down by the mainstream. Take a good look you begin to see that this world isn't designed for the normal person to succeed. So much knowledge and information is being repressed.


But yeah I agree when it comes to gardening there is the X factor. What some call green fingers. People that love gardening get good results even when working in ignorance without technical excellence just because they have that positive energy, it makes up for a lot.


@botanics Thank you very much brother. lol i did have to delete and retype a few times when my patience failed. I just find it hard conveying my meaning, I'm either too technical or too obscure. People want facts and figures but I don't hold them in my head, I see their importance, retain their meaning and let them go. So when I try to explain something without those numbers some people just won't hear what I say.  I'm not sure that makes sense but hell im knocking back this hash like there's no tomorrow and you guys have got me pretty fucking lucid right now lol Peace to all the growers :hippy:


E2a I shall document in my diaries but obviously we won't really learn anything until its clone vs clone. 18/6 vs 6/2.  Fingers crossed one of these CJs,XOs, Bubbas or Dogs becomes my new mother and the freaky experiments will begin in earnest! 

Edited by Green demon
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@Green demon: what you wrote put a smile on my face :) yes al you said it's true and well documented. And yes. you def.ly are an OPEN MINDED human being ;) 

and by the way dyslexic people are genius


p.s have you already started the experiment/comparison between the 2 regimens? i.e.  18/6  and the other one you mentioned above?

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@riddly yes mate both tents are now running 6/2. Yet I would not call this an experiment, just a trial run. I won't be able to perform a true comparison until I have clones from one mother side by side in two tents, one tent operating 6/2, the other 18/6. Even then it wouldn't be considered scientific, would need a controlled laboratory environment. Besides I have no interest in testing it. If it works on the trial run it's just another schedule in my arsenal.


So far these girls have taken the new schedule in their stride. I tied down the new mains on the Exodus Cheeses this morning and by this afternoon they had pulled free.









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Loving the attention to detail and more so the conversation this thread has started :)


Some very informative information in this thread which I'm loving reading :) as @botanics as said you've explained things very well, very detailed and full of knowledge :)


Plants are doing very well it seems :)


So the lighting is 


6 on 2 off total of 8 hours x 3 for a full days (24hr cycle), Then repeat?


Until next time :bong:


All the best 



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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Hey Mark, thanks for you kind comments! Two things to thank for the attention to detail.

  1. OCD
  2. First beans I grew were Sweet Seeds and I found one of Tommys test grows over on the SS forum. I copied him best I could, aided by the fact he detailed so much I actually produced some decent bud!

My aim here with this diary is to provide people with no experience, a kind of virtual experience as it were. That said it's all well and good reading about growing, but it won't prepare you in the slightest till you get some soil under your nails.


So yeah 18/6 total broken into 3 6/2. i.e.:

6:00 lights on

12:00 lights off

14:00 lights on

20:00 lights off

22:00 lights on

4:00 lights off


Praise the Lord for timers!


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What you are doing here us great @Green demon and I'm sure many new growers will benefit from this diary :)


Thank you for explaining the light8ng technique and some say OCD is a bad thing with your diaries I have to disagree as the attention to detail is great :) also nice to see you are passing on your knowledge learned for the next generation of growers :)


All the best 



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Thanks @Dinafem-Mark OCD is a double edged sword mate, use it to your own benefit and it's awesome to have it and I'm thankful I do. But before I learnt to meditate, and before I learnt to control my mind, OCD controlled me and it wasn't fun in the slightest. 


Yeah I'll do my best to pass on what I know, figure that's best done with pictures! I've got the landlord and architect coming tomorrow as I've mentioned in my other thread. So I've condensed two tents into one, packed away all the kit and just left the T5 up until morning.


Whilst I had the time the Exodus girls got butchered again!



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So tents back up now but there's been a few changes. The Criticals and Exodus girls will have to bunk up with the Humbolt chicks, there's plenty of space so hopefully they won't fight.


Ive left the adjusts wing out because of its size and put in two Euro reflectors with a 250w MH per piece. One lamp per two girls so beautiful lumination per square foot.

The Humbolts still have their T5. Due too low humidity I'm cycling them lid on/lid off. 


Extraction 5" RVK no filter and 4" RVK intake, giving it a trial run to see if it can deal with the heat. The db of the 6" is annoying. 


Sharpening my scissors for this Critical next




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So just a recap. Each plant is topped and cleaned up to leave just one node (a pair of fan leaves and a pair of growth tips. As these tips grow they are then topped again, leaving just one node on each branch. These four tips then grow out which is where Critical Jack #2 is at right now. She's lucky to be alive, had my back turned for one second and munch, the cat pounced lol large.IMG_1228.jpglarge.IMG_1202.jpglarge.IMG_1220.jpg 

When the four mains have grown long enough, they in turn get topped to create eight leads. When each branch is topped, it's supporting fan leaf is also removed.

Critical Jack #1 recently topped for eightlarge.IMG_1229.jpglarge.IMG_1222.jpglarge.IMG_1221.jpg

Now the Exodus Cheese a little ahead of CJ1


Eight colas per plant was the aim so not far now. Most of the framework has been built, I'll just need to do a little LST to keep them all at the same height while they veg. Not sure how big I'm going to let them get as I haven't decided what lamp to flower them under. 

They are all pretty well rooted out with roots at a lot of the holes. Still not drinking much. I've fed them today at .7 EC 5.8 pH 19 degrees. The run off started at 1.2 but after a couple of litres had gone through them it dropped down to .9

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