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Critical Jack

Green demon

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For 7 weeks in those buds are swelling great  :yep:


I know you do a lot of growing in coco. Could you make a supersoil type mix with coco as the base then add all your micro and macro element's? 


Some wonderful info in this thread, not only for the new grower but I'm learning also  :yep:


LED and cmh are new lighting methods to me. I've always been hps with maybe cfl/t5 to start. Very cool to see these new lighting methods in action and I must say from what I've seen the cmh are performing very well. With LED lighting catching up :yep:


Thank you for the continued support mate and continued updates much appreciated brother!


Until next time :bong:


All the best 



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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Aye mate @Dinafem-Mark the buds are certainly storming along. Last night there were speckles of brown pistils running through the cola and today it looks 40% turned. I recon they might have two to three weeks left, hard to tell. I expect them to mostly brown off within a week then have another flush and swell up some more. 


When I ran bio/organic I added a lot of supplements to the soil and whilst it provides constant nutes for the plants at some point I always ran into deficiencies and it's hard playing catch up with liquid organic ferts, I found anyway. 

In the end I found it was easier to control plant health just using liquid ferts because I knew what was going in and how the plant was responding. With added supplements it was always a guessing game.

i guess if you made up the soil perfect in the first place ensuring sufficient nutrients for the entire cycle then it would be very easy to manage. At the moment I'm thinking of doing what you suggest. Get loads of beneficial addictives like mycho, Ecothrive, and powdered traces to mix into the coco and control the main diet with a liquid fert.

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Those buds look top notch mate, reading through this thread has really got me thinking about how I'm going to approach my training on the next run:yes:



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What are we approaching week 8 now so I would say another 14 days should see these ladies finished possibly 21 days :yep:


I would definitely start dialing back the nutrients in preparation for the final flush  :yep:


Thanks for the added feed info brother,  makes sense :)


Can I ask do you reduce lights on hours as you approach harvest? And do you do a "dark" period before harvest?


Will check back in on the next update mate  :bong:


All the best 



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Cheers @Crentz glad it's given you some food for thought mate. 

@Dinafem-Mark I can't believe these girls are only seven weeks on Wednesday. One of the Cheese plants trichomes are all cloudy and I admit to harvesting a few lower branches for an early sample. I'm now not sure how long they'll take now, they seem to be maturing at an very fast rate. My best guess is it's because people say CMH produce quicker flowering as does 11/13 light schedule so no wonder they are powering through. 


lol I don't believe in flushing mate, just feed em right up to the end no probs. Once I see plenty of amber trichomes and know harvest day is near I'll cut ferts out and dry em out a bit. 

Nah I don't reduce the hours of light mate, I find 11/13 does the job and I don't believe in the dark period either. I just aim to chop them when the pots are a bit drier but I don't go anal about it. 

The only thing that matters is drying the fuckers slow enough to allow the chlorophyll to break down. 

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Seven weeks done and into the 8th week of flower now. Both Cheese and Critical Jack are going through what I call the second flush. It's when most of the pistils are browned off and all the trichomes turn cloudy, and a few amber. They look ready but if you wait they start throwing out loads of new pistils. In turn loads of new clear trichomes appear and this for me is an indicator that they are almost done. A week or so left for the new pistils to brown off and trichomes to mature into amber.



Critical Jacklarge.IMG_1703.jpglarge.IMG_1705.jpg

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They have certainly stacked on some serious weight and trichome production is crazy :yep:


Super close to the finish line mate and looking great :)


I'm off now until the new year and I suspect upon my return these ladies will be down, dry and curing  :bong:


Have a good one mate  :yep:


All the best 



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@Crentz @Dinafem-Mark Cheers fellas. Yes mates I've not been paying them much attention, you know how it is, a watched kettle never boils. I just feed em and don't really look at em.

Had to shut down and hide the operation again so had a good look at them. Was pleasantly surprised how much they had stacked up and how far the trichomes had matured. 

lol They'll def be down and dried, and getting smoked. Cured? Not so much lol 

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Thanks bro I'll bust out the decent camera for when they come down, I may even pluck off a few cat hairs lol The Cheese are some mighty fine dense nugs, seriously pukka. They smell sweet and very dank.

Critical is a bit more airy, not surprising considering the leafy structure. It's smell is unchanged, devine, and I've had to remove a small bud due to rot so definitely need to keep an eye on this one!

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I have two pheno's of the critical with airy buds man but I put it down to poor lighting under the mars hydro 300 watt's, I've been keeping an eye on the mould mate sitting at 65% now can get it any lower. 

Bought a secret jarden monkey fan to add to the tent so I have the upside down fan and will install the new one tomorrow:D

Edited by Crentz
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I'm not familiar with the critical strains and bud types but I know my lighting is good. I just assumed it's genetic and all the leaf! RH hasn't been too bad but my fans all died. I bought five of those secret jardin fans and three died. They're good in the middle of the 8x4 tent but in the corners with negative pressure the tent wall prevents them doing a full rotation ever so slightly and I gues fucks their motor up.

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Good tip with the fans, I might rig up some kind of a pole made from a broom handle to keep the fan out from the corner a bit:yep:

I'm not feeling these mars Hydro 300 watts for flower really need to upgrade my lights, might be testing out some new tech in the new year so we'll see how that pans out:D

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Yeah I'm gonna get down Bnq at some point and get some lath, drill holes in either end and cable tie to tent posts, should do the job.


Having just given the CJ buds a good squeeze they seem to have decided to go dense overnight. 


@Crentz fork out for the CMH mate and you'll be happy. Broad spectrum of the LEDs without the crazy price tag, just reassuringly expensive instead!

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