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Multi Strain Freebie Grow


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I have finally gotten around to getting my tent set up and have now potted them into the final pots, I should have done it a few days ago really as this morning they were looking a little bit ropey especially my White Widow, they have gone into 6 litre pots from 1 litre so they have plenty of leg room to fill the pots with roots, they are under 400w mh now so I would expect them to pick up nicely over the next few days.


WW is top right, Kush N Cheese bottom left and the floppy droopy mop like PAK is bottom right. The plant in the top left of the photo is Sannies Sugar Punch which is looking very nice.




A nice nice little tip I picked up somewhere along way is when potting up with square pots is to put the plant into the bigger pot at a diagonal angle, this way the plant has more compost to stretch its roots out sideways. To see what I mean see the picture below, the plants love it.





Edited by Smokebelch
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So the multi strain challenge starts here, I have WW and a Kush x Trainwreck that both look a bit ropey, a Kush N Cheese that was flying at the start but has decided to stop growing over the last few days, some cuts that are towering above the rest even though I keep topping them and a PAK that looks like a mop. I fecking loves it, it's all part of the fun for me.


I think they will all sort themselves out now they are potted up in fresh compost and under a big light for a few weeks of veging. I will update soon when they have grown out a bit more.


Edited by Smokebelch
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Good to see them in their finals mate. Should be fun from here on :)

That's how I pot up with square pots. I originally did it going from a 1L to a 3.5L because there wasn't much room to get fresh compost down the sides without getting it everywhere. The space for the roots to branch out sidewards was an after thought and I've done it ever since.

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This multi strain grow is now in full effect and plants are looking great :yep:


With your pak I think the time of the year could play apart in some phenos showing a lower growth. I know there are 3 phenos and one if those is a little faster than the other 2 and she is more purple dominant if memory serves so expect this lady to purple up come harvest :)


Now they have been potted up with more room to spread those roots we will see much more vigorous growth and now they have been moved under the 400w mh in your flower tent the real show can begin :)


Beautiful work! 


Thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated! 


Until the next one :bong:


All the best 



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It's been 5 days since I potted them up and as predicted they have responded well to the fresh compost and the 400w light with lots of new lush green growth on all 3 plants. Now they are used to the light I have the parabolic right down on top them and they are really taking off.


I have them potted into Plant Magic compost and I will be feeding them with PM Oldtimers Grow, Bloom and also Bio Silicon up until they stop stretching in flower. I have some epsoms on standby if needed too.


I tried BioBizz on the last few grows but still ended up with yellowing halfway through flower and I didn't like the smell, a few times I had to pull out my flowering plants to clean the drip tray as it stank like a dead animal in there.


I think my problems are more related to environment so I have taken some steps to improve that, I think my roots get too cold so I have invested in a Bio Green heat mat with a thermostat and I am going to get an SMS Hybrid fan controller too.


Not much else to report, just leaving them be to veg up and fill out the pots at the moment, I have given them 0.5ml feed of bio silicon and will probably start adding a small dose of grow when I water this week.


This is the White Widow, she is loving the new pot and compost and is branching out nicely.













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I am well pleased this Kush N Cheese is growing again, for some reason she just stopped growing in the small pot, when I potted them all up the other 2 were rootbound but this had hardly any roots in the pot. Not to worry as now she is off and running again.


She looks like she might be a stretcher, has quite thin leaves and is the least indica looking of the 3.









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And here is the droopy untopped PAK, hopefully it won't get too tall, I will have to bend it over if it does.


She has big fat indica looking leaves on her so hopefully will get some nice bed time buds from her.









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I also managed to sort out my stretchy cuttings that are in with these Dinafems by slowly supercropping them everyday since I potted them up, it takes a gentle hand and a little time and patience but after a while you can get them stay down like in the photo without having to tie them down.






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Good work @Smokebelch and nice bit of tying down on the Cheese, looks like a good pheno, leaf shape and structure are of the more Sativa side and that is usually a better pheno, but will stretch a bit lol.

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@amsterdammer Cheers for looking in dude, the plant above that I have super cropped is a Ugorg Killer skunk and it's a cut from a mum that I have kept. 


I didnt need need to tie it down, I achieved that by gently super cropping it over a 5 day period, now it stays like that on its own.


The Kush x Trainwreck I have in there is looking great too, I will pop a photo in your forum later dude.

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@jadenugs cheers dude, yeah it does like nice, it proper stinks when the main stem is rubbed too.


I am pleased with them all so far, the PAK is a bit of an oddball but I like that in a plant, I reckon I may regret not topping it though, won't know until I put them in flower I guess.

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Yeah the pak is usually a slow starter apparently so it might burst into life soon. You can always supercrop or bend it over if it goes wild :)

Got some pak beans but I'm saving them for outdoors next season I reckon.

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The potting up has certainly given these girls what they needed and now they are in full on growth mode :yep:


The pak well looks like our pak. Not the prettiest strain when growing but turns into a beautiful swan come harvest with some of the best indica dominant end product you will find :yep: also live what young have done with the kush and cheese the structure looks great :)


Your white widow is also growing really well ;)


Really nice looking plants and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated! 


Keep up the great work mate :bong:


All the best 



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4 days on and my plants are loving being in the bigger pots and they have grown loads in just a few days. I got a quick shot of each an hour after the lights came on last night. They are 4.5 weeks old from germination and are getting fairly big although I want them quite a bit bigger before I put them into flower. I am feeding them now too, 1mm grow and 0.5mm Silicon each time they get watered.


As you can see the PAK is looking way better than before, it's big leaves are reaching up for the light at last, I am very pleased with progress she has made and I am glad I didn't top her as she is pretty much the same height as all my other topped plants. I think she liked the nutes I have just started feeding.



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