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Multi Strain Freebie Grow


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I recently read through some Dinafem threads in this forum and after reading lots of positive feedback I had a look in my seed jar and found some Dinafem freebies and popped some of them into some compost to be in my next multi strain run which will I be kicking off soon.


After a couple of mishaps with 2 of the seeds I planted (I am a clumsy fecker) I have ended up with 3 nice looking little plants, White Widow, Cheese N Kush and Purple Afghan Kush.


I will running these 3 in a 9 plant multistrain grow which will include cuts of from my Wonder Kush, Champage Kush and Killer Skunk mums and I also have a Seedism Kush x Trainwreck freebie.


I will only document the 3 Dinafem strains in here and it probably won't be a massive in depth diary, more like a few pics and a small write up every couple of weeks and maybe a bit more as they get into flowering.


These are my Dinafem freebies, they are looking a bit droopy this morning, I left the bedroom window open last night and it got a bit cold for them plus the lights go off soon and I find plants do droop a bit before they go to bed.


They are veging in 0.7 litre pots in my propagation tent under T5 lights.




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This one is the White Widow, I am loving the big fat indica leaves.





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And finally the PAK, Mark advised me that this one is slow in veg, it's a little behind the other two but it's looking ok to me, nice fat indica leaves, it is very droopy this morning so I guess this strain is sensitive to the cold. If so it won't be a problem as I am going to invest in a good quality heat mat for my flower tent for this grow as I find  tube heaters don't quite cut it durning lights out.


I am am looking forward to flowering out these 3 later in the year.







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Firstly thank you for starting this grow diary :yep: we at Dinafem love seeing what you guys can do with our strains :)

Secondly nice choice of strains you have and 


Thirdly by the sound of things you like your kush based genetics and we would love your thought on both our kush 'n' cheese and purple Afghan kush :) I'm confident you will like these and maybe you will find a keeper or 2 :)


One thing to note mate :) our pak (purple Afghan kush) can be very slow in the vegative stage, can look quite ugly with the mis shaped (cabbage structured) leaves and also can be a fussy lady where nutrients are concerned :yep:


With this said you sound to be knowledgeable on kush varieties so I'll be along for the ride mate :)


Again thank you for starting this diary and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!


Until your next update :bong:


All the best 



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I potted my Dinafem freebies up into 1litre pots a few days ago and they are coming along nicely, especially the Purple Afghan Kush. 


They have been vegged up in some old Plantmagic compost I had lying around and they are starting look a little on the pale side so I will start giving them a little BioBizz Grow from now on.


I think I will giving BioBizz Allmix soil ago so from the next pot up I should be ok for grow nutes for a few weeks after that. Next weekend I will be setting up my flower tent and get them vegging under a 400w mh for a few weeks before I flower them out.


@Dinafem-Mark what are these 3 like for stretching? the Killer Skunk and Champagne Kush I will be flowering them with are quite stretchy and I need to decide whether to top or not. PAK and the WW are staying really short and compact so I may grow them as single cola plants. It's not too much of a worry as I am used to growing multi strains and can raise pots up or super crop plants during the stretch   to get a fairly even canopy for the flowering stage.


They will be flowered in 6 litre pots as part of a 9 plant multi strain grow under a 600w HPS in a 1.2m tent. I have been growing for 10 years but I am no means an expert and I am sure there will be a few dramas along the way as is usually the way with my multi strain grows. I seem to get my fair share of problems but I have learnt a few neat tricks over the years which help an average grower like myself get good results from my growing adventures. 


The PAK is at the front, it's supposed to be a slow vegger but mine seems to be coming along fairly quickly. Back left is WW and right is C n K.






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Here they are in the tray on the second row with the stretchy cuttings behind, should I top them or not? I usually top everything at least once but I am thinking it maybe fun to grow a couple of single cola untopped plants for a change.



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All 3 plants are looking very healthy mate :yep:


Now onto the stretch :)


With our pak she only doubles in size on the odd occasion she will do a 1.5x stretch but nothing major :)


Our White Widow will do a 1.5-2x stretch and I would advise topping of this strain :yep:


Now our kush 'n' cheese. Pheno depending you should not experience anything more than a 2x stretch but if you do have a super cheese dominant pheno then this could go to 2.5x stretch. I would also advise topping with this strain and maybe some cropping to maintain a nice even canopy :yep:


Looking great so far and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!


Until the next update :bong:


All the best 



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@jadenugs Cheers dude, I always do multi strains, variety is the spice of life and I do like a challenge.


So another week has gone by and my 3 Dinafem Indica strains have been in my veg tent under a T5 slowly getting bigger. 


Today I am going to set up my flower tent and get them veging up properly under a bigger light. The set up is a 1.2m x 1.2m tent with a parabolic shade and a 400w Mh for veg and then 600w HPS for flowering.


I will be flowering out 9 plants in total with 8 different strains, some are very stretchy and by the looks of these Dinafem plants some will not stretch much at all, as I said I like a challenge.


Today the plan is to pot them all up into their final 6.5 litre pots as they have well rooted out the 1 litre pots they are in now and then veg them up for 2 to 3 weeks under the 400w Mh before I flower them out. I could pot them into 3 litre pots and then pot them up again in around a weeks time but I find going from a pot bound 1 litre straight into a 6 litre works well for me as I give them plenty of veg before I flip the lights to flowering.


This is them yesterday.




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Crazy looking Purple Afghan Kush, I love this little lady, she always looks kind of droopy, reminds of a mop head. She is my favourite of the 3 so far.


@Dinafem-Mark Mine doesn't seem as slow in veg as some people have reported. I have her untopped as she looks like she isn't going to be a stretcher, it's the first time I haven't topped a plant for years so it will kind of fun to grow one big cola for a change.


In some of my photos the plants look hungry, I don't have a proper camera and am using a phone and I have to use the flash, the photos don't do the green healthy looking plants justice. I am getting more into posting pics on here so I may have to get a proper camera soon.










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This is the White Widow, she looks a bit ropey in this photo but again it's the flash making her look hungry, in reality she looks a lot greener. I have topped her once at the 3rd node and she is bushing out nicely.



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This Kush N Cheese has slowed down a bit and has been slow to root out the pot.


I have only just brought my veg tent and at the mo have no heating in there, I have been leaving the bedroom window open and it has been getting a bit cold in there on occasions, maybe it's that that's slowed it down. When they first started this one seemed to be the most vigorous of the 3 but the other 2 have over taken it.


One thing I will say is that she stinks already, glad I have got a good filter.





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I will update later today and get some pics of them in the final pots in my flower tent.






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