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Àdh Mòr Pota = Pot luck RGSC


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Hi all hope ye r all doing well & ye'r plants are coming along. The weather has been crazy over the last couple of months from heavy rain to being so hot. Sorry I haven't been able to update b4 this but I've been away but I'm back now. I popped to my plots today for quick visit whilst taking a few pictures. I must admit I am disappointed with the progress to date. There is one one tat seems to be doing well out of the bunch but it's nothing to do with the seeds, it was my stupidity of plot choice, marshy & not the best sunlight & airflow but I just got to learn from this & do what I can to help them if anything :yep:. Here's some pictures so you can see for yourselves :lucky:.


This hole got waterlogged so I dug a trench to allow water to drain off.  DFG. As you can see the lower leaves are pale yellow & Brown.



This hole also got waterlogged so I dug another trench to allow water to drain off.  DFG. As you can see the lower leaves are a pale colour.



This one got lollipopped 4 me. Don't know how or by what? Also lower leaves of brown & dead, again I have no idea why this is :wallbash:.



This one is so so but again lower leaves pale etc....




Much the same with this one :wallbash:.



This one is the best of the bunch of the 7 sisters. Maybe coz it gets more light & airflow?



This us the baby sister with the 7 sisters. I'm not quite sure of the strain but I think it cud be DFG. 



Top view of the baby sister.



I have also noticed the leaves on the plants are like flight holes. A lot of the plants seem to have this regardless of the cages, slug protection & neem spray etc. I feel stuck at this point with the growth of the plants but maybe it's a reflection of the plants themselves. I'm going to make up a brew for them & use to spray plants. I'm disheartened but I'm going to try my best to give them what they need once I find out what tat us :wallbash:. I do apologise to you @panik but I won't give up yet. Onwards & upwards :lucky::yep::lucky:.

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Don't apologise Irish it's not your fault, I think most plants out are struggling with this crazy weather we're having it's one of those things can't be helped, but onwards and upwards as you say , things should only get better :yep:   

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All we can do is try :) I think your plants look a bit hungry there tbh but I wouldn't worry it looks very minor, only a bit on the lowest leaves it seems. Good luck!

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Im sure there will be some decent bud come harvest, the weather is an absolute nightmare at the moment, lots are suffering myself included :( and fair doos to all the work you have put in and still doing, digging trenches! I would be proper shagged out lol that one plant is a proper beauty, looks like she's topped herself and given you multiple tops, keep on truckin! and look forward to the bud :) 

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Dont worry Irishgirl, i've about 12 plants that look a bit worse than them! My plot is as dry as a nun's and I've also got yellowing lower leaves and a couple that look like they have been lollied!  I gave them a tiny feed and plan more very soon, so hoping that will perk them up a bit! I'll let you know how it goes! :yep:

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Looking back i wouldn't put them in the ground that small, id run a small125w light toughn them up, then place in the ground obvs so many other variables like u say marshy/light

They'll perk up after a tea:magic:as long as you get bud and don't pay a dealer it's a win win:angel_not:

Edited by Percygrower_420
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, ye r so encouraging, thanks for all the advice & comments, much appreciated @panik, @indicatoker420, @nudger36, @Openairbud, @Flintstone (me wellie friend), wellie, not Willy lollol , @Percygrower_420. Thanks for the positive support, ye guys are great. 

I haven't updated for a while. I went out last Monday & topdressed with fb, yarrow, chicken shit, & a spray of neem oil with seaweed extract. I also visited the plot today to check on things. I ended up bringing some support sticks lol & a few extra cages. I'm starting to dislike cages, to confined but i know its protection from wild life etc. I feel like taking da cages away to let them flow with the breeze. What I did do, was take the cages off & added another cage to make it wider so it became one cage lol . To me this is better, more room for them to flow etc.


In hindsight,  I would not use this area again as the light isn't the best & ground very wet, swampy but hay-hoo. I just feel bad I didn't take my time for choose a better plot & do these seeds justice 4 panik but it's my own fault. I might pull these babies through yet & get some bud which 4 me thats what it about, wining bud, not a competition lol . Best of luck everyone, everyone seems to be doing mighty this season.


On this visit I took pictures as follows:


Unknown strain, was a causality & maybe still is lol



Next few pic's are DFG's





Next up are Mighty Gold's



Best of the bunch 'Mighty Gold 



Thanks for looking & popping in guys, girls :skin_up:.

Edited by Irishgirl
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Looking good Irishgirl :yep:


That Mighty Gold is looking just that! Any environmental difference between it and the others?

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they still a lot bigger than most of mine

think you right about the ground too wet though

could try swamp tubes there next year, or just put another tyre on top to raise them more

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15 hours ago, Flintstone said:

Looking good Irishgirl :yep:


That Mighty Gold is looking just that! Any environmental difference between it and the others?

Hoping the others will pull through. That mighty gold is da best of da bunch :lucky:. Da only thing I can think of is da ground isn't as wet were she is planted & more light with air flow :yep:.

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14 hours ago, rellik said:

they still a lot bigger than most of mine

think you right about the ground too wet though

could try swamp tubes there next year, or just put another tyre on top to raise them more

I bet ur's will thrive tho :yep:. I'm hoping they r still in with a chance. No, I won't use this area again, far to swampy. I shud have known better. Learn as we go on. In my case, learn da hard way lol .


Edited by Irishgirl
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