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Nail on the head really @happy hippy  


It never used to bother me as much coz I got used to the way things was done and developed a little system to speed things along. And it wasn't any hassle.


Just this weekend I had a hardware glitch (for want of a better description) and it proper made everything a ballache then when you finally crack it only for nobody to (seemingly) notice... You do, you can't help it, you just think "what was the point?"


But yeah, like yrself I'm old enough n ugly/wise enough to know its just an ego thing.


And as said. Aslong as peeps are looking that's what counts!


And yeah lol the abuse helps! lol

Brings back a semblance of "normality" lol


Cheers dodge



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dude now i know i can pop in and slag your grow off im on it lol..





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I tried writing out a few abusive messages, but couldn't bring myself to post them.. 


Ya big girls blouse. 





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7 minutes ago, tigseyjnr said:

I tried writing out a few abusive messages, but couldn't bring myself to post them.. 


Ya big girls blouse. 






Try harder tigs!


....you knows I luvsit! lol










(How long before folk realise dodgee just fishing for abuse coz he luvs the nasty talk but fed up of paying 1.50 a min/being divorced) lol


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They are coming along now, Proper frosty too. What fragrances are you getting?


16 minutes ago, Dodgee said:


 fed up of paying 1.50 a min/being divorced) lol



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Laugh all you like @Key4...


When yr married there's always somebody ready to call u all sorts of a cunt!


Least there was for me anyway lol


Smell wise I ain't good at descriptions as I said earlier,  but they definitely bumping. Surpringly if I had to give some description I would say more towards hazey than fruity... You know like peppery cinnamon sandalwood type thing going on.... And I was expecting lemons! lol


Sorry but like I said I ain't great at describing stuff and tbh I think when it comes to canna, smell and taste are both so subjective u know?

Like one mans minty can be rotten fruit to the next.. The palate is a funny thing like..


Thanx for stopping by mucka

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Morning all.  The following pics were taken last night so day 43 flower.


Or 6weeks and 1 day,  500ml bud can for perspective,



So we are 13 days from the 8 week recommended flower time.


The girls are drinking less now. Partly due to the change in the weather I expect but more likely because they are nearing the end now IMO.


Sorry I could only photo the one plant but they're at the stage where the slightest touch/movement stinks the whole gaff out!


I asked my buddy to describe the smell in his own words... Best he could manage was "its weird... Like peppery fruit?" lol

Sorry guys but between the two of us peppery fruit is the best we can come up with lol


Anyways, I'll keep posting individual plant pics as n when I can but for decent shots of each individual plant its gonna be chop day now I think..


Till next time, thanx for watching.


Nice1 Dodge

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Hey dude they look like they will be easy to trim,and peppery fruit sounds kinda nice to me tbh..i like the peppery haze funk.lol.im quite interested in these for indoors myself with lots of topping etc as you have a short time left it looks like you made it to the end without killing anything so they are hardy as fk plants by the looks of it lol..


Nice growing m8




eta are these auto,semi auto,fems,or good old regs ?

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@Happy Hippy


Thanx mucka, just don't jinx me mind! Still got a fortnight left to fuck it all up! lol


All the plants are very uniform much like the one pictured above. And while they have a disposition towards main cola dominance the satellites are all chunky buds too considering how much further below the light they are.


I'd love to see a couple mainlined as I think that single cola dominance would shine through and you could end up with plants with 4/8/16 main colas all like the main one above... Mmmm niiicccceeee!


Had fun with this diary, the girls have been a genuine joy to grow so bit sad coming to the end really, but fear not, talking to panik yesterday and there might well be something equally as impressive in the pipe line...


Keep your eyes peeled folks.... Lemonade OG coming soon to a diary section near you...


Nice1 dodge


E2a they're fems mate. Didn't show any tendency towards auto'ing at all and haven't yet seen a Nana or bollock the whole grow.

Not sure but if you hit panik up he might have regs in stock too but I'm not 100% certain on that. Cheers dodge

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Yeah man i was looking at the pics and thinking if i keep her well topped in veg and tied down etc i could get myself 8,,10 colas easy per plant and im liking the low leaf to bud ratio on yours,like i say easy trimming as well..or i may just do small veg time,3.5s whack em into flower early...hmm i have to make my choice of seeds soon as my subby seeds must be on their way to me..anything with a haze smell,peppery fruit lol and a estimated 8 week finish has to be worth a look..


Im looking forward to hearing what you think of the final smoke dude..


Take it easy m8,and im pretty sure your going to make it to the end,id be taking a bud at 7 weeks to see if i like that 7 week high more than the 8 weeks..i like to be high man not stoned,well stoned at bedtime but not during the day..



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Nice size cola that is you rekon they will be done in 8 weeks then, thats quick. Good to know theres no autos or nanas anywhere aswell.


Any group shots? bet its donkey dick city in that tent. :naughty:


Looking forward to the lemonade og sounds reallytasty... (Are they on sale yet @panik :D)


Atb with the last bit.

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Thanking you kindly @Geordiejames420


& @Key4  too.


Group shots are hard coz the glare nice  the tent but I'll try my best to snap a couple later.


I'm pretty sure they'll be done in 8 weeks Mucka.  They've slowed down on the drink/food and are browning off nicely now.


I'm pretty sure paniks mate took his at 8ish weeks too.


I'm resisting the itchy scissor fingers at the minute already tbh lol


With my dads health n mum looking after him I'm limited in how much time off from the kids I can get too spend with the plants so a staggered harvest isn't likely.

Once there done it will be a case of get in get em down n gone again till dry..


Not much info on the OG myself uet key so i'll have to let panik chip in on that one.


nice1 D

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Nice looking plants dodgee.

The boy panik has made some nice seeds for us all this year eh..?


The smells from those gorilla haze sound right up my street . I like the woody, peppery ("hazey") aromas, and I tend to prefer the hit from pot that smells like that.

To have made a 7- 8 week "hazeish" strain is a feat in itself, and one that "practically grows itself" into beer can buds is worthy of high praise indeed.

I think you may be downplaying your own growing skills as well man!


Keep on keeping on , and atb for the final stretch .


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Blimey its busy in here,look at how many want to see if you fked it up yet lol..


I hope you dont mind buddy but i thought i would use your diary to ask @panik a quick Q..Is the end result from these very sativa/haze dominant smoke ?


Thanks dude



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