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Was just gonna check in this morning and thought I'd leave it till tonight dodge, looking well mate! You finding any problems with these plants so far?


atb mate James 

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Hiya James!


The plants have been a joy to grow so far mate.


Only problem so far is a bit of a heat stress same as everyone else

right now.  



Still cant get more than one pic at a time to upload from my phone and just that is a pita!


I'll try using the laptop later..


Bare with me folks

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Looking awesome dude! Honest to got I'm nearly ready to flip and I hope they end up going your way :yep: they really do love a stretch in veg never mind in flower lol!


looking forward to more updates matey, and the more pictures the merrier!


atb James 

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There's a few more pics here for use.


Sorry if there blurred/upside down/back to front or doublers but in all honesty I'm long past caring. Wasted fucking hours of my life this weekend trying to upload em so tough shit.



There's more in my gallery for anyone who can be arsed too look.



Edited by Dodgee
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Looking at those last few pics it's interesting to note that a few pistils are starting to brown off already..

Not bad for 5 weeks n a cpl days


Might be a pheno or 2 that finish closer to 7 weeks than 8..

Maybe worth pinning it down an mothering/cloning  for the grr's out there... 


Sorry if my previous post came across as a shitty but u wouldn't believe the ball ache guys honestly. 


I'll try n get some more pics up once properly medicated again lol


nice1 D

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Well thanks for persevering dude with the pic's dude. 


they look lush! :thumsup:


Nice one, 


Tigs :guitar:

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They looking fricken awesome dodgee! Lovely work! Can you fell them packing on the weight too? Will you need any supports?


atb James 

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Thanx for the complimentary and kind words @tigseyjnr & @Geordiejames420


Very much appreciated!  Diaries often become a bore/chore without other members contributions so again thanx v.much lads.


I really can't take any credit though. The plants have required so little in the way of TLC, happy to chug along on water and minimal nutrients (none to specific either just a cpl mls per litre for all of them)..


Practically grow themselves aye.


As far as support goes I was convinced they were gonna need it at some point and they still might but thus far they don't seem to have any problems supporting there own weight.

But canes and yoyos are on stand by just incase!


They're certainly filling out at quite the pace but I think that's apparent from the photos despite my shoddy camera skills! lol


Probably check in on them again in the next couple of days so feel free to swing past for another looksie soon.


Bests, nice1 dodge

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37 minutes ago, Dodgee said:

Thanx for the complimentary and kind words @tigseyjnr & @Geordiejames420


Very much appreciated!  Diaries often become a bore/chore without other members contributions so again thanx v.much lads.


I really can't take any credit though. The plants have required so little in the way of TLC, happy to chug along on water and minimal nutrients (none to specific either just a cpl mls per litre for all of them)..


Practically grow themselves aye.


As far as support goes I was convinced they were gonna need it at some point and they still might but thus far they don't seem to have any problems supporting there own weight.

But canes and yoyos are on stand by just incase!


They're certainly filling out at quite the pace but I think that's apparent from the photos despite my shoddy camera skills! lol


Probably check in on them again in the next couple of days so feel free to swing past for another looksie soon.


Bests, nice1 dodge

I have been really enjoying this diary mate and its not been a bore atall, im the one who sits in the quiet corner and hogs all the joint lol i much prefer the shorter diary less than 10 pages especially if its a few years old and your not interested in the weather or next doors cat shitting on my veggie patch!, (i love cats really) people looking to reference a strain want the juicy bits and pic heavy updates (if they can upload pics of course ;))

Keep up the good work bro


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Thanx for the encouragement @cocopips


I don't wanna come across as needy or owt, I've done umpteen diaries over the years and don't usually get hung up on replies/responses n stuff.


Just when your getting 3000+ views but less than a hundred replies and most of those are your own you start to wonder what your doing wrong/who you offended etc 


Its probably my own fault for not responding individually to people like many do in there diaries so folk probably think

"ahh rude fucker I won't bother commenting again.."

Or summat like that anyways..


Whatever though aye.

 I won't ever not do a diary I promised without a very good reason and I think breeders/members know that and THATS what's most important in my book.


I just miss the banter that used to be obligatory in the diary section, even if it was just hip hip or smurfy coming in to tell me the plants look shit n to stop killing em! lol


Anyways, sorry for the negativity, 


Thanx very much for following along regardless of whether you comment or not folks.


Nice1 dodge



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Hey dude im guilty of not posting anywhere near enough in other peoples stuff but it dont mean were not interested as you know,i personally would be chuffed 3000 views is sound m8..i find i can sit all day thinking about things to say,then by the time im ready its all moved on and i missed the boat lol so then i think aah well you was only going to say they look nice anyway and no one cares what i gotta say anyway...were a fkin strange bunch of potheads here pmsl.


Dude the plants im very impressed with and for 5 weeks look like their going to be great yielders and frosty as the snowman.


Take care buddy




I do forget a lot too lol and i still dont even know how to follow a diary which would probably help me a lot...fkin technology:yinyang:








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@Happy Hippy


Thank for the kind words mate.


And I know exactly where yr from I'm guilty of the same myself often enough.


Wish i never said nowt now tbh. Probably comes across like a needy Nancy lol



And slong as folks are looking the diary is doing whats meant, which is too showcase the cracking genetics being offered by our very own panik!


Top work by the man.  


Thats all ive actually done is pop them in some mud, wet em, and taken some crappy photos,  hardly work worthy of high praise issit!


Thanx for calling in and commenting all the same.


Bests dodge

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Nah man i totally get where your coming from,honest i do..if youd like to see a short diary with the interaction with maybe 3 people posting look in my seedsman grow pmsl..the thing i dont think others understand is just how difficult i find taking pics,then onto comp,then into resizing,then iinto gallery,then into diary or another subject for nobody to even comment can be very disheartening and years ago i used to think whats the point lol...these days being a little older and wiser i see it for what it is,my own ego just for a few likes..


I sit and often wonder why i dont get more involved,take the piss out of others etc but all i like to do really is read and study,show some pics of my own and hope they prove helpful to someone,anyone lol..


Take it easy dude




Eta i also think the actual breeders section can be quieter than for say just Diaries and unless your particularly looking at that breeder theres not many looking in...just my op

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I will be honest dude i stumbled into here by accident and thought id see if ya fkem up yet,pmsl....i hope that makes you feel better now and im sure some othrs will be along to slag you off you big girls blouse hahaha



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