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26 minutes ago, Michael Luchóg said:

Good stuff Dodgee .They look like a quick flowering plant ,well, I hope they are and please god they're hazy ,hairy and dank, like a burger .


Cheers mate, I'm well plz'd with how things are progressing atm tbf aye.


Fingers crossed I don't fuck it all up in the comings weeks.


You been eating stu's burgers again mike?  Careful mate...

I still not recovered from his xmas special lol 


Thanx for calling by


nice1 dodge 

Edited by Dodgee
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4 minutes ago, Dodgee said:


You been eating stu's burgers again mike?

Even when I request one without cheese ,still has some grinzola type stuff ! 

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The old goats been quiet lately..


Must have a new beau on his arm... or lap.


That or the dementia has kicked right in and he's lost his car/van/house


One or tothers lol 

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@Dodgee bloody heck matey!! .... you weren't joking were you about being finished before I even pot up lol ... I've done it now oils love you to have a peek mate .. mine are same as yours nice and tall .. strong middle stem .. looks like it will be 1 massive cola on all mines ... as I'm not topping them you see ... am excited to see how big my main cola will be!!! Anyhoo buzzing for you Dodgee mate .. keep on keeping on lol  

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Evening all, hope this finds you well!


Had a quick visit this evening and thought i'd share the skinny,


So... bad news first, the girls are all paling a little, several of the lower fans leaves have yellowed off and one or two uptop, my gut instinct is its just hunger, considering they have only been on 1ml per litre bloom till now that would kinda make sense.

There is a slight down curl on a few leaf tips but i'm more inclined to think thats heat stress atm rather than any kind of toxicity.

Looking at the pics as i uploaded them I notice some purpling of the leaf stems, i forget what that means off the top of my head but i'm sure it'll come to me.. (or if someones kind enough to point it out, or any other obvious errors i'm making for that matter,, i will be eternally greatful)


Feeds been upped to 2ml per litre for now and we will see how they react.  I also opened another passive vent and will take a spare fan down in the next few days to add an active intake to aid in airflow.


Bad news out of the way.....  First impression as i opened the tent today was the smell.. basically i thought "FUCK ME these are BUMPING!":fart::shock: :eek:  i'm not great at describing smells n such, so suffice to say i was greeted by an exceedingly pleasing aroma... very nice :rockon:

Next thing to grab the attention was the obvious and considerable weight gain in the past 7 days, i'm not exaggerating when i say these are easily the most advanced photoperiods i've ran in recent  times for size/speed of flower at the stage they are at. Trichome production is also impressive at what is only the halfway mark for flowering.


Anyways heres a few pics for your perusals, i only took two out for snapping as i was limited on time and didn't wanna stink the gaff out either, coincidentally these are all taken at day 30, so 4 weeks and 2 days, same stage as the picture panik posted back on page 3, obviously mine don't look as good as his did, but alas, i am but a mere mortal, not a grow god like some! (i aint ass kissing just credit where due like)


Full plant pics,



Main colas, no flash,



Main colas with flash,



And a few from lower down the canopy,



As always apologise for the poor pic quality but as you probably noticed by now photography is not my forteit lol 


Thanx for reading and following along this diary folks, all comments, advice and input is geatly received :yep:


Till next time,


Nice1 Dodge

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They are looking nice dodge, and you can say that again I keep hearing from people how fast and vigorous these girls are , I could have a best seller on my hands hear me thinks lol 

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21 minutes ago, panik said:

They are looking nice dodge, and you can say that again I keep hearing from people how fast and vigorous these girls are , I could have a best seller on my hands hear me thinks lol 



Make you laugh now bro,   whilst i was down there i was talking my grow partner through the plan for the next few months, so n so seeds from so n so first then so n so's from there, then these from them, plus this n that blah blah....


Anyways he let me prattle on for a cpl mins then shakes his head, waves his hand all agitated n all and he says...


 "OR we can just say 'fuck all that shit off' and just tell panik we needs more beans. Like now.  Whatever he got just send em, the whole catalog, i'll happily grow this shit for the next 2 years!"




I said no worries bro, a oner each chip in and i'll order em up no drama like, that's when he got all sheepish... gypsy fucker so he is lol   


like i always tells him....  You can drag the boy outta moorland park but you can't drag the park outta the boy...


An folk think i gotta brass neck on times! They should meet my mates lol  lol 


On a serious note though, aye, defo got a winner here mate, if these six are a good representation I'd happily reccomend them to anybody.  


thanx again for the chance to run em P


nice1 dodge

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lol sounds good bro , hit me up if you ever need more beans it be my pleasure to help you out :yep: also working on some more nice indoor but could be a few months yet..

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@Dodgee those gorillas look fantastic mate,I have 6 of them rolling now and all of them are really fighting fit and kicking the fire 99's ass (so far) either way I can't wait to see if I end up with as good a crop as yours are looking.


As for the yellowing are you sure you couldn't use a bit more grow still? 


Thanks for the morning bud porn lol


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Hi mate, lovely looking pics ! I was checking out the yellowing , I could be wrong and possibly obsessing since I recently dealt with this , the purpling on the stems and colouring of the leaves combined with the curling suggests it might be a magnesium deficiency. Have you given them any Epsom salts? 


I hope you don't mind my tuppence 




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4 hours ago, Badbadger said:

@Dodgee those gorillas look fantastic mate,I have 6 of them rolling now and all of them are really fighting fit and kicking the fire 99's ass (so far) either way I can't wait to see if I end up with as good a crop as yours are looking.


As for the yellowing are you sure you couldn't use a bit more grow still? 


Thanks for the morning bud porn lol



I could give a touch of grow but I'm gonna try upping the bloom first, the way they're packing on the weight I think they're gonna need it anyway!


Thanx for stopping in and the kind words, very much appreciated mate 

4 hours ago, Breezus said:


Hi mate, lovely looking pics ! I was checking out the yellowing , I could be wrong and possibly obsessing since I recently dealt with this , the purpling on the stems and colouring of the leaves combined with the curling suggests it might be a magnesium deficiency. Have you given them any Epsom salts? 


I hope you don't mind my tuppence 





Tuppences are always welcome mucka, by all means fill your boots!


As for magnesium, it's a possible as I like in a v.soft water area.


I top dressed with calcified seaweed at the beginning of flower though and that contains a good dose of easily available magnesium.


Ive got a bottle of mag/cal about the place so if the increased feed doesn't slow it down maybe I'll give that a bash.


Thanks for stopping by and helpful/encouraging comments.


Very much appreciated both.


Hopefully get down for another look over the weekend and we'll see where we're at then.


Nice1 Dodge

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Happy to chip in mate, nowt worse than not knowing something . I could be wrong (the packaging might tell you) but calcified seaweed may contain calcium, I'm not totally sure on the science but I know too much calcium restricts magnesium uptake. Calmag etc are designed to deliver a balance but, only if the balance exists. If there is too much calcium adding mg with calcium will nullify the mg . My water was out of balance and I needed to amend the water with Epsom salts , I did this until the plant lost the purple or displayed potassium need (K is effected by mg ) . 


I hope this is of use, I seem to have spent the last few weeks resolving thus very problem. 


Peace and ATB 


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Calcified seaweed is actually very well balanced regards Ca &Mg + a host of other micro nutrients but you may wel still be right B.


I'll keep a weather eye on them and if needs be the calmag can get dusted off.  Not used it at all since I started adding the calcified seaweed..


But you never know...


Thanx again for the advice B.


Nice1 dodge

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  • 2 weeks later...

Taken yesterday at day 37 12/12.




Got loads more but the uploader is fucking me around no end's to day for some reason.


I'll try again later when the urge to smash shit up subsides a bit.



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