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Vertical Scrog of Sog Black Jack, Cream 47, S.A.D Sweet seeds comp entry


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I have always used a green light of some kind to give me the ability to do stuff at lights off and not mess with the plants.

Both of my rooms are connected with green bulbs and on the Friday (5 days of flowering) I popped in and had a go taking pics with no flash.

You see more of what they looked like before I did the housekeeping lol.







Each room is equipped with 2 of these. Just plain old basic sprayed green bulb with a bit of tape round the bottom to cover where white light gets out. Probably not perfect in wavelength but they work , the plants cant see them and ive never had hermies or flowering issues using them. Ive even forgot to turn the fucker off and left it on for a week , no issue with the final flowering except some heat damage from directly around the bulb to the plants. Nothing major.





But of course stoned most of the bloody time inevitably I would forget to turn the green light off on quite a few occasions and no matter what I tried to remind myself it would still occasionally happen lol.

So I wired another green bulb to the outside of the room and on my own roof.

Now I can switch off the other 2 white bulbs and turn on my green ones. I can then pull out a plant if its not on the screen and have a look at her during lights off.

I have tho done the plants then turned on the white lights and had a little vape of my garage cheapo vaporiser , messed with the guitar for a while .  Then laid back in my chair and looked up and ta da , better turn off that green light .

I love it when a plan comes together



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Below you can see the Sweet Seeds on the left compared to the right and 3 mature well vegged plants.

They are nearly half way up the screen .

I will wager,  come the end, there wont be that much of a difference in the canopy.

They are still on 3.5mil per litre of Plant Magic Grow. 5mil is the max dose, but I try never to use the full recommended dose on anything I give them. A half or 2 thirds is normally just right.

As soon as I see the first Pistils I will half the grow and replace the other half with bloom, probably till week 3 begins then I will drop the grow all together .



This second week I expect there to be much more of a growth spurt as they try to increase their size , to reach maturity as quick as they can. The defoil I did will expose more of the smaller leaves to light and the plant will react by replacing them with more. I am a fairly recent convert to defoiling but I defo think it has a place in the vertical scrog.

We will see how they react to having a bit of a haircut in 7 days time

Over and out for another week




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Looking great it's great to see how far you have come in such a short space of time with vertical growing.


Staying tuned in for flowering

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Cheers chaps

time for a little update , Yesterday was 2 weeks of flowering.

They are really still in veg mode . No real signs of pistils yet , still chucking out the leaves.

All healthy and green , a little bit bigger not much of a stretch at all.

Its to be expected when you flower young seed plants, they take slightly longer to feel the 12/12.

left to right its Sad , Black jack and Crème 47




Growth is very Indica like and its hard to get anything long enough to get onto the screen till now.



The Crème 47 is slightly Leggier than the other 2 as you can see.


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This third week I'm sure I will begin to see pistils and they will be off.

I have really got every growing tip I could now tied to the screen and have given them another defoil to expose all the budsites.

They don't look pretty after this but it will help in the end , trust me lol.





This opening up of the plant is important as I want to give the whole plant the best space and light

Here you can see how much taller the crème 47s are.




They do look a right mess when they have just been tied and defoiled lol.



They are slowly creeping up the screen.



Currently they are being fed 25mil grow and 10 mil of bloom per litre

This coming week will be half and half till I see pistils and then ill drop the grow.

Temps have been around 75f , even though I've had to turn on the rad and blanket again as we had a bit of a cold snap last week .

Hopefully this will be the last boring veggy type update. I wanna start getting into some bud porn man.

Bring on the bud now my little sweet seed babies.

over and out for another week.

Week 3 is rolling




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I'm sure a few folk are willing them to grow for you mate, I know I am ;) for me defoliation slows everything down to a crawl. we all got our own style of growing :) 

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On ‎28‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 8:36 AM, rabthegrower said:

I'm sure a few folk are willing them to grow for you mate, I know I am ;) for me defoliation slows everything down to a crawl. we all got our own style of growing :) 

Cheers Rab

Believe me over the years I have never touched any leaves on the plants , preferring to tuck them than strip them.

I am beginning to see the benefits of doing it now as if the plant is left alone on the screen it will try and grow the top bits bigger than the rest and I really want overall evenness on the screen as best I can.

The recovery speed in coco is just amazing. I can strip say 15 of the largest fan leaves on Sunday and by Wednesday they will have been replaced by smaller leaves, grown as big as the ones I took off because they now have better light.

Once the pistils start then I tend to leave them alone after that.


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On ‎28‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 3:09 PM, Sweet Seeds -Jaypp said:

Very interesting diary here mate, keep us updated!

Sweet smokes :skin_up:


Cheers Jaypp,

Stick with me mate, the fun aint started yet lol.

I'm confident I will end up with some very pretty girls come the end.

7 weeks and counting


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Morning all

Ive decided to do my plant tending last night so I could get the pics , get the diary done and crack on with all the stuff I have ahead of me today.

So today we are 3 weeks in of 12/12

Temps have been stable as usual , ive still got the leccy blanket coming on but now only for part of the day .

Ive changed my times from 7 to 7 so I can get in there in the evening and have a look with the lights on.

The rad and the blanket come on at 6 am till 10 am now and back on again at 4pm till 8pm.

The weather here in kent has warmed up a bit and soon I will not need the heating at all I suspect.


So last week I left them like so , defoiled and bondaged up .





7 days later






Still not quite ready to start budding.

They are just on the verge of putting pistils out .


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As I keep saying , young plants will often be delayed in budding till they get themselves sexually mature and big enough first.

Just in case anyone is thinking 3 weeks , no pistils? must have a light leak or a dodgy timer.

here is the plant right next to them, bang into budding a week ago.



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I really cant wait for them to start flowering and showing me their individual characteristics .

At the moment they are really just vegging plants , all looking roughly the same.

Healthy and thriving, just a waiting game for them to reach maturity and begin the march to death lol 


The middle one is Black Jack






The Sad is on the left , hardly any stretch at all from her.





The Crème 47 is in the corner and has stretched the most , she is the nearest to flowering I think , I can see the beginnings of pistils with her.





The Sads are the smallest of the three so far. Its been quite difficult to get any of her bits onto the screen as she is a very stumpy indica girl . I'm thinking maybe she would be a good one to go in the place in front of the door. I could grow her to a good height knowing she wont stretch much.





The crème 47 in the corner is the nearest to budding I think. She will show first I'm sure.




Black Jack has been very vigorous and healthy indeed.





The crème 47 has grown almost as big as the girl to her right. I think she will finish near the top of the screen.



Again the Sad , slightly smaller than the Black Jack .


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So that is that , week 3 no pistils yet but I expect this week they will go crazy with budding.

They are very nearly ready . Ive done no more defoils as I have as much on the screen as I can get.

I'm just gonna leave them alone and tie anything to the screen that needs it as they grow.

I really cannot wait to see them flower. All this veg nonsense is getting old now.

I want some fucking buds , show them to me , do it you bitches this week , no more bloody leaves I want pistils now.




Anyway as week 4 commences I'm sure they will kick off and it will be rapid once they do start.

I can visualize them in 4 weeks or so all spread out on the screen , wall to wall bud hopefully.

over and out


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Loving your set up and effort you put into the vert screen.  Budsites should appear anytime now. :unsure: 

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