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Breezus , Sweetness and Chaos theory Competition entry


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et tu @Breezus


Sorry just had to, its all your fault for having a B at the start of your nick ;)


Seriously couple of cool updates though mate keep up the great work! :oldtoker:

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@Fragg I see you suffered through it in English lol


Really appreciate the props mate thanks very much. I'm slowly figuring out the diary thing . Now I need one of those vapes like yours :naughty:

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id say your growing lettuces cos those are little gems ..

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First March Update : :yahoo:


Well, its getting on in the competition and I knew I was going to have to push them a wee bit to get them big enough for 6.5l homes in time for full flower. Cream Caramel is looking darker with the extra N in her diet as I added 0.5ml/l of Fish Mix to her feed and I'm still adding 3ml/l of Bio Rhizo to get her root ball nice and healthy.



As you can see (above) she has gotten over her water issues like a star. Good healthy girl from whats looking like strong genetics. 


Looking at her just after her latest feed (below) she droops a touch still, unlike her bunk mate as you will see.



Having them under MH right from sprouting means there is always a chance of exaggerated stretch , but, as you can see (below) she is staying reasonably compact



I also included a shot for scale to see her height nect to a 2 litr milk bottle




Here you can see a better view of the inter-nodal stacking



Ice Cool on the other hand has really taken off in height and to demonstrate here they are side by side 



You can see how the structure is very different with regard to stretch and general build. That said, Ice lacks nothing genetically as she is strong as an Ox and her buds will hopefully reflect this :thumsup:




Colour is looking better on Ice too :flex:




I will be trimming the bottom few bits off her and keeping the side branching focused on the tops to try to make up for a shortened veg... I will be adding Fish mix to both their feeds earlier than I had planned if only to load up before flower as I expect Ice to stretch a bit.


And now some more of that Sweet Shameless Promotion!



Early next week will be Forever Home time , complete with RootPorn and perhaps the occasional Ninja Squirrel :rockon:, Until then thanks again for sneaking a peek and remember its ok to squeeze her buds as long as shes matured :cheers:

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Ninja squirrel aye! I play this with my wife not sure if your version is the same thing but I love it :yep: 


they looking nice mate keep it up :bong:

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@Fragg it is shameless I know but it's all I have as I'm crap with paint lol , thanks for stopping by mate. I'm off to do the rounds on diaries shortly, just making a coffee first :yes:

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Hello all from chaosville , well I apologize for my absence but dealing with local authorities can really put a cramp in your grow , you know what I mean? Anyway, this is a pre-update update ... I'm just getting ready to pot up the 2 girls so I will be back later with root porn and tunes. 


In the meantime I thought I'd update the thrips war. Having tried  conventional warfare methods (sticky traps, neempalm and even deployed ground troops ; nematodes) and only managed to keep the numbers down but, the silver marks on the leaves and the slow development continued. I extended my search to the keepers of the ancient knowledge and learned of organic treatment using "spinosad" . Captain Jack arrived and the effected canopy was suitably sprayed . 



Ah, I love the sound of insect genocide lol


I'm as happy as a happy boy with a special reason for being happy ... see you soon and thanks for bearing with me.

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They are breezing along nicely Bz and you have got those fat Sweet Seeds fingers to a real pleasant shade of green...... :magic:

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@DomTong thanks mate, glad you stopped by :smokin:



Now, anyone under the age of 21 should ask an adult for permission to view the next segment ... Its ROOT PORN TIME!!!!


First up is Ice Cool, Ice is a leggy green girl :




You'll see she is a tad droopy, I am sure other people have a different approach but, I like to pot up when they are thirsty so I can get the roots active in the new expanse

quickly. I find this gets them going straight away after potting up. I use a mix of bio rhizo and mycorrihaz fungi granules every pot up for better root vigour...




I was happy with the root ball Ice has formed in spite of the water and thrips issues. She is a strong girl which bodes well for buddage! I realise she wont reach her potential this time due to time constraints in veg 

so I am tentatively hopeful of a good harvest given her start. Now that she is in her new boots she should hopefully have a good spurt before flowering begins in less than 2 weeks...



Now, Cream Caramel, much shorter more compact lady who after the first pot up was showing an even better root network than Ice, now we will see if that has continued...




I am very happy with her development and her root ball. I've now moved her into her forever home given her the new home tonic I mentioned earlier. 




Below you can see how tight the inter spacing is on Cream caramel, very different to Ice Cool and there will be no chance of a level canopy this time our lol




Well, I think its safe to say I have bored anyone daring enough to still be visiting and enduring this "real time" (paint drying has nothing on me) diary

slowly and painfully unfold.  Before I go I just I should let you know, you should sleep well tonight knowing that ....




Super Squirrel  is looking out for all things green (and a little nutty)


Until the next time, keep your nuts in a sack lest SS nabs em :smokin:

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