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Hola Granjeros Sweet Seeds Auto Fantasico


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Gateway plant, my sentiments exactly!


Wow bob your passion and enthusiasm for no till growing really does show, you make it sound so easy, and I love the idea of having the plant decide for itself what to "eat" and when.


Brilliant stuff this diary, congrats on being nominated :skin_up:

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Thanks very much for the kind comments guys. 


There's been something afoot in the last couple of days I tell you. I wondering if Vince has been tinkering or if its spilled over from diary... 


First I had a filling come out whilst flossing. I hardly ever floss and now i know why! Floss wedged, gave it a yank, filling flew across the bathroom Wasn't pretty.... fucking hurt! Second and potentially more serious i found my fan had come away from the filter a bit...I fixed it or so I thought......then checked a bit later and had come off again. In the process of sorting that properly i knocked a fan and the fucker fell down into the canopy...:russian:  Voodoo I tell you, Voodoo!





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Day 53 .....Stemgate

So I looked down and the fan had bounced off the beautiful organic Cream Mandarin. A forlorn stem flapped in the breeze.  A bit of rubber wire later and open heart surgery was performed. Touch and go and the next 48hrs will be critical for her chances of survival. lol All fingers considered got off light. Whether shes heals this late in the grow ....well lets see the power of the Cream Mandarine!






Other than that shes looks SWEET.....with a nice fruity sweet smell starting to emit with nice sticky buds and starting to fatten up. Looks like got a another 2 weeks at least at the moment :) 












Sweet Cream Mandarin



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Day 53 Cont....

It wasn't all bad news though......I'd got busy earlier and stripped a few leaves off the later to be A&E Mandarin. They got a quick chop and added to the mulch






We had a little peek under the mulch and the worms were having a right little orgy. They'd been devouring the malted Barley powder and working there way through the mulch at a rate of knotts. Have a look in that lot below, and its pretty much all fresh worm castings. I swear they weren't as fat as that a few weeks ago lol 


For a chance to win a stunning mystery prize how many worms can you see....:hippy:







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Meanwhile the Dark Devil swells to become more menacing by the day....Shes smells really blackberryish. Sticks your fingers together like superglue....





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@bobnudd hey buddy great updates as per from you mate and quality pics too, pics of worm orgies always does it for me ;) Jealous of your flowers too they look lovely and a tad more impressive than my leaves :)


Congrats on fixing her up so well Dr Bob and at least the damage isnt too tragic mate......unlike your tooth! Wtf are you flossing for life is just too short for crap like that lol 


ATB for this week mate :oldtoker:




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this is way more organic than just buying some bottles that say organic on the front.  I might try something like this this summer, I been looking for a summertime project. I could start my soil soon and get it living before the summer starts ;) 

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2 hours ago, rabthegrower said:

this is way more organic than just buying some bottles that say organic on the front.  I might try something like this this summer, I been looking for a summertime project. I could start my soil soon and get it living before the summer starts ;) 

You won't regret it :) 


@bobnudd Looking lovely mate, I love the casting at the top of the pots, the system is working well :yep: Love it. 

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@rabthegrower, as Ska says mate, do it. Love to see you have a try with a couple,cause you're turning out beautiful plants the way you grow, so whats to loose. Only more strings to your bow...be warned though its potentially a rabbit hole! Ska is doing beautiful in his garden, have butchers if you've not seen his dairy.


@Ska, thanks man, almost time for the chop....then we'll see how a couple of long flowering sativa get on in there....could be interesting :D  


@Sweet Seeds -Jaypp cheers bud, appreciate the support you guys are giving out on these forums :)



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Day 55

Hola all, hope you've been having a fine weekend. Been blowing a hoolie here, but a good day walking the hound and chilling with my missus....although she has declared shes fed up with 'my equipment for growing cannabis all over the house....' I think what might have pushed her over the edge was finding the worm bin in the kitchen lol  Temporarily distracted and all that. Anyway, as any wise man know you heed to that kind of statement. Needles to say I've tided my shit up!


Rapidly approaching chop day the Dark Devil, and she seems to be crashing out at a rate of knots. Starting to fade away and the leaves getting darker. its not easy to show in the pictures, but her top leaves are turning a dark purple and the buds taking on a lilac hue. Pretty lady.  Most of the grow shes been giving out a really nice berry smell, but the last week or so shes living up to the Devil name, and becoming almost chemical like to the nose, really pungent almost sick smell! lol Meaty. Either way i'm looking forward to trying her. 


Got the scope out and had a look at her, mostly clear / cloudy. So i reckon shes got another few days to a week in her. Good job as i have a few days away coming up...so shes going to be on autopilot to Thursday / Friday.






























Further Down her, its thick with bud, all the way down to the base pretty much. The buds and still pumping out white pistils. Difficult to get a proper look in there, but have a gander into the nether regions. 









The Cream Mandarin's are ticking along no bother and doing what they should. Starting to fatten, but i can see another 7-14 days at least at the moment. The girl in the organics is flawless bar a couple of tips, and got a nice peppery smell to her. Quite delicate The bottled lass has got a similar aroma, considerable less frost on her at the moment, but shes holding in there and not gone down hill so happy with that. Good ol' fishmix.




Girls just had water this week, and tbh nothing more to do bar watch em. I added a bit of Ful-Power to one watering. As a fulvic acid its supposed to help cycle some of the nutes locked up quicker . 


This is how its described by the scientists....it sounds fucking cool to me. So basically I've made life..... lol :realcool:  The real reason was that i'm thinking that i'm running out of steam in these here pots, so wanted to try and eek out whats there without adding anymore top dress at this point. 


Fulvic acid has proven to be a powerful organic electrolyte, serving to balance cell life. If the individual cell is restored to its normal chemical balance and thereby in turn its electrical potential, we have given life where death and disintegration would normally occur within plant and animal cells.[6] Fulvic acid has the outstanding ability to accomplish this objective in numerous ways. [7]


Fulvic acid readily complexes with minerals and metals making them available to plant roots and easily absorbable through cell walls. It makes minerals such as iron, that are not usually very mobile, easily transported through plant structures. Fulvic acids also dissolve and transport vitamins, coenzymes, auxins, hormones, and natural antibiotics[18]



The other vital ingredient in any Organic grow is Getas. Nothing touches it for topdressing your popadoms, or giving your seedlings a boost upto the the god light!






And hear they are, the Sweet Seeds ladies doing the business. Many fine things to come out of Spain, Sweet Seeds are one of them. I love Spain, the Spanish, and not getting to maudlin, I'm gutted we are leaving the EU chaps. Was eyeing up an move in a few years..who knows now! lol  Cream Maudlin..... :) 




Peace all keep it green, keep it real, keep it sweet :yep: 

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Great update from you mate and harvest is drawing near I see:yahoo: Congrats on tidying up too I'm always getting berated for leaving my crap around, luckily my missus is just as bad except with soap making so I have something to throw back at her :)


Loved the David Bellamy hiding in the undergrowth was wondering where he'd been all these years :) I actually worked at the same lab as him many moons ago but never saw him there, was his days of TV stardom I think.


I heat ya on loving Spain and wanting to move there my plan has always been to move back to Greece with my Greek wife but The EU have devastated her country so despite inheriting land it's looking a bad move unless we want all our money to be taken by the Germans. I think you will find quite a lot of antipathy towards the EU in Southern Europe, it's just a shame we didn't have a leader with some balls to take us in a direction the people of Europe could all get behind. What am I thinking placing hope in politicians :wanker:


One thing is is for sure we are all part of a global ganja family :yinyang:

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Thanks dude. Tiring work this diary lark hey…?! :wacko:


You worked with David Bellamy…. Now that is a cool claim to fame. Apparently he’s 84 now and still going strong. Way ahead of his time on many fronts that man. This may be going over the Spanish boys heads mind. Think of him as the environmental equivalent of Antonio Banderas :) 


Mate, the not the place to debate the whole EU question, but for all its faults, better together was my view point, especially when the world is as turbulent as it seems currently. Greece has been truly shafted by all accounts, but if you are looking to retire mate…..well could well be your own little slice of heaven. More rain in a month where you are I bet lol . This country is truly under a blue cloud now mate, can’t see anyone but those :soap:  running the country for the foreseeable. More hate than love.  


The GGF…..could be a political movement right there my friend!


Right enough bollocktics….this is my escapism from all that depressing real world malarkey!

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