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A sweet journey - Competition entry -

Guest Key4

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@@Key4 been reading the diary with interest. beginning to look like spaghetti junction both above and below the surface! very nice work indeed. doing these next year so will be following

best of luck with the rest

Edited by Elvis Reg
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Jeeeeesus @@Key4 what the hell! how do you get roots like this?? looking reall good mate

This made me chuckle ------>

Trying to do stuff after 2 killer kush blunts isnt easy. first when doing a bit of cleaning i snapped the top off lol.gif

Then when cutting the stump off i cut off another top off russian.gif

lol lol lol

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04/03/2017 - Crystal Candy

Day 26

Temps 26 Night - 24 day humidity 35-50ish

Tied her up a bit. shes getting bushy now.I use earth sleaving because its soft and stretchy tied to the pot.

No nutes just water still.Shes got a nice strong structure.

Ive been messing with my new dremel making a twin 150w reflector because i dont think 150w is covering the full 60cm. My old 250w blue cfl covered 40x40 so it makes sense to add another soon.




4 more weeks till flip .

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4 more weeks til flip ? ...damn dude that tent is gonna be crammed packed with that plant ..good luck chap

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08/03/2017 - Crystal Candy

Day 30

Temps 26 Night - 25 day humidity 50-60ish

The missus went out so i got her out the tent for feeding/maintenance .Gaff stinks now .

Having a few rusty leaf issues ,Probably from the last water she had was a bit cold so ive put her on a heat mat after feeding.

Also growth is a little pail and slight yellowing on old leafs so she got fed.

0.5ml/l fish mix

1ml/l cal mag

E2a. To train her i pinned down the 7 branches than keep opening into a cup shape moving the ties up a nodes every few days. I tuck any leafs blocking light or pluck them off if they cant be tucked.







Structures a bit thin ill put a bigger fan in get the stems thick.



Going to do a move around and get her in the bigger tent in a week or two.


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12/01/2017 - Crystal Candy

Day 34

Temps 26 Night - 24 day humidity 40-50ish

Potted up in 15L bucket of pm soil. Same as before covered the root ball in mycorrmax and watered in well.Still having rusty leaf issues im hoping a heat mat will solve it.

Bucket (No mop though :no: )


Before potting top.






Underneath .


After potting And pinned down.



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"She's getting wide now!"

A sentence that in certain circumstances is guaranteed to obtain ones self a royal slap amidst the chops area lol

but in this case not lol

Filling out the space nicely @@Key4 , Sure she'll reward the effort put in :yep:

Peace :hippy:

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