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Critical Mass CBD, Fun Fun Fun


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Mmmmmmmm the finest part of cropping.

Don't feel down today mate I'm response to your other diary, just put some nice music on and chill.

in a week all what your stressing about will feel less then now and in a month you will think back and realise there was nothing to worry about.

Chin up mate I got months before harvest you lucky lad, this mix always makes life feel a little better.

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As you said everything happens for a reason. Next week you should be better off as you won't have to top up your gas :).

I know a few people on pre payment meters. Have you put in for the home warm discount? . We did and got £140 to put on the gas or split between gas and electric :)

You may have missed this year but look it up mate. 140£ even if you put it all on gas will be a boost :)

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark indeed I did mate, just waiting for it to come through. I did chase it up a few months ago, and was told they had no way ofcchecking when it would be sent.....but I have got it coming. I did start a thread letting people know when I discovered it. Anything is a bonus. Your right though.....I won't freeze this month,in fact I could even run a bath as opposed to the electric shower. lol

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That's the way to look at it bud, at least you won't be cold :yep:

Tis only but a delay really mate and well looking at the nugz you have in here, someone's gonna be busy anthoo :D Fine example of growing Sy and the training certainly has paid off

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@@botanics your kind words are very welcome me old china.

Well it is getting ever closer, the hand shears have turned up just waiting on the fine tip scissors now.

I have got quite attached to the ladies, might even apologize when I cut the branches lol. Think I will just take one at a time out,leaving the lamps on. Plan to start the early hours, but when the sun rises on Friday morning it will be hanging and I will have a nice bit of sscissor hash for breakfast.

Speaking of smoking, I only have a small piece of hash left to smoke. So this afternoon I will be making a call for my last 20 bag. Hooray!!!!!

Keep them jars full.

Edited by sy100276
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Here's to getting your jars full and keeping them that way. Glad you got onto the hwd it help a lot :)

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark it will be nice when it finally arrives,at this rate Iwill be aapplying for the next one before this one arrives. But free electric for a few months is worth the wait.

Oh and the bag of bud turned up,and what would you know.....god damn wet, could of dried some if mine rather that drying crappy bud. The bag had a nice big stalk which was a lovely bonus. Oh well at least the girls buds can swell a bit more before I get the gloves on and get trimming. Only ever done a single plant up until now, so this will be a mission. I think it took me maybe 2 or 3 hours? So that means I should give myself a good 6 hours with smoke and brew breaks. My 3am start might be pushing it, maybe midnight would be better. It is aweek day so i cant see my neighbor being up. Going to grab a can of ona mist tomorrow, along with some scissors.... Just in case the ordered ones don't arrive,and I will save them for the ak.

That's about all,think the bud is dry now.....isn't it a good job I put the extra gas on, see things do happen for a reason.

Toodle pip

Edited by sy100276
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@@Dinafem-Mark it will be nice when it finally arrives,at this rate Iwill be aapplying for the next one before this one arrives. But free electric for a few months is worth the wait.

Oh and the bag of bud turned up,and what would you know.....god damn wet, could of dried some if mine rather that drying crappy bud. The bag had a nice big stalk which was a lovely bonus. Oh well at least the girls buds can swell a bit more before I get the gloves on and get trimming. Only ever done a single plant up until now, so this will be a mission. I think it took me maybe 2 or 3 hours? So that means I should give myself a good 6 hours with smoke and brew breaks. My 3am start might be pushing it, maybe midnight would be better. It is aweek day so i cant see my neighbor being up. Going to grab a can of ona mist tomorrow, along with some scissors.... Just in case the ordered ones don't arrive,and I will save them for the ak.

That's about all,think the bud is dry now.....isn't it a good job I put the extra gas on, see things do happen for a reason.

Toodle pip

This does really make me sad mate :(. I'm back to crappy Street weed to mate. It's been several years since I've not had my own supply and I must say what the heck has gone on.

The last time I brought was from a old hippy that my dad knew og chocolate Thai for £120/Oz or it could be cali o but always top quality. This was 8 years ago and it's only this last year that I'm unable to grow so have to buy from the street or family.

I thought a 1/8th for £20 was 3.5g not 1.8g of terrible wet untrimmed bud. I've come to the conclusion I'm not buying anymore and will try to get more plants at a friends.

The uk Street weed is horrible. Keep growing your own all :)

All the best


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Street weed is hit and miss mate I find nowadays, 3.5g for 20 quid though, not round these here parts more like 10 quid a g, sometimes ok, sometimes not so, always cut too early and dried too quickly though.

Dealer weed is all I've had until these girls comedown, I never ever want to have to see a dealer again and feel for you mate ;)

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Just been flicking through, great thread and your plants look as though yhey have produced for you! ;)

Edited by Sun Maid Rosin
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@@Dinafem-Mark I am with you never again. But as @@botanics it is a bit if of hit and miss round here. But last night just took the piss, not a happy camper.

@@Sun Maid Rosin good to see you mate, your here at the right time......harvest time.

Not really much to report, but the special snips have arrived,along with some more organic papers (think I might need them)

The fun starts about midnight, but like the song says "its 420 somewhere".

Off to have a brew and some lunch.

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You getting it on tonight are you dude ? :D I'm well jealous, it's soo hard at this stage, every time I look at the girls now I'm like "I having you soon my lovelies, won't be long now and we are gonna have some fun" lol

Enjoy the evening bud, oh and the cream that comes after cleaning those cutters too :stoned:

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@@botanics that's right my friend, I am happy with the amount of pistils that have browned off, checked with a scope and mostly milky is the order of the day.

I am well excited, a bit daunting though..... 2 plants,good nights work me thinks. Don't know what I will do when I have 4 in 11l pots, but I guess that is a good problem to have.lol.

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Enjoy the sticky fingers @@sy100276. Hope you get what your looking for once dry. Whatever is there is sure going to be nice.

Time seems to just fly when your trimming. I love having a fat j on the go and get wrecked doing it. It makes it much easier to deal with when you try too rip one leaf off and the top of a nugget comes with it. Rrrrrr so annoying.

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Best of luck with the harvest mate :). You should have a bit of scissors hash to tide you over. Then about 7 days you'll have some fine bud and trim to use :)

Keep us posted mate

All the best


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