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Critical Mass CBD, Fun Fun Fun


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@@1lastchance I agree mate,just a snip in the wrong place and plop,a nugget drops off. Hopefully the snips I now have should give me a bit more accurate snip.

@@Dinafem-Mark thanks man, I have maybe a couple of joints left,and then I am out till the snips get cleaned off...... Mmmmmm scissor hash. But I must be strong and resist until the end. Because a joint of that at half time and the second won't get chopped lol. The trim will go straight in the freezer.

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Good morning friends.

Well they were taken at midnight, do the end of day 51 (4 days early). As I have mentioned trichomes were cloudy and pistils had turned maybe 70-80%.

Didn't take me that long,maybe 2 hours a plant. I did snip a few smaller nugs off to dry them a bit quicker. But the colas were hung on 2 lines in the tent,with everything off apart from the extraction. Temp at the min is 70f humidity is 36%.

I saved the scissor hash until I had finished. This was a good thing,as once I had enjoyed it, the next thing I remember is waking up on the sofa lol.

Anyway, here are a few pics........






Edited by sy100276
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Nice to see you've had a good harvest mate. Only a week to 10 days then you will have some primo bud to smoke :)

Nice job and great diary. Thank you for the support and doing such a good job with our strain.

Thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

Enjoy your harvest mate

All the best


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@Mr PM thanks man, yes scissor hash is soooooooo nice,but goes so quick.

@@Clumsy thanks for the kind words. I plan to smoke and bake some eddible goodies. Oh and there is a carrier bag half full of trim that is calling me from the freezer.

@@1lastchance your right mate,just starting to feel more human. Hooray no more shit deals, soon I will just crack open the kilner.rather than wasting credit and money on crap deals.

@@kyle28 nice to see you. Happy days indeed.

Well folks,I feel a bit emotional as this diary will soon be finished. But the ak are alive and kicking, so at least Ihave ssomething to keep me occupied lol. I am very happy with the harvest, didn'teexpect to get so much. The colas are very dense and solid without any give when squeezed. Which I think is a good sign of things to come,but like I have always said 150g dry is my aim. As that should last me until the ak are down. Bit of news with the next run of seeds, I offered my services to test some seeds for madgiz. Only been taken up on the offer! So the next seeds to be cracked will be (drum roll).........bangi haze f2.

That's all for this update, have my tea and an early night might be on the cards.

Take care and stay baked.

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Well done buddy :yahoo: Knockout for sure then than scissor smoke eh lol

Enjoy the fruits mate, you've earned 'em :yep: oh and you lucky fugga, getting to run those Bangi haze F2's I must be rubbing peeps up the wrong way or summat lol

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Good evening and welcome to almost the final entry in this diary.

The branches were hung in the tent, with a temp of 68-70f humidity was about 35% if I remember. Four days later some were snap dry,as others had a bit of give to them. I then thought it would be a good time to brown bag them. So I snipped the buds from the branches and in to a brown bag they went. Over the next 48 hours the bag was opened every 8 hours or so,and the buds were moved about,kind of like tossing a salad I guess. That brings us to the present day, as I have now Jared the buds to cure. They will be burped regularly to let any excess moisture out and to let fresh air in.

Well I have been pretty baked since Fri, bet I will lay off the smoke report till it has cured for a week. But it is a very melow stone,music sounds good with a joint of this. Top job dinafem-mark, and all at dina-fem.

The final part that remains for this entry is the final weight........140.06g, ten grammes short of my target but if you include the odd sample bud, I think I would of done the 150g. So I am really happy,unlike the ak at the moment.

Thanks for reading,and help yourself to a bud and wrap one up, kettles on.

Off to get baked.







Edited by sy100276
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Lovely little nuggets of goodness :D Good stuff Sy, don't smoke it all at once now ;) (says me the greedy bastard when I got plenty) lol

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@@botanics I will try to pass myself buddy, plan to make some brownies at some point.

Certainly cheered me up. Lovely jubbly. Time for my.happy dance,now where did I leave the gimp suit lol

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Hello Sy and a belated happy new year too you ;)

Just had a catch up read there,the electric mix up made me chuckle lol

So you got there in the end I read,goodman. And just missed your target by 10gs does that include the samples? haha

2016 will be a good year for you with your new tent and experience you`ll smash them targets.

Nice looking buds mate,enjoy your well earned fruits.



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