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Discussions on Islam

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A woman who doesn't believe in gender equality, interesting, may I ask why not?

I don't think she's saying that sam.

Maybe just that she's not an 'extremist' feminist if you will...

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Yep they do and quite right, I've no problem with them sending over drones to fight IS.

Rather that than put our troops in the firing line.

It's your opinion that I'm ignorant to what the governments do its my opinion that your ignorant when it comes to Islam and the growth of extremists and extremist teachings within Islam.

I'm not for one minute saying every Muslim is bad, unfortunately though its these extremists that are heard all the time and not the Muslims who go about their life like the rest of us.

I'm on the planet where in my opinion the biggest threat we currently face is Islamic extremism? Are you going to tell me I'm wrong, is there something out there that you consider more of a threat, and don't say the governments, that would just be silly.

This is some straight up tabloid shite. Really? The biggest threat we face is Islamic extremism? Really? I'm not even sure where to start.......cancer? Heart disease maybe, climate change, how about a fucking tree falling on your head.

What a stupid post.

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Guest bazzad9

This is some straight up tabloid shite. Really? The biggest threat we face is Islamic extremism? Really? I'm not even sure where to start.......cancer? Heart disease maybe, climate change, how about a fucking tree falling on your head.

What a stupid post.

the biggest threat we face is people that soak up and beleive this rubbish :rofl:

Edited by bazzad9
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Let me rephrase it, the biggest threat of mass killings come from Islamic extremists, the biggest threat to world peace in general is Islamic extremists.

The biggest threat to our way of life is Islam, in 30-50 years times the numbers of Muslims in certain countries and possibly here will give them real political clout.

Oh and what was that in the news today another attack by an Islamic extremist group killing mostly children, shocked? No not really thats what they do on a very regular basis.

Its no surprise really that I'm the only one voicing my opinion on this, most people on this site wouldn't dare say how they really feel about this subject for fear of the lefty liberal brigade ganging up, personally I couldn't give a toss, its the lefty liberals who will let this go until its out of control and on your doorstep.

You lot are more concerned about how many people American and UK drones kill in the past few years in the Middle East, what was it 2500 or there abouts?

How about IS has killed that many innocents last month alone, but god forbid we do anything about it, lets just say all Muslims are good and we should leave their countries alone and let them slaughter all the innocents they want.

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Guest bazzad9


the biggest threat from mass killings are the troops we support

and also the biggest threat to world peace is us and our friends

your are blinkered mate

in fact its clear you have no idea what you are talking about ,you have taken a snapshot of history and gone with it ,forgetting what lead to that snapshot

Edited by bazzad9
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I can see both sides.

Yes we and our allies have played a huge part in the historical events leading to the present situation.

But even if we take all responsibility. And say yes its all our fault. We did this. We are the war criminals.

Does that excuse the actions of these people? Of course it doesn't.

And how DO we deal with the situation?

We have a huge number of armed men, there mobile, have good communications and by all accounts a fairly large financial backing as well.

And there handing out pamphlets giving tips on how to rape there kafir slaves.

There intent on capturing and convert as large a piece of territory as possible and don't mind how many people get killed, raped or tortured in the process.

What do we do? Sit on our hands and forget about it?

Can we do that? Particularly if we are to accept that it's all our fault? Surely if the situation is of our making shouldn't we do something about sorting it out???

Genuine question.

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Guest bazzad9


very good points mate ....what do we do ?

forgetting the past etc .....i honestly think that is a question worthy of its own thread

i suppose for a start infrastructure for the people whilst taking on the taliban or isis in a systamatic way ....im not convinced defeating them all out was the aim to begin with .....the rat catcher not wanting to eradicate rats sort of thing

definatly a worthy discussion though .....nice one ....ill have a bit of a think on it

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I think it's a valid enough question too bazz.

Feel free to start another thread on the subject if you like.

I think what it boils down too in my mind is though, that the issue won't be resolved once and for all, without some level of violent intervention.

It's inevitable. From a numbers angle even. There's just no way anybody in the world is going to be able to rationalise every single fighter/jihadist/extremist/radical call them what you will.. There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. Even if only a fraction of a percent of those fall into one of the above categories that's still a hell of a lot of angry/violent/irrational people to somehow subdue.

That's a lot to ask from a "hearts and minds" campaign...

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Guest bazzad9


i dont think it will be resolved without some sort of violence towards the extremists ,i have no problem with that ,the big issue is how do we go about that without recruiting more for them

we have to show that they can trust us and we are slowly building some sort of country for them

i have no problem with fighting them ,maybe the answer is for them to be able to fight them thereselves ,definatly food for thought

but i will say this topic as good as it is doesnt change the arguments from history as a defense against anti islam stuff ,it has to be considered when discussing it ,and it is a solid argument .......if we cant convince those safely tucked away on our shores we are staring on the wrong foot .....this just feeds the war machine (getting public support i mean )

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You see where this goes though yes?

I agree with all of the above. As does anybody of rational mind.

We know it was our violent interventions around the world that caused at least part of these problems, we acknowledge that further intervention is likely to be counter product in our overall aim. Yet for moral, social and god forbid I say it financial reasons we have to intervene in ways that will only cause more grief and suffering for all concerned.

Even we can't honestly say we know what else to do. We can could start a thread but it would rapidly descend into a circular argument...

What I'm getting at is that "the islam problem' as some call it has become a self perpetuating myth.

Worse. It's done better. It's become a self perpetuating problem/fact.

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Guest bazzad9

Worse. It's done better. It's become a self perpetuating problem/fact.

yes that is the heart of the problem now definatly

i think though to be honest i dont think i know enough of the politics on the ground to make a worthwhile opinion on how to solve it

i think my battle is here at home trying to change the minds of the "its islam " brigade ,or at least pointing out why they are wrong

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the biggest threat from mass killings are the troops we support

and also the biggest threat to world peace is us and our friends

your are blinkered mate

in fact its clear you have no idea what you are talking about ,you have taken a snapshot of history and gone with it ,forgetting what lead to that snapshot

Ye okay I have no idea what I'm talking about, coming from the guy who a few posts back claimed Muslims were are minority even though they are in fact second only to christians and who also claimed the Islamic religion is shrinking yet yet its actually the fastest growing religion on the planet.

As for our troops being the biggest threat for mass killings in the world its pretty clear to me what type of person you are, you don't believe in armed forces in fact are clearly against them.

Our troops have killed a small fraction of innocent people compared to Islamic extremist terrorist groups and if you can't acknowledge that at least then there is no point in disgusing this any further.

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Guest bazzad9


yep you dont know what your talking about ,the minority is those that do bad stuff

and i said religion in general was declining not islam ..........maybe if you read stuff properly you wouldnt post nonsense

and no im not against armed forces ...they are needed .....i object to how there being used .....another strawman out the way

we have killed a small fraction of innocents ....really ,you have numbers to back that up ?

not that it matters to much it doesnt take many and the numbers only reflect deaths your going to quote ...if any ....what about the after effects ,,,those that die a week later from injuries ...the families that lose the bread winner etc etc ,communities destroyed

have you heard the fear drones put into people living under them ?......and your scared .......pull the other one mate

claim im not worth discussing it with if you want ,or need a get out but im more than willing to show you where you are wrong

it is all a direct result of our actions in other countries ....with no legal basis i might add .....bush's holy war with his lacky blair ......and you are falling for it

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