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Discussions on Islam

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  • 1 month later...

I think its a load of bollocks in this day and age of science of what we know' from how the universe was formed and evolution.How we can believe in magical being's on the say so of a few lunatics who here voices if it happend now we would think they were mad.plus screw being Muslim or Jewish I'd sooner cut my bollocks off than give up a smoky bacon and egg butty no offence intended

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Religion is just a tool for the powerful imo has been since day 1 i have always said i don't get how we've moved forward but religion is still believed. Its abit like the who national thing. The whole us and them thing suits a few people and the rest of us pay the price. That said just like im free to not believe in religion people can believe what they want. If they aren't forcing others to live their way then i couldn't give a shit and they can get on with it

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Well if religion on a whole is declining then Islam is more likely to become the worlds biggest religion even quicker as its the fastest growing religion where as your claiming other religions are shrinking as you say religion on a whole is shrinking so it must be all the rest as Islam is very much on the rise.

Strange as the numbers of Christians world wide has been on the rise so I'd be interested where your getting the idea religion is shrinking on a whole.

And yes our troops and American troops and aliied troops have killed a fraction of innocent civilians compared to Islamic terrorist groups, unless you want to start including WW1, WW2, Vietnam etc then maybe not but I'm really talking about in the Middle East, Africa etc all the places where Islamic terrorists are active and also where we have been or are currently active in fighting them.

Islam was listed on wiki as the world largest religion only a couple of years ago or so. It has been changed since then, for unknown reasons.

As for the rest of your post WALOB.

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  • 1 month later...

Let me rephrase it, the biggest threat of mass killings come from Islamic extremists, the biggest threat to world peace in general is Islamic extremists.

The biggest threat to our way of life is Islam, in 30-50 years times the numbers of Muslims in certain countries and possibly here will give them real political clout.

Oh and what was that in the news today another attack by an Islamic extremist group killing mostly children, shocked? No not really thats what they do on a very regular basis.

Its no surprise really that I'm the only one voicing my opinion on this, most people on this site wouldn't dare say how they really feel about this subject for fear of the lefty liberal brigade ganging up, personally I couldn't give a toss, its the lefty liberals who will let this go until its out of control and on your doorstep.

You lot are more concerned about how many people American and UK drones kill in the past few years in the Middle East, what was it 2500 or there abouts?

How about IS has killed that many innocents last month alone, but god forbid we do anything about it, lets just say all Muslims are good and we should leave their countries alone and let them slaughter all the innocents they want.

Elo your a fool, I truly feel very sorry for you. Hitler must of been Muslim! Board up your front doors, the muslamic fundamentalists in there tubans are coming. Their numbers are increasing and they are coming to ruin your life...ahhhhh

The biggest threat to 'your way of life' is your way of life!

Muslims don't cause cancer, your dirty eating, alcohol drinking, filthy polluted western air, caused by you, Is doing that.

Your selfish ways and ego obsessed competition to better your brother, are causing the global warming.

The biggest threat to world peace and of mass killings, is because of you and your greed fuelled and ignorant(blinkered)ways. If someone stole my oil and killed my brother all in one foul swoop, then rubbed salt into the wounds, by claiming to the rest of the selfish sheepish western world, that it was my own fault, and that I am a threat!!... I too would do whatever I could to fucking fight back and balance those scales of justice!

The last person who decided to persecute and say an entire religion was wrong was Adolf hitler. The last person to invade a nation unlawfully was Adolf hitler, he managed to wipe out 6 million Jews. He was not Muslim.

Why on earth does nobody seem to be to bothered about mr Vladimir Putin? His scatty unexplained ways are your 2nd biggest threat, second to your lack of education, greed, and willingness to be a sheep. Now join the flock and keep on living in fear of the wolf.

Just stick to growing weed mate, your actually good at that!

And share your crop with a Muslim brother from another mother, use those things on the side of your head, and maybe he will enlighten you over a few tokes!

P.s don't worry your fluffy little coat, the muslamics are not on their way. They are already here lol. And I love them, and I love Jews, and I love Christians... I love them. As fucking gullible and ridicolous as they are. Religious fools.

Peace to the Middle East

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What if a nation invaded England cos we make the best pastys? And they killed your brother and your mates and your uncle, and took all the pastys? Then fucked off with a fuck load of pastys and pies, and told the world it was the English that we're threatening us and the English are a threat to our way of living.

Or the school bully comes up to you, nicks your lunch money, and he and his henchmen goons, beat you up and smash your friends faces in to... Then proceeds to tell the teachers that you are the bully and you and your mates threaten the greater good?

Would you be happy mr Elo?

Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights.. They won't give up the fight!

Bastard greed!

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  • 1 month later...

don't get me started on this subject !! we cant fly the flags of our great country because it disrespects' their religion but they can march through the streets of our capital flying the black flag of Islamic state and sprouting off about killing and beheading our soldiers on the field of battle or on our home streets I don't think so !! then they go off to Syria get caught get sent back here and get a few years in jail where is the logic in just giving them a few years ?? should be natural life for the ones who want to kill and maim soldiers and the innocent . shame on them !! just makes us hate them all the good and the bad . and should be made to speak English in this country especially with all the trouble in the world with these lot at the moment all I ask is SPEAK FRIGGIN ENGLISH !!! regards chubbs

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don't get me started on this subject !!

OK I wont :yep:

Next time you do not want to start try opening up an even older thread so that you can't get started in that one.

Cheers :smokin:

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don't get me started on this subject !! we cant fly the flags of our great country because it disrespects' their religion but they can march through the streets of our capital flying the black flag of Islamic state and sprouting off about killing and beheading our soldiers on the field of battle or on our home streets I don't think so !! then they go off to Syria get caught get sent back here and get a few years in jail where is the logic in just giving them a few years ?? should be natural life for the ones who want to kill and maim soldiers and the innocent . shame on them !! just makes us hate them all the good and the bad . and should be made to speak English in this country especially with all the trouble in the world with these lot at the moment all I ask is SPEAK FRIGGIN ENGLISH !!! regards chubbs

I think you typed the address wrong, instead of typing 420 try IP lol

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I would like to start a cult. Who would like a to join up. We would live on a huge farm. Producing herb and rice. Rice is for making rice crispy cakes. That would be our main diet. When it really takes off we would buy an island.

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don't get me started on this subject !! we cant fly the flags of our great country because it disrespects' their religion but they can march through the streets of our capital flying the black flag of Islamic state and sprouting off about killing and beheading our soldiers on the field of battle or on our home streets I don't think so !! then they go off to Syria get caught get sent back here and get a few years in jail where is the logic in just giving them a few years ?? should be natural life for the ones who want to kill and maim soldiers and the innocent . shame on them !! just makes us hate them all the good and the bad . and should be made to speak English in this country especially with all the trouble in the world with these lot at the moment all I ask is SPEAK FRIGGIN ENGLISH !!! regards chubbs

I see you don't use any capital letters in any of your sentences (apart from the shouty bit). It's a bit rich demanding that foreigners speak English when you can't write it yourself.

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don't get me started on this subject !! we cant fly the flags of our great country because it disrespects' their religion

walob lol

I'm sure i saw 1000's of St Georges crosses fluttering in the wind last week

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I would like to start a cult. Who would like a to join up. We would live on a huge farm. Producing herb and rice. Rice is for making rice crispy cakes. That would be our main diet. When it really takes off we would buy an island.

If you made enough rice crispy cakes you could make your own island :yep:

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