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Paradise seeds comp, 3 atomical haze fems, soil 400watt


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Nice @@Smurfy They looking great. Really nice sharp pics as well. how many MB on your camera? Getting a 12mb on my phone soon which finally means I'll need to retire old faithful camera now about 10 years old.

Those look like 20mb or better though. Look good either way. lol

You know it's just crayons and Smurf magic Reg lol

How long they got Smurfy, how long man :bag:


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You know it's just crayons and Smurf magic Reg lol

How long they got Smurfy, how long man :bag:


Oh hello steve mate nice to see ye on one of yer flash visits, and you thought wee smurfy wouldny catch ye at this time eh, i's been waiting for ye see hiding :ninja: styleee like an angler waiting on a big old fish, i knew i would one day catch a glimpse of the rare spotted seasick, and all that patience has paid off. Booya! seen ye swimming about in the diary pool just waiting for ye te swim into mine........................

lol WTF am i talliking about ffs lol too early see :doh: anyhow hope you and yours are good mate.

"How long?" ye ask, well mate lets just say not fecking long at all as in quantum physics" not long lol cheers dude ATB

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THE END well nearly

Right so time to come clean!

The truth is i could no longer wait. This is due to many factors the main one being i have bugger all to smoke and at the rate i was taking the odd bud to keep me ticking by, there would have been half the harvest come chop day :fear: which would have made for a crap ending to this diary. As i have said i have been testing the bud for well over 2 weeks now and im sure i will not have lost much in the way of potency, because what i have tried has been more than what i need from a smoke, but i will talk about that in a few weeks when the weed has dried properly and had time to cure for a bit.

Yes i know they could have,should have went to 12 but the fact is they did not and after being on plain water for most of this week, last night me and a strange looking giraffe chopped the three Atomical haze. Now i must tell you that due to us being in a new street after moving here and the neighbors all seem like they have some real issues with socializing with one another and have had poles inserted up there anus's.They look like they would nail me to a cross and throw stones at me until i cried, if they so much as smelt a spliff(yes im judging but thats the impression i get, who knows they might all be cooking meth in there kitchens for all i know ) but lets just say the levels of paranoia are at defcon2. So me and my strange giraffe thought it best to chop them at midnight last night :doh: You see my tent is not big enough for me never mind me and a strange giraffe to harvest in. So we made sure kids were tucked away shut all the windows and chopped the buggers in the bedroom, 4 and half hours it took! hence why i have been on here so early this morning fooked we are(im doing well arnt i @hiphip ;) ) Anyway the chopping session was going really well at the start but after a few hours me n the strange giraffe soon realised that this was going to take a bit longer than i had first told the strange giraffe.

strange giraffe - "how long ye think this gonna take?"

me- "ah not long, couple of hours max"

strange giraffe- ok thats not so bad"

As we hit the 3 hour mark the atmosphere had took a nose dive and the strange giraffe was now a fecking angry strange giraffe :fear:

so the last hour n abit was rushed through like a dodgy law in parliament.

The whole house was fecking stinking of sweet hazy weed and i mean stinking! which was strange as i knew they were giving of a smell in the tent but for some reason i thought they were not going to be problem and the smell would be subtle :fart: how wrong i was. The angry strange giraffe told me that each plant had a different smell, she good at that like,her being a giraffe n that. The angry strange giraffe said that one had a very sweet creamy smell with a hint of....well she was not really sure a kind of bitter fruit smell :unsure: Number 2 she said was similar but wit a deep almost diesel smell or something along those lines :unsure: the last one the angry strange giraffe said "thats very lemony,grapefruity, zesty, stop asking me how they fucking smell and keep trimming" :unsure: I obviously got pictures for to show but due to us rushing the chop some were took in great haste and i never got a picture of the last plants full yeild on its own, was truely fecked off by that point.

Im well impressed with some of the buds that were harvested impressive considering they were under a 400w i think if given the space and larger watt light with a longer veg time i think ye could pull some fucking monster bud from these Atomical haze. My biggest mistake was not trimming the bottom 3rd o the plants as it produced allot of small airy popcorn bud due to lack of light penetrating the lower parts of the plants, also i would say due to my space being so tight for 3 of these types of plants.

Im very pleased at how this grow has went ive kept them greenish for most of the grow and would say its the first time i have reached the later stages of flowering with out having a mass of fucked of yellow leaves, although i did make a good few mistakes, like the one stated above about not trimming, i did leave them go a day to long before i watered them,and over feeding these plants too but i managed to get a grip before they got to bad, but i would say my biggest mistake was not looking into haze x''s a bit more. I defo think that three of these in a space like mine was to much and thats with potting them in 7ltr pots, remember these were not potted on as such they went from 3inch pots straight into 7ltr which did have me flapping a bit as i have only ever done that when using autos,they were also only in veg for 20 days which is another first for me when using photo period plants. Another fist was the grow area and the problems that that entailed with it extraction,noise,heat humidity and general dialing in of my environment and although a lot still has to be sorted in there im pleased with how it has went and allot has to be said for paradise seeds in producing such a great strain that was able to put up with all that they had to, top marks to paradise seeds and jf . I can hear ye say "oh aye smurfy saying that Atomical haze is a great strain cos he got the seeds fer fuck all and the diary is for there comp"

what i will say is that so far and bare in mind that i have tested the smoke off these over last few weeks, and wont give my final judgement on em till dried and cured but so far imo Atomical haze has to be up there with the best I HAVE grew so far, we will see. The great thing is i still have a pack of three AH in me fridge for another grow but when i do them again im hoping to have a bigger set up or just maybe do one but let it fill my whole space up with a longer veg and more lst'ing. Well thats all i can think of at the moment.

I would like to thank paradise seeds for the chance to grow these and to jf for being.......erm jf.

would also like to thank anyone who has took an interest in my ranting and this diary

A massive shout out to the lads from chat, thanks lads you sure no how to make a grower panic lol

pictures now of there final moments, and you can all meet my friend the now sleepy strange giraffe.




















More on its way lol

Edited by Smurfy
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lol @ the giraffe at least its nae a sheep outfit lol

Nice wee result that blue yin ye done good there and the toys stayed in the pram too most impresive ;)lol

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lol @ the giraffe at least its nae a sheep outfit lol

Nice wee result that blue yin ye done good there and the toys stayed in the pram too most impresive ;)lol

cheers harry. tbh with ye i wanted her to buy the sheep jammies fur tae spice up the sexy time like :naughty: but the wee girl wanted her to get the giraffe ones cos she into all the african wild animals. :down:

aye nae hissy fits this time, well no yet anyway lol

cheers mate

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Ahhhh yeah!

Nice going.

Why not leave some leaf and hang them before trimming?

just curious.



not sure what ye mean jf? i always trim all leaves at harvest time? fan leaves in bin and bud leaves in jar. sorry mate ye have lost me

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May i suggest you simply remove the Fan leaves at harvest, then hang to dry upside down in the dark for about 4 days at 50% rh and 20 degrees centigrade.

Then trim to your leisure.

Look under microscope the difference between the two.

Taste the difference between the two.

Just saying


Edited by paradiseseeds
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