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Nah, just send them for rendition somewhere nice

Mmm and tell them waterboarding is like snowboarding but safer

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Chronic1 in charge of kick offs

Prescient indeed. lol

Take all money and property of the landed gentry

Take all privately own land and property and give it back to the people

Burn down Westminster.

Hang the rich.

Abolish the Monarchy.

Summer Solstice to be a National holiday

Ban organised Religion

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I would change things to remove as much power from central government as possible and place it in the hands of self-organizing communities, localism I guess. I personally think we need to return to a model whereby central government is only responsible for enforcing common law (sorry to go all freeman-ism on you) which is no harm, loss or fraud and beyond that it's up to local communities to set their own rules and laws and if you don't subscribe you're free to leave that community.

The problem with the current system is that they rely on total consensus, that is they only really work for everybody if everybody agrees with the principles and in a country of 60+ million people this will never happen. There has to be provision for people to opt out and form communities of their own. I guess I'm just an enemy of centralization and dictatorial styles of government.

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A lot of what I'd suggest has already been mentioned, but off the top of my head I'd add ensure that heads of government departments (if it is to proceed in that manner - having government departments like they are now) actually have some experience of the department that they head wherever possible - so the Secretary of State for Education should have been a teacher or have some background in education, the Secretary of State for Health should have some sort of medical qualification etc. Failing having actually worked in the field then make it a requirement that before taking on the post that they at least spend a reasonable amount of time doing 'work experience' in the field, so they have some idea of what it is they are in charge of - having someone with no experience or knowledge of Education running the Department for Education is a complete fucking nonsense. A way to do that is to ensure that not all parliamentary candidates are politics/humanities graduates (in fact the fewer politics graduates the better, because they are political dinosaurs shackled to old-style thinking by the very fact that it's what they have been taught), but that there is a proper diversity of education and experience represented.

Edited by Boojum
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Oh, and I dunno if this has been mentioned, but do away with 'expenses' for MPs - you get your wage and that's it. For those whose constituencies are sufficiently far from London to require overnight stay then buy up a hotel or set of apartments, and they are where MPs stay if they have to be in Westminster overnight. Other stuff that expenses are supposed to pay for, have it administered by a department, which will pay secretaries, travel etc directly. And close all the (heavily subsidised) bars in Westminster - MPs are there to work, not drink.

Edited by Boojum
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Oh, and I dunno if this has been mentioned, but do away with 'expenses' for MPs - you get your wage and that's it. For those whose constituencies are sufficiently far from London to require overnight stay then buy up a hotel or set of apartments, and they are where MPs stay if they have to be in Westminster overnight. Other stuff that expenses are supposed to pay for, have it administered by a department, which will pay secretaries, travel etc directly. And close all the (heavily subsidised) bars in Westminster - MPs are there to work, not drink.

There would be no Westminster under my plans Booj. The new central government construction will have a 500 room hotel built which is for the sole use of the parliamentarians. Every single government department needs to be removed from Westminster.

MP salary = 100K, no expenses of any kind. Central secretary pool etc and fully funded constituency offices. No second income stream while they are employed by the voters who have given them the responsibility. 4 terms maximum.

Cheers :smokin:

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And give prisoners the right to vote - just because you have committed a crime does not mean that you are no longer a citizen.

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Guest bazzad9

9). Always ensure that Hip has a fresh coffee before he continues.

the power has got to him already ,this is the problem :rofl:

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