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Ok folks maybe i got to much time on my hands but here goes...

Ive been a member here for a few years now and im proud of it. There are some fantastic people here with truly exceptional minds who given the chance really could change the world for the better.

You only need to glance through the new content at any given time to see a large portion of topics/threads are devoted to complaining about this governments, the last governments and indeed the future governments policies/decisions/laws all of which they supposedly make on our behalf with our best interests at heart (i know, it makes me feel sick too)

Today i'd like you all to take part in something a little different. Lets suppose, just suppose for now that WE this community here were in charge, lets say that WE had 4 years in which to make a real difference to the future of this country.

How would we do it? What would be OUR manifesto? Which laws would we make or change? How would we set about righting the wrongs of a thousand governments past?

Which policies would we sell to the people of this country?

Seriously guys/gals, there are experts here Im all fields from finance to business, economics, health care, education, welfare, social care etc

Aside from the obvious like decriminalising cannabis/drugs general and scrapping trident (two thongs which Im sure most here would jump on) but lets say we did both those things, where would WE spend the money saved in order to best benefit our people?

Eddie, Felix, nampkha, boojum, hughie, bazzad, joolz, hip and all of the many other bright minds here put them together here in this thread, and lets decide how WE would fix this mess.

We are all guilty of wasting to much time talking about the 'problem' today lets spend a little bit of time talking about the solution instead.

I know many here don't like the term 'our country' and i understand and respect that. But whether its our country or not, these are OUR lives and OUR children's lives.

So what are WE going to do about it?

Peace and love brothers and sisters,

atb dodge

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Legalise all drugs. Not from any uber cool agenda just pure pragmatic logic. It would be a better system. e2a: and cheaper.

Cancel all nuclear deterrents.

Use the money from cancelled deterrents to build some social housing, this would boost the economy and remove people from deprivation,

Edited by Hir
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mmm, interesting.

I'd do away with career politicians. The fact that they always want to be voted in again restricts what they can do, makes them part of the 'club'. So one simple way is to set a rule that a politician can only serve one term in Parliament. People could be selected like they do for Jury Service, everyone has to serve when they're called upon, the state then pays them equivalent to their current salary or something appropriate for those who are not working when they're called to be an MP, for one year only. This would mean no political parties, just normal people called to serve the country as an MP.

I agree that this would lead to a certain amount of confusion to start with, or lack of a clear direction, but common sense would prevail. I suppose you could think of it as a coalition of 600 individuals rather than two parties fighting over the same things year after year.


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Trident. Scrap it. We dont need a nuclear deterrent.

Immigration: common sense policy, a cap on numbers per year, an easy to understand set of rules for those wishing to live/work here such as : Speaking the language, having work or promise of work, not entitled to claiming benefits for a period of time/generating enough tax credits etc. A well funded immigration service and and well managed borders policy and staff.

Big building programme: Social housing, cheap housing etc. Massive building programme for affordable properties. 100,000 per year, up to 1 million aim over 10 years, funded by Government. Tax breaks for building firms taking on the programme.

Travel: Scrap Hs2 waste of money.

Higher rate of tax for higher earners, NO EXCEPTIONS

Robin Hood tax for financial transactions in investment banking (0.01 % of each transaction on money markets goes to tax)

A referéndum on Europe and a coherent plan on exit strategy of lose referéndum

Legalising cannabis and cannabis products. Be the first European country to grant formal licenses for the growing and selling of cannabis for medical purposes a la Washington/Colorado et al.

Build more schools (Part of the building programme??)

Five year plan of investment in manufacturing technologies and IT technologies.

Tax breaks for manufacturing companies to relocate to the UK

Tax breaks for technology companies building NEW services in the UK

Disabled benegfits ring fenced

Scrap the bedroom tax.

Raise NI to fund a better NHS and bring it back to public control

Bring back travel services to public domain

Scrap outsourcing in crucial Government departments

thats just the start pal....

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instead of quantative easing of the banks quantative ease the people ..if you planned on bailing out a bank to the sum of say 5 billion ..instead of doing that give the money to every person over the age of 18 ..

1st thing most would do is bank the money -thus bailing out the banks

2 people would have a holiday -thus saving the tourism trades and boosting other countries wealth

3 some would have work done on their property -thus saving the construction industry

4 people would buy houses if they had deposits -thus saving the housing market

the list goes on ..but other peoples suggestions are better than mine so as long as i get to have a bit of chocolate ,a bit of weed ill be ok .you go ahead ill just be contented with what i got .

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Offer a grant to people who burglaries properties worth over £500,000.

lol and then offer them 50% of the value of anything seized , just like knock off stuff from the supermarkets :wassnnme:

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some of the groundwork has already been done for this dodgee, although sadly the Logo Working Committee wasn't even nominated by the Logo Working Commitee Nomination Commity, so big gaps... https://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?showtopic=197104

Fine attempt Distracted, i especially like this effort from Hostile;

Secret Internal Rule: The first minister to yell "SHOTGUN" immediately after the election of a Prime Minister is automatically made Subprime Minister, which entails no extra powers but does entitle you to sleep round at No. 10 any time you want, and in the morning the Prime Minister is obliged by law to make you waffles and tea.

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some of the groundwork has already been done for this dodgee, although sadly the Logo Working Committee wasn't even nominated by the Logo Working Commitee Nomination Commity, so big gaps... https://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?showtopic=197104

I had a feeling i might not be the first here to have thought of this D!

Still tho lets keep it rolling....

Some really great suggestions so far people but try and take it a step further, if you had to hit the streets pf your own hometown with 5 point manifest what would they be?

I see scrapping trident and the war on drugs are probably most peoples 1 and 2, so what would be 3,4,5?

Personally id like to see the UK armed forces become a purely deterrent force with all soldiers navy and airforce being brought home immediately.

I'd also want a stop to all cuts in education, healthcare and welfare..

I been here long enough to know banter isn't optional and the truth is we are being light hearted about the subject because taking it to seriously would only lead to eventually disappointment.

But at the same time lets try and give it some real thought and put foward some real idea's, like i said earlier there's some real bright people here and id be very surprised if we couldn't all come up with a better solution than the fuckwits currently in charge of OUR lives.

Thanks for contributing folks.

atb dodge

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