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Uk420 community party.

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Take all money and property of the landed gentry

Take all privately own land and property and give it back to the people

Burn down Westminster.

Hang the rich.

Abolish the Monarchy.

Summer Solstice to be a National holiday

Ban organised Religion

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Free toblerones for the over 50s and bring back the Abbey Crunch

Edited by Jimboo
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Take all money and property of the landed gentry

Take all privately own land and property and give it back to the people

Burn down Westminster.

Hang the rich.

Abolish the Monarchy.

Summer Solstice to be a National holiday

Ban organised Religion

and back in time for tea and some Abbey Crunch. Sounds like a nice day out :yep:

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1). Legalise all drug use and put the money saved into education and health.

2). Scrap Trident and all military spending on offensive armaments. Bring all military personnel home in order to create a new poLICE service that is based on public protection from the effects of crime.

3). An end to the HS2 dream. All monies raised by motorists to be spent on roads. New construction of toll roads and a massive overhaul of the current motorway/dual carriageway infrastructure. Replace insurance with a rise of duty on fuel. The more you drive the more you pay. Road tax can be implemented in this manner also.

4). A minimum of 250,000 new homes built every year until the demands are met. A new town could be built in many areas of the country a town that is designed from the middle out and one that is designed with the future in mind. Construction saves economies.

5). Lower the retirement age to 55 and free the aged workforce from the shackles. Replace them with a young and vibrant generation that is crying out in hopeless despair. No more youth to grow up without hope for the future. Jobs for all.

6). Each government agency, health, justice, etc to have mandatory clauses that mean they have to buy british goods where ever possible. The failure to act when LDA Vans went through was a shocking waste of a chance to save that company. If all post office vans were LDA, all abulances, all poLICE vans etc were LDA then a fantastic future for the company to expand and employ could have been had.

7). Taxation to be fair and just. VAT abolished and a rise of 1p on income tax to cover that. No tax avoidance by any means. Pay what you have to or do not trade.

8). Central government reduced and moved to a new central location. There is no need for the Westminster brigade to live and work in the most expensive city. Move them all to one of the new towns being created.

9). Always ensure that Hip has a fresh coffee before he continues.

Cheers :smokin:

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We need to break the power of the banks. Currently they run this country. A few FACTS to think about:

Money paid so far by the Bank of England (ie our money) to banks and other financial institutions on Quantitative Easing (buying bank stocks from the banks): £375,000,000,000 (28% of UK GDP; £6000 for every man woman and child in the UK). Of course it would have been better for the economy to give the money back to the people instead, perhaps in a limited way via vouchers that could only be spent on things that benefited UK people and firms and created UK jobs. But the banks rule this country. Another FACT might help explain why the government gave them our money instead of giving some of it back to us. Read on:

GDP by the way is the annual value of all services and goods in the UK - the market value of everyone's work and products and services. That's real money and value not banker fantasy money. Another GDP comparison: the assets of all the UK banks adds up to 492% of GDP. The banks are currently worth five times what the whole country can produce in a year. That's why they're powerful; that's why our government is in thrall to them and gives them our money instead of helping us and the economy with it; that's why their power has to be broken.

Edited by Ishmael
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disband the armed services and replace it with a volunteer defence force who will only ever be called upon if an invasion is imminent or in times of natural disaster

default on all miltary contracts with the USA

rip up the misuse of drugs act

make the conservative party a banned political organisation

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convict every single copper who broke the law, then disband them and reform the whole set up with good honest well respected people from the community's

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Bring back the death penalty,but only for corrupt politicians and highly ranked civil servants.Abolish corporate lobbying.A million other things but those 2 would be a start :yinyang:


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1). Legalise all drug use and put the money saved into education and health.

2). Scrap Trident and all military spending on offensive armaments. Bring all military personnel home in order to create a new poLICE service that is based on public protection from the effects of crime.

3). An end to the HS2 dream. All monies raised by motorists to be spent on roads. New construction of toll roads and a massive overhaul of the current motorway/dual carriageway infrastructure. Replace insurance with a rise of duty on fuel. The more you drive the more you pay. Road tax can be implemented in this manner also.

4). A minimum of 250,000 new homes built every year until the demands are met. A new town could be built in many areas of the country a town that is designed from the middle out and one that is designed with the future in mind. Construction saves economies.

5). Lower the retirement age to 55 and free the aged workforce from the shackles. Replace them with a young and vibrant generation that is crying out in hopeless despair. No more youth to grow up without hope for the future. Jobs for all.

6). Each government agency, health, justice, etc to have mandatory clauses that mean they have to buy british goods where ever possible. The failure to act when LDA Vans went through was a shocking waste of a chance to save that company. If all post office vans were LDA, all abulances, all poLICE vans etc were LDA then a fantastic future for the company to expand and employ could have been had.

7). Taxation to be fair and just. VAT abolished and a rise of 1p on income tax to cover that. No tax avoidance by any means. Pay what you have to or do not trade.

8). Central government reduced and moved to a new central location. There is no need for the Westminster brigade to live and work in the most expensive city. Move them all to one of the new towns being created.

9). Always ensure that Hip has a fresh coffee before he continues.

Cheers :smokin:

Hiphip for PM!

Seriously, thanx for posting that hip, i can see you put some real thought into.

Ok so lets take hiphips manifesto as our example for now, (i can't fault it and doubt many here will) but how appealing is it to the average voter? Or do we even care?as its not 'the average voter' whose vote we want?

Do we aim for the disenfranchised amongst us who longer care enough to vote? How do we get that message out? Social networks? word of mouth?

To the economists and mathematics amongst us, how realistic (in monetary/financial terms) are these policies?

Would the books balance? (at least better than they are now)

Come on folks, help me out, pick up the ball and run with it... after all, what have we got to lose?

Thanx again all, dodge

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Start a democracy that doesn't put commercial interests before the interest of the people. Politicians must have a track record of genuinely helping people. Dissolve the wealth of the corporations or ban them do away with profit for profits sake. Any excess should be devoted to the greater good ie social programs, higher education etc. Do away with import/export for its sake no more farmers not planting food because of hand outs and become regionally specific in industry. Borders and countries dissolved become a race of people rather than a race of individual nations.

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Bring back the death penalty,but only for corrupt politicians and highly ranked civil servants.

Nah, just send them for rendition somewhere nice

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