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Split from the What to do if our seeds disappoint you Thread


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I sent you a email and you never even replied back. Seems you don't honour your words,

To be fair to Tony, he did say for members to PM him (not email him) and seeing as you only have two posts, you cannot send PM's on UK420 yet.

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Guest weedmonsta

if i were a troll, i wouldnt have been a member of this site for so long, i just wondered why you kept buying them is all

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to be fair to muddy, dp orange bud is RENOWNED for turning hermie, it was one of the first few strains I grew out 12- 13 odd years ago, and it seems the problem is still happening today. I grew out a couple of packs, the first pack i did over my first 18 months or so of growing, the majority of the pack turned hermie, blamed myself, environment etc, despite reading reports of the same thing happening to others. a few years later i grew it out again in a now well sorted environment, and yep same thing. and always read of lots of the same experience on overgrow. also I grew out DP blueberry, similar sort of time, ordered at the same time as my second pack of OB. and no hermies this time, just tons of mutants, and again, many many reports of the same for this strain too.....

Now it's 2012 and DP are still selling these two strains, and people are STILL reporting problems, so it makes me wonder why they're still on sale, maybe not so much blueberry, as I had some stunning blueberry's, and I think people kinda accepted the fact you'll get at least a couple of mutants in a pack due to the quality of the good ones. But with the Orange Bud, it had so many reviews of people getting the majority of a pack turning hermie that DP must know of the problem, and yet still sell the seeds as they are.

these are my only experiences with DP strains, and the fact that I still here the same old about them is why I haven't bothered with any other DP strains

Edited by scraglor
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Guest muddy-boots

Well weedmonsta I hope I have answered your line of question, but why you stated to me the time you have been a member on this site I do not no, maybe you lost site of reality, and jump on anyone's band wagon so your fellow red necks can give you a big thumbs up for your laim input.


Luton collective

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Guest weedmonsta
why you stated to me the time you have been a member on this site I do not no
because trolls don't last long here

and yes you answered my question

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Well, I must have given away stacks of seeds on the site since I have been here on UK420. So it really is no big issue for me to replace some seeds for muddy boots if that is what they feels they deserve. To criticise DP for poor customer service is silly when so many people on here have dealt with me in 2012 that would say they have been well looked after rather than badly looked after.

Normally I don't bother with trolls, I have no interest in them and my golden rule is 'don't feed the troll', so just for future reference I am quite relaxed about ignoring them. I don't think that many people take the views of the troll that seriously anyway, nor do I think they actually change anyone else's opinion.

But if Muddy Boots sends me a PM I will gladly send them some seeds if they feel let down. I supect she/he never bought seeds from us, but anyway the weekend is coming and I am feeling generous. It is suspicious that Muddy created a new identity to hide behind and make their comments from but they can mail me from their other UK420 account(s) and I wont think any the less of him/her.

Or muddy can mail me at info@dutch-passion.nl and address the mail for my attention. Can I say any fairer than that ?

Edited by DutchPassionTony
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Yeah the Orange Bud does have the potential to go hermie as scraglor stated. I believe it is the majority of Orange Bud seeds that do this, not just the Dutch Passion lines. As for Blueberry, it is well known for giving good phenos, but also bad phenos. This information is all over the internet. Next time you are deciding which strains to buy, spend an afternoon Googling the strains and get the information you need to help your choice. If something comes up that puts you off, pick another strain to research. 10 minutes research online can save you 10 weeks of growing time.

Still, shame you had bad luck.

Tony is a big asset for UK420 (imo). Both honest and helpful.

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For someone who joined yesterday and with 6 posts, all derogatory towards Dutch Passion tells you all you need to know about Muddy.

IMO DP Tony has always been very helpful and insightful.......

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Guest yosser hughes

to be fair to muddy, dp orange bud is RENOWNED for turning hermie, it was one of the first few strains I grew out 12- 13 odd years ago, and it seems the problem is still happening today. I grew out a couple of packs, the first pack i did over my first 18 months or so of growing, the majority of the pack turned hermie, blamed myself, environment etc, despite reading reports of the same thing happening to others. a few years later i grew it out again in a now well sorted environment, and yep same thing. and always read of lots of the same experience on overgrow. also I grew out DP blueberry, similar sort of time, ordered at the same time as my second pack of OB. and no hermies this time, just tons of mutants, and again, many many reports of the same for this strain too.....

Now it's 2012 and DP are still selling these two strains, and people are STILL reporting problems, so it makes me wonder why they're still on sale, maybe not so much blueberry, as I had some stunning blueberry's, and I think people kinda accepted the fact you'll get at least a couple of mutants in a pack due to the quality of the good ones. But with the Orange Bud, it had so many reviews of people getting the majority of a pack turning hermie that DP must know of the problem, and yet still sell the seeds as they are.

these are my only experiences with DP strains, and the fact that I still here the same old about them is why I haven't bothered with any other DP strains

duw duw bro i do hope what your saying is a load of bollocks,because im doing orange /blueberry / mazar from d p in a few wks,for the record ive grown quite a few seeds over the yrrrrrrrrsssssssss from all different seed banks and av only ever come across 1 herme strain but that was a cutting i was given,i aint aving a pop but growing technic and stress plays a big part in producing a herme, so we shall see if i get 1 if i do which i doubt i will, i shall let ewe know in this thread,

yosser :headpain:

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Guest muddy-boots

Thank you for your offer but I'm not a free loader, I do not want your free seeds for I'm not wasting my time with low grade crap from Hermi Passion, many would but I have more pride than that, seems you stero type all in one box, and your followers suck on your every word..jog on and keep your charity, least I no now I won't be putting my money in your pocket anymore.

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hey yosser, defo true about the hermie tendancies of the orange bud, and the blueberry does seem to throw out a lot of mutants from my experience and what i've read. My own personal experience with the blueberry was 3 mutants, one of which eventually grew into a healthy plant, simply because i left it for so long to see what would happen, the other two I culled. and from the rest of the pack three males, and four absolutely cracking girls, ranging from roadkill skunk to fruity berry smells. average yield but a lethal stone, very good weed indeed..

as for the OB i did get two good females, average yield again, and beautiful citrusy orangey weed, but unfortunately, i got 3 males, two females that threw out quite a lot of balls, but kept under control by picking them off, and still got a good crop just with a fair few seeds in the bud, and the others were full blown hermies which was obviously a disappointment due to wasted time and running out of weed etc etc.

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I agree with yosser and KBR.

I have done plenty of DP grows over the years and never had a hermie problem, had a few nanas on a Mazar about 10 years ago but that is it.

They have some nice strains



C :yinyang:

Edited by charas
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As far as I know it's only really the Orange Bud that's prone to hermaphroditism, never heard complaints about any other strains for it? but once burnt

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