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Dutch Passion Taiga and Polar Lights #2


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Absolute beauties,

Look at them roots WTF, cant argue with how these Auto's are performing.. How expensive/hard are the water culture systems to buy/use?


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Hi Mr Sparkles, the deep water culture ('DWC') systems are not particularly expensive (nor complicated) but I haven't seen anything faster for growing. I am not saying I think they are the best, or the preferred or the only way, but I do think DWC is FAST.

So you could say they are well suited to AutoFems which are short-life varieties anyway. DWC is just a bucket with a lid. In the lid there is a net of clay pebbles in which you put the rockwool cube with your seedling. The plant is top fed until the roots can reach the resevoir below. In the bucket at the bottom is a bubbler. If you google deep water culture you will see some. But loads of people make their own and in this years first edition of soft secrets there is an article about using and making your own DWC. Remember that Seymour uses 30 litre/minute of air on each root ball and he has never seen root rot. In some hydro stores you will see under-specified systems with budget air pumps delivering just 3 litres per minute. If you are going to do it don't compromise on the air pump it becomes a central piece of the system.

Some people make their own DWC containers out of those big plastic storage boxes that people use to put their kids toys in. Just keep them light-tight so the roots can explode which they will naturally do in heavily aerated feed solution, made fresh each 5-7 days. Some people make home-made air-hoses (rather than bubbler stones). Imagine a hose-pipe which is blocked at one end and is punched with hundreds of holes - a real fizzer. In that environmnent roots will explode. If you like growing a smaller number of plants and want good yields then DWC is a good choice. I think there are lots of home growers just growing enough weed for themselves who would prefer to grow the minimum number of plants. With DWC and a good variety you can look at realistic harvests of 100gram each time, the real experts will pull even more than that. When you look at healthy roots like this Taiga you know you are looking at a plant which is thriving.

The main issue I have seen with DWC are people messing up the pH and nutrient concentrations - even experienced growers do this from time to time. Never assume anything. Dont assume your water is pH 7. Dont assume your pH meter is properly calibrated and giving accurate readings. The best DWC growers check and double check everything, and calibrate their kit.

The best DWC growers often have a detailed knowledge of all the different supplements. Seymour is a great believer in root nutrients and runs Rhizotonic throughout at higher-than-recommended concentrations. He has also had great results with the Dutch Pro root stim which produces 'ladder' style roots rather than the smooth roots you see here. He uses silicon too, and carboload ('liquid molasses') and he will need it with this Taiga, she is basically an automatic Power Plant so in theory has the genetics for good production, and I think this is shaping up to be a great plant.

So if all goes to plan this will be a great looking plant in a few weeks time with lots of bud

Edited by DutchPassionTony
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Now that is what I call a professional post ;)

Thanks for the info, explains why the auto pots im using give a similar effect just not quite as extreme.. The feed is constant and aerated too.

Think I will give DWC a try but not just yet.. Next time I planning using the autos but 4 plants wider and LST/SCROG based on the growth seen at present I think it will be the perfect set-up for my room.

Thanks again Tony, you are super helpful on here.


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my pleasure to pass on some thoughts and explanations. Here is an example of someone that has made a DWC system out of a big plastic 'toy box'. It is hard to see cos the box is white plastic . This is NOT seymour, it is another of our customers with Think Different, this guy ('DWCLED') is also an LED enthusiast but he uses a different manufacturer than seymour. Anyway - the point is that the plant looks superb and is 55 days old. (ps it is also unusual in that it looks like it will need longer then the normal 70 days to finish)


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alright yosser,

the plant in this post and immediately above in pink are Think Different, it isnt seymours but I am showing it cos the grower has a massive DWC system that has allowed a massive auto to grow from it. Mr Sparkles was askin me about DWC...anyway the Think Different below is out of the wardrobe so you can see how big the DWC is.


DWC interlude over, the next few pics will be of Taiga (Auto Power Plant) and Polar Lights #2 (auto Dutch Haze) from seymour,

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back to the Polar Light #2. Day 41, and back to Seymours grow room. Look at the roots first of all, sensational. The eagle-eyed will notice a totally different root structure with Polar Lights #2, this isn't genetic we believe it is down to the root nutrient. Different root nutes (Rhizo tonic vs Dutch Pro) are being used for each variety


Although the Polar is not quite keeping up with the vigour of the Taiga she is looking very healthy in her own right with resin already on the leaves and plenty of bud sites which are fattening up. Green healthy leaves - she is thriving

EC is 1.6, pH is 5.8 though she keeps drifting up to 6.2 in the polar bucket. The plant smell is a new nutty and fruity one.


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look at the roots on that :woot: nice :magic:

just wait till you see how quickly a quality auto will pack on the buds and resin Yosser. This is only day 42 since the seedling popped its head up and already there is a reasonable amount of bud beginning to form. The Taiga (auto power plant) is dominating this particular grow room and all of the blooms you see here, even the side blooms, will be donkey dicks by the end so enjoy watching it !

The LED is still on half power, 300W total, and is likely to remain that way. Seymours goal is to get a gram per watt from this grow and I suspect he will

Polar Lights #2 is on the left and is a good plant in its own right, but the Taiga (on the right) is looking epic and is beginning to lean over so it may have to be tied up soon.


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You know what wen Auto's first came out my first impression was what a waist of time why in the hell would you want a plant to Auto flower no matter what the lights cycle.

Even after seeing a few grows my mindset was still the same what a load of crap :soap: but this thread and 1 or 2 others have opened my eye's up and totally changed my mind.

Its thread's like this we need to open peoples eyes up to what is possible with all types of growing methods.

I'm going to do a side by side with Auto's after seeing what Seymour can do with them and I think I've found what I'm planting outdoors next season AUTO'S

Very Very sexy looking ladies there Tony and that root ball is insane making me miss doing DWC lol

Cheers rasta :smokin:

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Very nice there Tony - pass Seymour on our regards. You hid this one away a little, but I'm gonna be watching avidly from now on!

Cheers Mr. T :pimp:

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Cheers guys. Mr T - if this goes to plan you will see masses of bud all over these two. Next update will be in soon I hope. If you are new to auto's you will find it impressive I hope. If growth seems a bit too fast remember the plants are under 20 hours of daily light and growing in a DWC system run by someone that is pretty experienced with them.

Rasta - glad you are finding it interesting. Many people don't realise how good auto's have become since the first efforts hit the market. These days even I am surprised at how well they are doing. I will be opening a new thread soon featuring the insane Think Different plant being grown by one of our customers , it is the dude featured above somewhere ('DWC GROW') who is growing in a home made DWC built from a rectangular plastic storage box.

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A picture of Seymours growroom at day 45


The Taiga is looking amazing for only 45 days old, though Polar Lights #2 is the most resinous and will probably catch up on bud porn soon. Seymour will be aiming for a heavy level of bud production if he is to break his target of 300g from his 300W of LED, so he will be upping the nutrients. There are 4 more weeks left, you should see both plants fatten up substantially and show massive bud growth. He starts his pK boost in the coming days


And a close up of the bud development, which has only just started and will get crazier soon


So those of you new to AutoFem’s - enjoy the show. I always find the last 3-4 weeks are the best fun from the voyeurs perspective.

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This is totally insane the growth and bud formation look great don't think I've seen a plant bud up so fast and fat took those pics coming Tony very Interesting thread

Cheers rasta :smokin:

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