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Autos. first grow diary


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Tomorrow will be day 70, 3 of my six plants look finished, the problem is the other 3 don't look ready I'm in two thoughts to cut or leave till Friday I have no smoke and am itching, if only I had another tent to dry in :(lol some of the buds are getting to heavy for the stems and are droping alot so I have supported as much as I can. So looking forward to the smoke the cc and bj look lovey however the fb#2s look like they could go to day 100. I'll prob cut tomo unless someone can suggest a good way to dry 3 plants not using my tent. Pics of all to come tomorrow before cut, unless a get a good suggestion of drying method out of tent.

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I've decided I'm cutting tonite! So waiting till my girl finishes work then chop chop :) should get some pics before and after chop, trying to convise my girl to get in some pics but it's hard work lol

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Omg that look a lot longer than I remember, took me 18 hours in total for 6 plants man my back and fingers are sore. Really sorry guy but didnt have time for the pics I tried trimming plant while still up but could do it like that so had to cut individual stem and trim them. Looks like alot more bud than they where growing, one of the fast buds smells lovely, like cutrius, smells almost exactly like the lemon haze I grew before. The other has little smell but time will tell. I'll take some pics of them hanging soon and will do a proper smoke report once their dried, with lots if pics, sorry for the lack of updates but hope u have enjoyed it

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i know ;)thank for your constant support throughout the grow.

it seems so much more when you chop it down & hang it up :)

just smoked the scissor hash mmmmm lovely, smelt amazing. cant wait for these to dry. they seem to have lost their smell abit hopefully will come back after a cure.

drying temps 17.2-20.5 ideally would have it 1-2 c less but is good enough

humidity 25-55 bit low/high having problems keeping it stead over night .

the bud starting to feel dry already after 3 days but stems not snapping yet so will wait.

gonna get my kilnar jars 2mo, 1l kilars per plant should be ok, right?

wow what a ramble

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AARRGGGHHHH I MISSED THE FECKING HARVEST...Sorry man i've been away for a week.

Glad to see that it has all gone so well tho!!! however PMSL @ 18 hours, sorry man but that is sooo funny.. I was upset with 3 hours for my hobbit but you had 3 hours per plant...oooouuuccchhhh. I hear the best thing for the scissor finger pain is freshly grown home weed mate, what a result huh ;o)

Temps are good mate!! 18 to 20 are perfect imo. 1 jar per plant is perfect too and no doubt after 3 or 4 more days in the tent they will be ready to start curing (I tasted my CC that I harvested in dec the other day and it has improved massively)

Many many congrats on getting to the endzone mate, great job!! Time to kick back and enjoy or are you already planning the next adventure??

Astro :alien:

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I thought u would be to busy smoking your harvest lol. Arr tell me about it my back was killing I did have 1 or 2 zoot breaks tho. Yeah 3 cc (again) 3 s.a.d and 3 sweet cheese will be starting as soon as tent is free and more soil arrives, after that I don't think I'll be doing autos anymore. How your two getting on? I wanna try some cc what would yu sudgest is best way to quick dry? If ibquick dry will it still taste planty?

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Well let me tell you this Tommyboy, My sweet cheese smells beautiful (day 44) so you won't be disappointed there!!

RE Quick dry, I don't think whatever method you use is going to give you the best idea of what is to come, so dry it as quickly as you like just lower your expectations a little ;o) I would stick a bud on the rad (takes about 1 hour)

Enjoy mate!! you deserve it :clapping: :clapping:

OH BTW, yes I certainly have been Ploughing into my recent harvest :eek:

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Looks sweet Tom!

I got me some Kilners from Morrison's the other day. Way cheaper than anywhere else I saw them. May be worth checking it out. I think they were £3-4 each tops.

Congratulations on getting them down.... Let me know if you quick dry and how it is cos I am clucking for a smoke and refuse to buy any when I am so close to chopping myself.

Looking forward to the smoke report and some tasty dried/cured pics!

Take it easy :bong:

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Yeah im looking forward to my next grow, you will have to let me how yours turn out, they must be loving it 400w for two plants.

I tried some air bud of the cc dried it in a plastic pot on radiator the bud was too dry and stem still soaking crumbled out funny too dusty and didn't really get me too stoned, no more quick drying for me, only a few more days to wait.

Thanks but I dont have one near me, I see some in wilkinson for £3 for 1.5l ones think I'll grab 6 off them. Was gonna use old pasta source jars But decided against it being a cheap beep and buy some jars.

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That all looks really good m8 well done. I took your advice on the cc so looking forward to your smoke reports. Congratulations on a $mashing grow pal

ATB- iBd :bong:

Edited by iBlazeDaily
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Thanks alot mate, 2-3 more days then into jars then another week or cure and I'll give yeild and smoke report and of course some pic of the beautiful bud. The scissor hash was amazing, smelt so fruity when burning, more of a skunk than hash smell. it sent my head spinning. First time I've collected scissors hash wish I had done it from my first grow. Only 1 fat zoot worth from 6 plants. Two of my plant seem almost dry the cream caramel and the Afgan kush Ryder so they may go in jars tonite others will Defo need 2-3 more days.

Btw hope everything is doing will in ur groom.

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Don't think they will put into jars for another 3-4 days they are drying nice and slow :) usually it takes me 3 days it's been 5 so far and still think I have 3-4 days left. Smoke a lovely spliff of the bj stunk and got me stoned :)

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