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rabid try's some sweet seeds. With many thanks


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Update 2nd attempt :wallbash:

Since potting up a couple of days ago the plants seem to have had a real growth spurt. still have some yellowing issues,hopefully the re pot will put a stop to this,if indeed it is down to hunger. if the yellowing keeps happening, i will have no other option but to run head first at an on coming bus. Will also try another feed but not with miracle grow as i am scared of an assassination attempt on me :shuriken: I will be trying my best to purchase some decent feeds in a few days.

At this point i would like to apologise to sweet seeds for this woeful attempt at competition diary and for my foolish fuckwitry. Im afraid i cant help it. its my specialness you see :hi:

Right enough pish and some more nasty pictures :fear:

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best of luck dude!


Thanks i need it. Got to say im very very impressed with your diarys man not sure i can keep up with them all though :yinyang:

edit. :rofl: i had wrote the word man at least 4 times :rofl:

Edited by rabid
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Guest La Viva Sativa

gettin there bro and its not about keeping up man taking part and getting primo weed at end is wat its all about all best and stay safe bro. :yinyang::skin_up:

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gettin there bro and its not about keeping up man taking part and getting primo weed at end is wat its all about all best and stay safe bro. :yinyang::skin_up:

Thanks man much appreciated :yinyang:

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:rofl: fucking cracking read rabid i must say :thumsup: and if you dont mind me saying a fair improvment from the last diary.

the force grows strong in you young paddiwan :starwars::notworthy: looking foward to the next instalment

Edited by scotish1989
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:rofl: fucking cracking read rabid i must say :thumsup: and if you dont mind me saying a fair improvment from the last diary.

the force grows strong in you young paddiwan :starwars::notworthy: looking foward to the next instalment

thanks for those kind words scotish. yes indeed there is improvement on the last diary. think that's mostly down to good genetics. I am though very pleased with how its going at the moment. things seemed to have really improved over the last few days....... oh fuck i should not have said that.....but in my nooby eyes they look like there happy. will get a few more pictures up tonight of them and anyone thats interested can have a look and maybe comment if they think they see an improvement, they don't have to comment like, not as if im ordering anyone to read it. Everyone has there own free will like, Its a choice thing you know. just don't want anyone to feel pressured! :fear: pressure can be a harmful thing, it can really make yer rectum twitch :yes:

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Man c'mon i thought you said this would be shite. lol

Check mine out if you want tae see shite. :headpain::wallbash:

Seriously tho lookin fine mate keep it up. :yep:

Hazy :skin_up:

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Guest nelly123

Hey rabid, ha ha you had me chucling there man, i tell my plants am special!!! Ha how mad are we talking to them? It not looking that bad man, seen worse in my tent at times m8. All the best Nelly :guitar::skin_up:

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Man c'mon i thought you said this would be shite.

Check mine out if you want tae see shite. ::

Seriously tho lookin fine mate keep it up.


Holly shit hazy, don't say anything nice about the plants!...they might here you and do the old hara-kiri on me just to fook ma shit right up. Not had look in yer diary for a while mate i will check it out after i have done this. For the love of god it cant be any worse than this one. Can it? :unsure:

cheers for the words mate :yinyang:

Hey rabid, ha ha you had me chucling there man, i tell my plants am special!!! Ha how mad are we talking to them? It not looking that bad man, seen worse in my tent at times m8. All the best Nelly

Well nelly what can i say to you apart from your a gentleman :wink: thanks for dropping in mate :skin_up:

Plants are looking allot better, imho. taken some pictures earlier on. so going to throw them up in a bit. Got to just say that i find it fucking amazing that when you feel your grow has turned a wee corner and looks likes it might turn out the way a grow should. It doesn't half give the old spirits a lift :guitar: Mind you, there's still plenty of time for my specialnees :hi: to fuck it all up, but at the moment rabids in the nice place :angel_not: Temps have been a real struggle lately due to the location of my grow, but i seemed to have kept on top of them. Lights on they vary from 22* to 28*. Light off 17* to 24* usually steady at 21* watering every 3Rd day one and half ltrs between the 4. not sure if the wee 250 watt will manage all 4 to a decent standard just need to play it by ear i suppose. :smokin:

I know that the leaves look a wee bit pale in some of the pictures, but honestly it just the flash on the camera

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Hello my special friend! Hows you?

The girls are looking good mate, glad yr bringing em back round!

Try not to panic to much these sweetseeds girls can take alot of abuse, if nothing else my diary at least proves that!!!

Best Regards, Dodgee

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Nice one mate :smoke:

Top tune that Rizzle Kicks :yep:

Those plants are looking chipper as well :v:

You'll be getting grower of the month if you're not careful :unsure::wassnnme:

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Hello my special friend! Hows you?

The girls are looking good mate, glad yr bringing em back round!

Try not to panic to much these sweetseeds girls can take alot of abuse, if nothing else my diary at least proves that!!!

Best Regards, Dodgee

Panic me!neva! i have know idea what your on about :wassnnme:.........Your right mate im a bit of a flapper at times :hi: Always expecting things to turn to shit, so when things dont look right i tend to run about the house shouting" i fucking new this would happen" the wife just stands there and laughs, which gets right on me tits, :fish: ive got a plant pot just for her :dev: yeah man these plants can take a fair bit stress. In fact imo,and im not even near quantified to say,but the sweet seeds strains have blew me away. I only have few grows under my belt but fucking hell im impressed with these plants, sorry talkin shit. thanks for taking an interest dodgee

Nice one mate

Top tune that Rizzle Kicks

Those plants are looking chipper as well

You'll be getting grower of the month if you're not careful:

aw shucks :blushing: you are to kind {no really you are} mate im just happy if i get referred to as a grower! never mind of the month :rofl: I am a slow learner man but im getting there i think :unsure: as usual mate thanks for the comments :wink:

had a wee look in the tent yesterday morning and the plants looked like this

thats the same two pictures :rofl: dan dan da speacial boy!!!!! you get the idea. posted the dreadful situation to the good folks of 420 and was givin some top advice, turns out, i was not watering the girls properly. you see all i was doing is watering till i seen run off and sticking them back under the light. They were dry to the point that soil was pulling away from the sides. from now on i will be watering until no run off is sucked back up. a simple mistake. Also i checked the roots today because other folks were saying they looked a bit root bound, i dint go with this idea as they were only potted up 7 days ago, but on checking them today it turns out that infact the buggers were looking a wee bit tight for space

They have been re potted in to what will be there final pots. I was hoping to get them into a pot in between these ones but these little feckers have rampaging roots,i have no idea what im on about because i have had a few glasses of wine 2 or 6 beers, and a good couple of bifftas . I am now blazing. as they say in the trade. :bong: I will now attempt to post some more pictures in a realy random way. good night. lots of love rabid sorry sweet tai is in the back some whwere

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