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Cheers mate i found a site . too volatile for me, a currency that rises from $60 to $240 then loses two thirds of its value back down to $80 inside about a month and a half ..pumped and dumped i think the expression is


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  • 3 weeks later...


i bought a few grands worth, they were worth 17,000gbp before the crash now they're worth SLIGHTLY more than i put in and its still dropping.

All i have to show for the past 6 months is a receipt for 2 avalon asics that were supposed to be delivered 'mid april'

they cost 1500USD a piece, so as long as i get that back i'll remain 'up', if they never arrive ive made a pittance of a profit for 6 months of excitement and panic...


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  • 2 months later...

they both arrived on tues 9th. I overclocked them to 350Mhz and theyre hashing away at 80Gh/s each instead of the standard 60.

so far ive mined back the 3000USD in 7 days.

just paid 7000USD for a bigger one from sweden, 400Gh/s. allegedly delivering in october...


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  • 4 weeks later...

mt gox gives you the current rate for buying and selling

And here if You don't wanna bother with Gox as it gives You more info and it helps to see when the Price is on the move or Gox prices are being manipulated by smaller transactions


I wish I knew about that Site ages ago when I was Selling Built up Coins quickly as disposable pocket money :)

Regarding the 250 dollar Price I wish I dumped My BTC then but I was happy holding onto them as I was gonna buy a BFL miner or 2 with a Friend and I didn't fancy trying to get them back if the Price didn't drop turns out it dropped massively and I could of up'ed My Btc hugely but hey no loss either way as I'd been sitting on My Btc for ages to spend on the aforementioned Miners.

Me and My Friend did in fact estimate the Price would go up when the Mining difficult changed and the Reward for mining a block halved and then all the big Miner chips were rumored and slowly produced which is great when You get Your hands on them early but the Btc Price increase drove the Miners up massively with huge pre-order waiting lists and over inflated Prices which were being driven up by Market Price and demand,Fleabay for instance everyone wanted a piece of the Pie of which was months to a Year away at times as You was just buying a place in the Que if You were lucky!,it was just pure madness and I'm sure a lot of People were scammed in all the Tom foolary with false place in said Que.

Anyways I could ramble on for ages about Btc as it's still fancinating now but guess what's likely to happen with all the massive Mining power available the reward will be decreased again and a much quicker rate and there will no longer be a reward given and only Transaction fee's will be given decreasing Mining profits again and decrease that amount of People dumping Coins quickly and possible the Cycle will happen again regarding Prices but it's all guesswork and there's so much shite being punted about regarding Bitcoin it funny.

Think I should call it a Night these Cannabutter Brownies have given Me a thirst for a strong Brew :upside:

Edited by Swiftygreen
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they both arrived on tues 9th. I overclocked them to 350Mhz and theyre hashing away at 80Gh/s each instead of the standard 60.

so far ive mined back the 3000USD in 7 days.

just paid 7000USD for a bigger one from sweden, 400Gh/s. allegedly delivering in october...


Kudos for man'ing up.Good times and great turn around already :george:

I'm well out the picture regarding Miners and could You Pm if You wouldn't mind a bit of info on the Beast You've ordered.

Shame Me and My mate didn't get in on the early orders with BFL/Avalon as planned but it was a risky game to play regarding getting any money back if neither Company produced the goods..either due to time of not questioning the Payment in time to be covered or just sending Btc with no chance of reversal :shock:

Me and Him basically didn't have the best financial situations to be chancing it as it were but He who Dare's eh...

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its a huge scammers market, lots of empty promises & out & out lies.

I couldnt really afford to play and as such the 4 month delay was a nightmare but there are those who paid in october last year and still not received their rigs...

today theres 'bitcointalk' of lawsuits & chinese hitmen....

All in all its not for the feint of heart, and its not over yet by a long stretch...

Plus there are newer entities offering the world pretty much weekly.

the new rig im waiting on is one of the KnCminers 'jupiters' @400GHp/s - 1000w (28nm chips)

shipping in october(the earliest orders are due out in september)

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  • 4 months later...

thought id pop in as the most recent crash/panic seems to have slowed somewhat.

the 7k(530Gh)made 10k, i reinvested 5k(680Gh) that made a further 6k... i reinvested the 10k and am waiting until next year for 3Th

so i have 1.5Th mining various 'alt'coins, in particular bitcoin, betacoin, opensource coin, tigercoin, zetacoin and recently 'unobtanium' but the market is saturated now, earnings are sparse & hardware is always presold months in advance.

ive cashed out a few, just to have something in the bank if it all goes to shit.

altogether my cryptocurrencies are worth between fuck all & quite a few quid.

But try booking a flight with bitcoins...

Edited by eurasian_farmer
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thought id pop in as the most recent crash/panic seems to have slowed somewhat.

the 7k(530Gh)made 10k, i reinvested 5k(680Gh) that made a further 6k... i reinvested the 10k and am waiting until next year for 3Th

so i have 1.5Th mining various 'alt'coins, in particular bitcoin, betacoin, opensource coin, tigercoin, zetacoin and recently 'unobtanium' but the market is saturated now, earnings are sparse & hardware is always presold months in advance.

ive cashed out a few, just to have something in the bank if it all goes to shit.

altogether my cryptocurrencies are worth between fuck all & quite a few quid.

But try booking a flight with bitcoins...

I'd gladly purchase you a flight... send the bitcoin (zetacoin/netcoin/litecoin/feathercoin) my way, I'll get you on the flip- no gyp. you've just inspired a new trading site where escrow could be bitcoin, and everyday things are traded. It would be kind of like a silk road of legal products and services...

*edit because internetz

Edited by Stonerguy420ATX
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

so quiet in here....

im now up to 6.1TH/s waiting for 4.5(ish) arriving from Tel Aviv. I only mine BTC now, and occasionally sell some to buy Alts but like i mentioned last year its all gone a bit weak and drawn out to be of much excitement (+ profit)

I eventually refunded multiple orders from KnC, CoinTerra & AlphaTech hardware to the tune of 5 figures - theyre scamming, pre-mining, or just greedy/fake merchants.

bought a number of miners direct from china that are still running now but getting close to the end of their profitable life (total less than 12 months)

and finally - after i put in everything i had, sextupled it, pulled out some cash for 'posterity' i'm more than happy with how things have gone and i have a few coins that may be worth a lot one day & a few bits of hardware that will soon be retired.

the israeli hardware pulls 3000w per 4.4TH/s which is 40% of my houses max limit - so there will be little room left for home miners this time next year.

ive had no choice but to shut down my grow for the past year - oh and i invested in some leds that have proven to be a bit wank for anyting but vegging (i consider them a gift from BTC)

lol, and 2x 500w solar panels that are 4 months overdue (again, gifts from BTC)

sadly, with UK house prices im still FARRRRRRR away from being able to buy a home but if BTC reaches its all time high of >1000USD - i might be able to buy a shitty terrace in preston or an outhouse in london....

i'll leave you with this - remember its about Bitcoin, not rentboys!!


Edited by eurasian_farmer
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  • 3 weeks later...

so quiet in here....

im now up to 6.1TH/s waiting for 4.5(ish) arriving from Tel Aviv. I only mine BTC now, and occasionally sell some to buy Alts but like i mentioned last year its all gone a bit weak and drawn out to be of much excitement (+ profit)

I eventually refunded multiple orders from KnC, CoinTerra & AlphaTech hardware to the tune of 5 figures - theyre scamming, pre-mining, or just greedy/fake merchants.

bought a number of miners direct from china that are still running now but getting close to the end of their profitable life (total less than 12 months)

and finally - after i put in everything i had, sextupled it, pulled out some cash for 'posterity' i'm more than happy with how things have gone and i have a few coins that may be worth a lot one day & a few bits of hardware that will soon be retired.

the israeli hardware pulls 3000w per 4.4TH/s which is 40% of my houses max limit - so there will be little room left for home miners this time next year.

ive had no choice but to shut down my grow for the past year - oh and i invested in some leds that have proven to be a bit wank for anyting but vegging (i consider them a gift from BTC)

lol, and 2x 500w solar panels that are 4 months overdue (again, gifts from BTC)

sadly, with UK house prices im still FARRRRRRR away from being able to buy a home but if BTC reaches its all time high of >1000USD - i might be able to buy a shitty terrace in preston or an outhouse in london....

i'll leave you with this - remember its about Bitcoin, not rentboys!!


lol - You need to move next to a river, dam it and build your own hyrdoelectric plant

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Are there any miners worth getting for around £300-400 mark @@eurasian_farmer?

ps I heard someone is supposed to be starting a bitcoin debit card soon, sounds interesting.

eta: meh just messed about with some calculators and ebay and it seems not. Looks like a big investment is needed to get any decent turnover.

Edited by iBMe
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