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On 23/10/2019 at 9:39 AM, catfish said:

is there any plans for us being able to get hold of any oldtimes or some f2`s ?



I bought some from Joolz probably a year back he might still have some.

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Im vaping some right now, its definitely not the strongest female Ive grown from my pack, but theres absolutely no question that if you smoke too much of it you can end up in a pretty discombobulated state! :upside:

Edited by Hot_Rock
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I have a packet that is about 10 years old (i think it was one of the first releases under the ugorg banner , i think OT did a release on his own before hand) plus a more recent packet from OT1 himself that i won from COTC...


The newer packet im gifting to a friend to sift through the other packet thats a decade old i might have a go at in the coming months more for curiosity really to see if i can still get them to germinate and grow...


But what i have smoked of Oldtimes in the bast blew ya socks off !!


Farmer G 

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Mine are from the same (ugorg pack) release @FARMER G  and they’ve all germinated quickly.  Same goes for smile, smelly berry and will be trying noname (the multi Male release) again early next year.  I do have the newer noname release too.
 I have faith you’ll be grand mate

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I think it was three males used. So could of been 3 c3’s.  I’ve not seen this change on their site though. Was originally described as unknown haze

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  • 4 months later...

was about time.....


had the seeds for about 2-3 years- all popped and are healthy vigorous little plants so far...

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Niiice one @buddy13:yep:


I have a packet of Oldtimes that is nearly a decade old...almost to sentimental to germinate.


Be ready fora white knuckle ride...Oldtimes is some strikingly strong canna...not the average canna you see on the saturated market of today :yinyang:


I really want to grow @oldtimer1 Lot5 again...now that was some serious cannabis...i have those Lot5 crosses that giz made but they where from the evo series...


I might pop a handfull of OT after being inspired by your post mate.


Farmer G 



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the oldtimes i’ve been growing for years is one of the strongest growing plants i’ve had the pleasure of, it just wants to live and grow and grow and grow lol  tough plants and are probably linked to my insomnia!


i’ve been up cleaning windows at 2am in the bedroom with mrs twigs asleep in bed, going for dog walks at 3am with the dog wondering what’s going on lol 




sorry for putting pics in your thread but it’s a great strain :) this cuts gone now but i have more and will run again for sure :yep: 


good luck mate :stoned:  

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On 20/12/2019 at 6:49 PM, Hot_Rock said:

Im vaping some right now, its definitely not the strongest female Ive grown from my pack, but theres absolutely no question that if you smoke too much of it you can end up in a pretty discombobulated state! :upside:


On 20/12/2019 at 8:18 PM, monkeypig said:

@Hot_Rock  I've had some oldtimes phenos that seem to have no ceiling. The more you smoke, the higher you get.


It’s the only plant i’ve ever had the fear :scared: with lol sat at silly o’clock, sweating, heart racing, eyes wide..



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  • 2 years later...
On 02/02/2010 at 11:20 AM, oldtimer1 said:

...Anyhow here are a couple of pics I took of some sidies from one of my fav oldtimes while trimming last night :



Beasty looking pheno grown by OT1!!! 

On 02/02/2010 at 0:44 PM, oldtimer1 said:

...Whatever I like oldtimes a lot, though for me personally smile just edges it, while not quite as strong but mainly because it make me smile, its a great mood lifter.

OT1 saying his personal preference was for the Smile, for the high! Mine too but I loved the Oldtimes Bx he done, the buds were huge too! 

Edited by -=DrGreenThumb=-
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