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Guest Tree Man

yippe agreed...

You have a gift there mate....

I have never been able to draw .. never.

the best i could do was colour with out going over the lines :toot:

Audio Art was more my thing..


some of those more detailed pictures are crazy crazy good ..

alot of emotion and feelings in there that i can see.. and relate too

some artists only have one style. You have multi styles.

Truly awesome... I really love it

Edited by Tree Man
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Hi Blayz'd,

they really do say somethin all those pics ,, u say about the medative state : thats exactly how ive felt just lookin at them .

really awsome man ,,,, im a stick man and box car drawer myself :D

top :toot:

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Dont knock your stuff man, it does hold water against what you might call professionals. Its good stuff geezer.

:russian: You really do man, whilst it's good to be modest you have a real talent there man and should be justly proud of what you have produced. I couldn't possibly draw anything anywhere near as good as yours dude so am more than a little jealous of your ability. Nice work man and looking forward to seeing some more :yinyang:

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yippe agreed...

You have a gift there mate....

I have never been able to draw .. never.

Alright Tree Man. Thanks mate. Trace something enough and you'll be able to draw it. I think it's a thing people can learn. Drawing things is a skill people can learn I think. Nice one Tree Man. ;)

....and if your wondering where afros come from.... they come from the afro machine and the afro factory. :smoke:


Here's a dragon I liked too. Did this years ago. Probably before 2000. Used to be able to draw this perfectly in quite a bit of detail too. From numerous angles. This is the only surviving version it seems. All the rest have disapeared, been given away or been stamped on repeatedly. lol


Blayz'd mate, top work B) :headpain:

lol Thanks FF. I like that dragon. This is where drawing comes in handy. I was sat in an office after finishing a 6 month course fast. I had to stay there for ages doing nothing. So I did a load of those dragons from all different angles for a while. I would've been bored in limbo at that point, disrupting everyone. So it comes in handy all the time for when I have to occupy myself. lol Glad you like em. What else would I have done in exams if not draw pictures on whatever surface I could get. lol I always thought they put those explanation parts for me to draw on lol Funny.

Hi Blayz'd,

they really do say somethin all those pics ,, u say about the medative state : thats exactly how ive felt just lookin at them.

really awsome man ,,,, im a stick man and box car drawer myself :D

top :v:

Sup Jon. Thanks bro, yeah, that medatative thing, it feels like all senses dull. Can't hear anything or pay any attention to anything else. I basically go deaf and can't hear music or TV. Puts me a in a state of trance when I put a pen to paper. Just the action of filling in space with ink has the same effect. Like the feeling I get is void of anything. Strange, how I would guess meditation goes. Doesn't happen all the time. Glad you like them Jon. :)

Dont knock your stuff man, it does hold water against what you might call professionals. Its good stuff geezer.

:guitar: You really do man, whilst it's good to be modest you have a real talent there man and should be justly proud of what you have produced. I couldn't possibly draw anything anywhere near as good as yours dude so am more than a little jealous of your ability. Nice work man and looking forward to seeing some more :yinyang:

Felix. good of you to stop in mate. Thanks. I think it's that I know I'm not bad at drawing stuff, but I know alot of others who are better. I've tended to draw things from my mind straight away. If I went wrong I start again. I think doing it that way throws up lots of inconsistencies but I hear that's where the real perfection is lol So it works well for me. Maybe I like other peoples stuff more than my own. lol I'm glad you like them. Appreciate the comments.

Those cheques are all in the post I swear lol

Yo Jon. I've decided to upgrade from my stick men. I get crazy ideas for scenes of people but never learned the proper way to draw them. lol So I might work on that soon. I've got a dinosaur book too. Learn how to draw animals and people with the next 10 years. lol


Nice one lads. I'll take some more photos soon.

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Awww! Blazy, when we gonna work on a piece together?

Your work always inspires me, especially those colour ones.... keep it going my friend .....


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  • 2 weeks later...
Awww! Blazy, when we gonna work on a piece together?

Your work always inspires me, especially those colour ones.... keep it going my friend .....


Always nice to see you PB. After seeing that thread of yours I'm thinking you could put into wood anything I can draw. So I'm taking the opportunity. I've been working on that box for a while. The more I revise something before finishing it in pen the better the idea evolves and the better the drawing gets. Even if it's finished I can trace it over and over making it better each time. I think I need a solid few weeks where I'm totally in the mood to draw things. I'll sort you out with some things soon. I like the idea that a box might outlast me :rofl: So I'm on that one PB and I'll make sure it's worthy of space on one of those boxes. :rofl:

I also stopped destroying pictures. I got a box to chuck them in, instead of a bin :wink: I like looking through old books I've drawn in. So I figure I will enjoy looking through all the crazy stuff when I'm older.

I got some photos of other stuff here. I'll upload them now.

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I got loads so I'll try keep it brief :spliff:

Simple stuff. Basically seconds to do these.

Mad homer simpson style people.




...and a way to record progress. I thought I could do paintings like this but with more elaberate design. Then whoever I gave them to could record progress on what they wanted. All they'd need is a bit of paint to fill in their improvement. Mad idea. I liked it.


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Now I'll show you some of my crazy shit. Stuff nobody apart from me gets to see. :)

Somebody might find some of this interesting :yep:

These were the things I wanted in 2007. Amazing how much things can change in such a short time.



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This is all quite mad.




To be honest I'm not sure what that last ones all about but I think it means something :)

I'll get you some proper pictures of stuff now. Just wanted to include mad stuff nobody sees. I've got literally 20 odd books full of stuff like that. My problem is I've written and read so much that I don't know what parts of the stuff I wrote down are mine. I have to check on the internet to see if I've written down quotes from other people all the time :yep: I love all that stuff.

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Thats cracking pen work Blayz'd. It looks great, a proper talent there.

Edited by MartininLondon
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Fuck it. Lets carry on this story. Remember that picture on the first page. With the little stick men on the sides of life. I played with that. It's evolved into this.

It started here with this little sketch.


Now it's here with this big one.


They got some personality these stick men, :) I like them.


Minature scenes. I like how much I can get into small spaces. Notice the guy fishing at the top :yep::D That's a grow house in a buried pyramid by the way. Burried with that is a spaceship, it crashed into the pyramid, took a big chunk out of it. Unfortunately, they didn't dig down that far so never found the spaceship. Or the treasure someone buried in a roman underground room lol Fucking nuts man.


I like this one too so I'll add it. Simple. I like simple.


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Nice one lads :yep:

I like this one.


I liked this one until I fucked it up. I should leave felt tips well alone, I don't get on with them. I might finish this one and see how it looks. Pissed me off at the time because I liked it, then I put different pen on it and didn't like it. Lucky I didn't put my pen through it all really lol I could probably go over it in ball point and incorperate that different ink effect into it. I still like this one actually. Not sure why.


pfff, Hi meaning hello, wtf was I smoking.


I think I might do a picture in a picture. I could draw something and fill it with stickmen. So there are stickmen making up another image, but you won't recognise until you got close to it. lol I like that idea.

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