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Grobag's Hash Thread


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Just thought i'd add this Gro if its ok :rofl:

Senegalise and blueberry/superskunk frozen trim put through a 2 bag bubblesac about 5 mins ago B)


I normally just leave it on some plastic to dry at room temp and then roll it up but if you know of summat better then fire away mate

I also have a bit of dry sift too if that helps

Last time i mixed the 2 together while it was still wet and it went rockhard which i dont really want as its a pain lol



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I normally just leave it on some plastic to dry at room temp and then roll it up but if you know of summat better then fire away mate

grease proof paper if you can't get any pressing screens mate lol prob the best thing i've found anyway, it sticks to everything :rofl:

looks lovely btw :)

Edited by StonedBrittania
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That looks lovely Owd, feel free to post away. :rofl:

Senegalese/BBxSS Bubble, mmmmm, now that sounds gorgeous. What a mix eh, that'll hit you from all angles. :rofl:

Without pressing screens, whenever I use Bubblesacs, I've always dried it on some kind of shiny cardboard although you do have to keep moving and turning it as it dries or it does stick. The greaseproof paper idea of SB's sounds good. :)

A little tip though is that as it does start to dry and change colour, press it flatter so that moisture is squeezed out and you give it the biggest surface area possible to fully dry.

Once it has totally dried and you have a solid hard flat block of it, wrap it in a bit of plastic (the faithfull chopped up carrier bag :wink: ) and hold it against the side of a cup of hot coffee. This will give it enough heat to melt it a bit and you can shape it into whatever you want. Then you can just break off lumps and roll it into worms, balls, etc for smoking. That's how I keep bubble anyway. lol

Enjoy Owd mate, that looks like some right nice bubble.


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Thanks alot chaps :rofl:

A little tip though is that as it does start to dry and change colour, press it flatter so that moisture is squeezed out and you give it the biggest surface area possible to fully dry.

On to it now mate thanks lol


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So here's the final update on the latest of the jellies I made. :)

When I went to the expo, the jellies I had made were still 'not quite' finished but lovely none the less so I took them with me to share and smoke. The bubble jelly however, being the bigger lump of the two, I chopped about 1/3 off before I went. As it was Bish's trim I used to make both the bubble and the oil for this hash, the lump I had chopped off was to put by for him. When I went over to his last, I forgot to take it with me so now that it has had a chance to just sit for a while it had started to change.

When I dug it out to look at it and get it ready to take over to it's rightful owner, I saw that it had started to oxidise (turn black) and lose the moisture content in it which made it hard to rub up. It only took me a minute or two to rub the hash up into a lovely looking black ball that is soft as a lump of plasticine but extremely stretchy. Lovely stuff. I can't wait to try some but I'll take it over to Bish first and let him do the honours. :)lol lol

Anyway, here's how it looks now that it is finally finished and I am proud to say 'that is my hash'. I'd take the Pepsi challenge with anyone. :rofl:


Finished Jelly Ball 1) Mixture of bubble and Butane Honey Oil (1:1)


Finished Jelly Ball 2) Finally matured/cured to roll up well


Finished Jelly Ball 3) Last one

I hope you enjoyed the jelly guide in this thread but it is by no means that last nor the definitive. I could have done a better job and will do in the future and post the results. I'll also be extracting the resin and oil by different methods, making totally different jelly hashes. I'll resurect this thread whenever I make something related and interesting.

'Til next time folks. :D


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Great thread Gro!!

A nice selection you've smoked and some great info too.

Looking back at some of those pics had me drooling, especially the oil :)


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Hey Gro :smoke:

This is the dried Senny/BB bubble at the side of some of my 6 month old hash so you can see the beautiful colour it has :yinyang:


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Cheers for posting up some great shots guys. B)

Hey Gro :wink:

This is the dried Senny/BB bubble at the side of some of my 6 month old hash so you can see the beautiful colour it has :doh:

That looks beautiful Owd. :wub:

Firstly, the Senegalese bubble. A truly sublime smoke eh? I find that Senegalese bubble really does retain a lot of the plant's characteristics. One puff of it and you can instantly tell that it is bubble from the Senny - all bubble having 'that' flavour, but there is no mistaking the overriding Senny flavours and aroma. A right hard hitter aswell, condensed Senny high - lovely - what an overall, all round lovely smoke.

That other lump looks the dogs danglies. ;) You can tell by the look of it that it is nicely cured. I bet that is a corker of a smoke. Great shots Owd and thank you posting them. So that older/cured lump is a mixture of a few different starins. Lets see if I've got it right...the strains used were ESBxHaze, BBxSS, and a touch of straight Super Skunk in the dry sift. It is a mixture of both bubble and dry sift (mainly from both the ESBxH and BBxSS) which would bring up the turpine levels, producing a much more flavoursome toke than pure bubble alone. On top of that it has been cured for 6 months. Bloody hell mate - that'll take some beating! I cannot wait to give this one a go. I'll post up a few pics and a smoke report just as soon as I try some.

Outstanding - giving me a run for my money eh - your gonna have to start your own hash master thread soon mate, you've deffo got the knack. :yep:

oil be ok now :rofl:

Again a cool shot Dikki, lovely see through trichome treacle. Slurp. What strain was that from mate? I love BHO, there's no other comparison really when it's done well eh?

Enjoy mate.


Anyone else got any home-produce shots they'd like to share? Gwan, get out the camera and set it to macro. lol

Great to see.



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Outstanding - giving me a run for my money eh - your gonna have to start your own hash master thread soon mate, you've deffo got the knack. lol

Again a cool shot Dikki, lovely see through trichome treacle. Slurp. What strain was that from mate? I love BHO, there's no other comparison really when it's done well eh?

aah i think i'll be a little bit busy with another project :soap:

trychome treacle

you smooth talking wretch :doh:

made wi cindy airbud i't'was

here's a bit now cured up a little....


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Lets see if I've got it right...the strains used were ESBxHaze, BBxSS, and a touch of straight Super Skunk in the dry sift. It is a mixture of both bubble and dry sift (mainly from both the ESBxH and BBxSS) which would bring up the turpine levels, producing a much more flavoursome toke than pure bubble alone. On top of that it has been cured for 6 months.

Bang on mate :doh:

giving me a run for my money eh - your gonna have to start your own hash master thread soon mate

Nah mate thats your domain,i'll just pick your brains as i go :soap:


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As I say at the beginning of this thread, the best hashes can be and are generally made at home. My own personal stash attests to this and as you can see, in past piccies, I've quite a few things to compare.

I've already posted up a few shots of selections of import hashes I have ATM but not posted many pics of varieties of homemade delecacies. Right now though I have a few of the best DIY hashes I have ever had and to be frank, they blow the imports out of the water really, though it's nice to have them all for the variety. :yahoo:

So here's a few shots of the hashes I am most fortunate to have at hand to toke away on. Descriptions of what each are is already posted in this thread over the last page so there's no real need to explain again unless anyone wants me to clarify. Here they are, deffo not for the novice lightweight, NOB on. :P


Homemade Hashes Group Shot


Closer Shot Jelly ball (bubble, dry sift and BHO - 1 month cure) and hash block (bubble and dry sift - 6 month cure)


Closer Senegalese bubble and older Bubble/ dry sift mix


Senny Bubble The freshest of the three, but the most flavoursome


Cured Hash Without flash

I'm a lucky git eh, sorry. :P

E2A: All the pictures I post with titles underneath can be clicked on (twice) to produce larger versions so you can zoom in. These are linked to from my gallery so that I only have to upload them once but can link them into as many threads as I wanted. A great new way of posting images since the upgrade. So as a result, all the pictures I have posted in this way can be viewed in my area of the members gallereies. :wink: Just to clarify incase people didn't know what way I was posting or thought that the pics were just thumbnails. :magic:

Edited by grobag
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I'm away to change my troosers again, I'm gonna have to stop lookin at these hash threads.

Yes you are a lucky git grobag.

That hash looks amazing, I'm gonna have to give it a go.

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aah i think i'll be a little bit busy with another project :wink:

trychome treacle

you smooth talking wretch :doh:

made wi cindy airbud i't'was

here's a bit now cured up a little....

Nice one Dikki mate, that looks really nice, all the better for a purge. I do like my BHO cured. C99 aswell, nice. Coincidentally, I had never tried the C99 until the Expo so I was keen to give it a go. EO had brought some with her and I ended up having quite a few tokes of it, and the C99 bubble aswell. Both were really nice, so I bet the BHO is aswell. Excellent fella. :yep:

I take it also that you made it with the coffee-pot method I posted up. I only know cos you posted up a pic of your shiny new stainless steel cafetierre in the Nob thread eh, :P , exactly the same as the one I use, had it for years now to. :) Something I love to see, people trying out methods that I posted up. It really makes doing guides for threads worthwhile and gives me a sense of achievement towards the whole ethos of the site: sharing information and learning to make the best yourself. :D

Cheers for sharing that with us Dikki mate.

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