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My first grow!


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I've done a few auto grows and their stated growing times are generously short. Autos actually take the same amount of light as photos but in a shorter period. They don't use less electric in the end. One way or the other, they both need about 1400 hours of photon delivery.

Edited by catweazle1
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19 hours ago, kerser said:

I think your probably right I should do photos, thats what most people say.


It's what a few people on here have started saying to everyone over the last couple of years regardless of individual context lol haven't seen it elsewhere, nor before then here (eg when I started my first diary).


Some communities need their own meta I guess.

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My @ button has failed.

I scanned over the fact this was in Auto flowering. 


I'll jump back out again and try not to return. :hippy::pitchfork:

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Any reason for the clay pebbles? You're going to find that the medium's drying out pretty quickly in those fabric pots. If you're going to grow autos, start them off in a light-mix them pot them Into a fertilised mix at two weeks or so. That way you won't need any feed except for maybe a few bloom feeds later on if at all. Royal Mix/Batmix or similar should see you through without worrying too much about feeding. No need for the pebbles though.it just means more frequent watering and a higher chance of roots drying out.

Not a fan of fabric pots myself for this reason.


Autos certainly have their place, can give you a fast stash while you're getting set up for a good photo run.

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12 hours ago, Clubs said:

Any reason for the clay pebbles? You're going to find that the medium's drying out pretty quickly in those fabric pots. If you're going to grow autos, start them off in a light-mix them pot them Into a fertilised mix at two weeks or so. That way you won't need any feed except for maybe a few bloom feeds later on if at all. Royal Mix/Batmix or similar should see you through without worrying too much about feeding. No need for the pebbles though.it just means more frequent watering and a higher chance of roots drying out.


I was just following the advice from the guy in my local grow store, he said it would help if I put some at the bottom of the pot along with the light mix.


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Im gonna pot these up today.


I want to put them straight into the 11L pots for simplicity.


Is the lightmix fine to use as it is? Do I need to add anything else to it?


Im gonna go and get a heat mat later so please let me know if theres anything else I need or should have.




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1 hour ago, kerser said:


I was just following the advice from the guy in my local grow store, he said it would help if I put some at the bottom of the pot along with the light mix.


They are good at selling us stuff we don't really need ;)


I'd get some root promotion product, 

either Biobizz root juice or Growers Ark root tonic or something similar. 


You would do better to start them in smaller pots(of light mix), 

that way the larger pot can be a stronger compost so it takes care of feeding through most if not all of the veg phase :yep:


Plus it's easier to get the moisture levels correct in a smaller pot when the plants are still small. 







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Just now, Shumroom said:

Plus it's easier to get the moisture levels correct in a smaller pot when the plants are still small. 

Believe him, he talks gold. Guess how I've learned...

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@kerser, nowt wrong with starting with autos. I've been growing for just over two years now, and only just completing my first photoperiod grow. 


In some ways autos are easier. You can grow them in one pot, no need to repot/pot up. Keep the same light schedule throughout. They are not light sensitive in the same way as photoperiods, so if there's an LED on your tube heater in the tent, or a pinhole in the tent fabric letting light in, they don't care. Whereas a photoperiod plant might reveg or start producing pollen! :D OTOH if you hit problems early on, there's not much time for the plant to recover and you might have a disappointing end result. 


Photoperiod plants do offer greater flexibility and control, but in my opinion you need to know what to do with that level of control first. Also your environment needs to be right when you switch to flower, especially no light leaks. You possibly need a more powerful light for flower than you could get away with for autos, because it has to deliver greater light intensity over a shorter period.


If you have the basics of your growing environment correct, an auto will just grow and you'll get some weed at the end of it. What's not to like? :) A photoperiod will potentially produce more and maybe higher quality, but personally I think it's slightly more complicated to grow. 


That's my 10p worth. Good luck with the grow! :yep:

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4 minutes ago, Crow River said:

I've been growing for just over two years now

It's the auto growers who seem to be a bit over sensitive about this subject.


I started growing last century lol


I have grown autos and photoperiods,

but I mostly grow photoperiods because I haven't smoke an auto that really got me high.


Yes I'm a fairly heavy user,

as I use cannabis in order to minimise the amount of pharmaceutical shite that I need to put in my body in order to function on a daily basis.


I've had some great flavours from some autos,

but they only allow me to feel like I don't quite need another right now but that's all.


Mind you I haven't grown any of @brock1's genetics,

he has bred for his own requirements rather than being bred for production/yield and economic gain :) 



As I keep saying,

"I have no issues with the people who choose to grow autos,

nor do I have an issue with the auto flower phenomenon,

my problem is the lies told by companies pushing their products on the naive newcomers to the world of canna growing".







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@Shumroom, I have no issue with anything you have said. 


It's true that many auto 'versions' of photoperiod strains have lower levels of THC. However they often have higher CBD levels. So for medical users, there could be different benefits. 


Personally, my tolerance has increased hugely since I started growing. Before that I couldn't partake every day like I do now. So yeah, sometimes a middling auto won't have much effect unless I use more of it. Switching strains can help, which is a good argument for growing a variety of different cultivars. Though I often find only edibles will get me really stoned these days.


I prefer to think of auto strains as their own thing, rather than a version of photoperiod strains. If the only requirement is potent doobies, then photoperiod is probably the answer (though some auto strains are quite potent too). For vaping, flavour could be equally important. And for other uses like edibles or extracts, autos can have a distinct contribution in my opinion. 


Also just focusing on THC potency maybe misses some of the other beneficial compounds in cannabis.

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Good luck with the grow  mate :yep:       Big auto fan ,  nothing wrong with a good auto :george:   


Shum & Crow make very good points ,   from first hand experience i have produced autos that hold thier own ,  compete and beat fems in the potency stakes  ,  also had some dire rubbish.  

Like anything else theres good and bad ,  i wouldnt read too much into the numbers quoted as the entourage effect will play more than anything ,  in general a photo will produce more and better quality but auto's can and do hold their own :yep:   

The world would be a boring place if we all liked & grew the same thing ,  grow what you fancy and enjoy it :yep:



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I'll just add my 2p..


I started growing autos indoors. Never really had any stunt growth, and decent yeilds, yes some were stronger than others but I think that goes for all plants grown from seed.


However since turning to photo period plants, mainly regs (Subbies) the overall quality has increased I would say. Plus as has been said up there, you have more control over size. I can now grow more plants in smaller pots in the same space as autos with bigger pots. Photos would be my go to now, still chuck the odd auto in the garden every year though, they normally produce something worth consuming.

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