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Revives funky skunky summer of regs the hacking of the hacks


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I get matched weights with a heavy fill, tamping down multiple times with the tamping plate included in the kit. I think it's 0.4g/00, that I end up with, need to check. 

Haven't a clue regarding cap disintegration upon ingestion, but the way they come on is lovely.  I'm assuming with them hard packed I'm getting max hit per cap, but never loose filled to try it. 

I've got AVB & bud caps & can't tell the difference, apart from possibly only getting stomach repeats from AVB only? 


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Interesting I’m going to try it I think. Do you grind it up fine? Never thought of encapsulating it I will quite often eat small bits of raw bud though quite like the taste. So a good dose is about 2g then? 
If you want to see how it breaks down drop one into a glass of 37’c water. 

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Fairly fine yes, I run it through a powered coffee grinder. 

I made cobs for the first time following the thread starting on here, first experience with them was extended chewing. I hated it, both taste and texture. They are so compact though and vape a treat. 

I'll check my weights tomorrow and confirm, I'm using 6 currently, so 2.4g. Go lighter first though if no tolerance to edibles, they hit hard and stay that way for a good while. 

Will try the warm water when I check the weight. 

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I moved back to taking powdered abv loose, or to be precise with a square of dark chocolate, chewed well on an emptyish stomach this seems a much faster onset of effects and doesn't taste bad if the abv is more golden than dark brown. The capsules had me waking up middle of the night uncomfortably stoned a few times after underestimating the time they'd take to work and taking an extra one after initial mild effects.  ABV is also useful for taking abroad. I took some mixed with garam masala in our camping food box which was an ideal way to get it there but quite an acquired taste chewed  with chocolate.  


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5 hours ago, Clean Green said:

I took some mixed with garam masala in our camping food box which was an ideal way to get it there but quite an acquired taste chewed  with chocolate

Hmm  a curried chocolate treat lol

an acquired taste for sure. 

Why did you not just stick with the caps and just get the timing and dosage right?

I guess the avb could just get ground to powder and slung in a yogurt :yep:

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Yeah, garam masala was ideal cover as it looks exactly like powdered abv and smells so strong.  I even glued the white circular seal thing back on the jar so it appeared brand new. It tasted fucking horrible though and that's the bit I didn't think through, better having that than nothing though.  

I just pestle and mortar my abv now and find the fine powder chewed with the dark chocolate can work within half an hour. I had times with the capsules where nothing would happen for three hours.  Too much abv isn't nice either.  I tend to only use it these days for ultra stealth when the in-laws are around or such like, and for a nice slow release sleep aid. 

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7x size 2 capsules packed with ground up Exo Gold and Mighty Freeze bud. Took them with a few bits of chocolate and a strawberry milkshake on an empty stomach last night. Certainly easier to take than eating raw bud :) Had one weed burp after about 40 mins. 2 hours in it peaked and I was pretty much as horizontal as can be lol Wore off at 3 hours when I had some food I think, but I was smoking bubble too. I definitely had a deep sleep though!

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14 hours ago, Clean Green said:

It tasted fucking horrible though and that's the bit I didn't think through, better having that than nothing though.  

lol at least you didn't go without like you say dude.

3 hours is a long while for those caps to get working so I can see why you went for a method to speed up the process.

Its good that there is no waste but im not sure the whole avb thing is for me..ive never tried it so will deffo give it a go but ive plenty of bud so if its not for me it can just go in the bin :yep:

I may try making some oil with it too and see how that tastes :yinyang:


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3 hours ago, Hole in the clouds said:

7x size 2 capsules packed with ground up Exo Gold and Mighty Freeze bud.

What made you go for 7? Im very wary of edibles so it takes a while for me to judge the dose..nothing worse than going overboard and having to ride the wave until it passes lol ive lost count of the times I've been caught out and thought I wouldn't suvive..hyperventilating, sweating and parra as fuk.

I respect them so much more these days.

Its odd it wore off so soon, normally takes a fair while in my experience.

I take it you decarbed it beforehand?


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No no decarb just raw bud. 
7 because that left just the right amount of ground bud for an after work bowl :)lol 

The peak of of it wore off shall we say hard to tell as it was Friday night and I had the bubble stash out.

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3 hours ago, Hole in the clouds said:


No no decarb just raw bud. 
7 because that left just the right amount of ground bud for an after work bowl :)lol 

The peak of of it wore off shall we say hard to tell as it was Friday night and I had the bubble stash out.

If you decarbed it you wouldn't need half as many dude..its a must when ingesting it in order to convert the THCA into THC and is a whole diff experience :yep:

Some say raw bud does nothing no matter how much you eat, I think it does a little but nothing like it does when decarbed..give it a crack bro :yinyang:

Edited by Revive
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Nearly 2 weeks now without a banger :)

How the fuk did I do that I ask myself lol

Getting on much better with the vape now, my lungs seem to have got used to it a bit more and after perfecting the way I'm using it the coughing is much less..Still coughing here and there but that's because I'm a greedy fuk and don't pull away when I feel the tickle coming on.. very pleased I've made this move but I won't lie I miss the bangers and my morning cuppa isn't the same without 1

The last batch of oil I made is potent as fuk, bit to much in fact lol caught me out a couple times now but luckily both times I was just on the edge of it becoming to much..took some couple nights back before bed but I couldn't sleep and was still awake as it started to take effect..it was nice at first but it just kept getting stronger and stronger and it got me a bit parra and breathless lol as I say I was just on the edge.

Half a teaspoon seems to be about right with this 1 so it's gonna last sometime.

Gave a bit to a friend and they have reported back saying it put them in la la land for ages and they wasn't sure it would wear off lol

Think they took more of it than needed but I did advise them to wait at least 90 min before topping up but they didn't listen.

So this was just a little report on how things have gone lately.

Be lucky y'all :yinyang:

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Nice mate 2 weeks that’s the hard bit out the way I bet its nice to not be wheezing as much I used to keep myself awake wheezing 16 months smoke free now

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27 minutes ago, Brysee said:

Nice mate 2 weeks that’s the hard bit out the way I bet its nice to not be wheezing as much I used to keep myself awake wheezing 16 months smoke free now

Thanks brother hopefully it gets easier from now on.. it was the same for me every night I just couldn't get off to sleep with all the wheezing and it wasn't just when I breathed out it was both ways, I'd end up sitting up trying to lift it off my chest by coughing and coughing..my chest got so sore and often I'd strain muscles by doing so..much better now, still not perfect but much improved :yep:

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