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How do you see it going?


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Were those podcasts ever released? Would love to hear them.

If it wasn't for ex-Home Secretary Suella Braverman's recent suggestion that cannabis be made a class A drug I'd have said that the future lay with legalisation of a small number of plants for personal consumption (ala Oregan?) but now I'm not so sure. I now tend to think that the UK is a quite backward country in these matters and that maybe Eire is more likely to relax things than us, and that's saying something.

Now electricity is so expensive it's inevitable people will look to grow outside more which, for guerrilla growers will led to greater competition, greater difficulty in finding plots and a lot more rips. Other people might just put trellis on top of their garden fences, grow some climbers up them and source hardy, quick growing, low odour and small dope plants. I expect there will be a lot of that. And as someone above said, I don't think most neighbours are inclined to object (as long as you are nice to them!). Flat dwellers in cities are a bit fooked though.

The effect of climate change will be interesting. It might even make it easier to grow dope in the UK. I suspect that it already has for me in rural Sussex.

I'm with @Black Venus (I think it was?). I'd love to form a co-op and grow on an acre or so. I'd almost do that now if it wasn't for the rural shooting types on the estate next door and errrrr... the family.  :-|


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As a grizzled veteran of the gg game (2 years of mostly fucking shit up in my garden) and a consumer of nearly 3 decades, I don't really care about the law anymore.... 

Before I found this priceless resource and fantastic community, I had genuinely no idea that anything worth half a shit could be grown outside here.... I just wish I'd known sooner ffs.

I absolutely won't stop chucking a few out in the garden. My neighbours don't give a shit, and half the folk round here smoke it anyway. It keeps me out in the garden and has motivated me to grow a bit of veg and actually learn the names of my plants. As a result I'm now banned from buying anymore as I've gone a bit overkill on the shrubbery.

With regards to the overcrowding issue.... I've been doing a bit of spotting for possible sites recently, and fuck me I've found 2 definite existing plots and an old abandoned one. It seems we've all got the same idea. Left field thinking is required going forward for the larger scale growers. 

If things do change I just hope the wankers don't see the pound signs and keep personal growing illegal (more tax revenue when buying by the gram, instead of growing your own).

The sad reality is (in my opinion) that all these career politicians care only about their next election result. Any government that dared to regulate, would be slaughtered by the right wing press. And regardless of whether the regulations made life better, they'd lose votes..... 

Until then, keep on popping those pips and fuck the po po 


Bless up 

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