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Panty Punch Auto (seedstockers)


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Sorry update is a bit late this week, messing about with guttering, Joys of being handy and being able to climb ladders lol  


Day 36 - reduced feed to 600ppm, they seem happy enough, if a little small and now with burnt tips :rolleyes: - sadly these wont come back but shouldnt get any worse.


I have also bought an ultrasonic humidifier - nothing fancy but it was only £10 off of amozone and holds 1.2L - which on intermittent low setting lasts 24hr.

This week, Im trying out something new to me -  Ive noticed loads of peeps go half and half veg/bloom feed when in flower stretch, so after 1 week of Veg feed during first week of stretch, the 2nd is week going to be 50/50, then 100% bloom after that (chempak no.8)


Anyhow enough of my jabbering heres the girls





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I hope so mate - desperately need a few good runs to fill the empty jars staring at me every day :taz:


top left - its a 4 in 1 tester, supposedly does ph/temp/soil moisture / sunlight lux 

dont bother the ph is miles off, sunlight lux is ??????? but the temp is good for checking the root zone and I thought the moisture was bollox but found if you slowly push it in an inch at a time you can find the water level in the soil when it jumps from dry to wet (said the vicar to the tart)

or do you mean bottom left - thats a little OG Kush baby

its this but save your money 



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@RUFUS HOUND    Cheers mate ,   it was the large main plant at 11 o'clock on that pic :yep:      Its got a lovely look & structure to her :george: 


I treat them way too mean to invest in growing tools lol       



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more of an ornament now, I bought it when I started out - beginners error doh :rolleyes:


All the same plants mate @OldFord - panty punch auto from seedstockers

top left plant - she does look nice, if a bit overfed with N2 (very deep green?) I might forgo the veg/bloom at 50/50% and just give her bloom from now on, as she looks like she will have plenty of n2 in reserve to call on if needed.

I didnt try that hard when carrying out LST, I kept the leader tied down and tried to spread the main branches out, just to give 'em their own bit of space.

Still looks like its going to get crowded at the centre of each plant but thats all the main training done now - just a case of  feed, grow, watch - for the next few weeks.

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Day 42 


the Panty Punch girls are starting to get into their stride now, I will carry on with the 50/50 of 600ppm for this coming week.

plus a pinch of epsom for mg


Temp - 20 to 27.4'C - temps getting a little low at night, so turned on one of the heat mats

Humidity - 55 to 65%

PPFD - 700 approx

DLI - 50 approx

Light schedule - 20/4

Feed 50/50, veg /flower 300ppm/300ppm



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Day 47

Finished with the 50/50 mix and onto 100% bloom feed from now on (chempak No. 8) @ 600ppm, I will gradually increase this over coming weeks.

I had to take the light up a little to maintain DLI at 50 as they grow.

Still no obvious "flower stretch" but they are "bulking up" if you know what I mean  

They have another 4 weeks yet if going by the seedstockers estimate of 11 weeks and have no reason to doubt as they have been there or thereabouts, on previous grows, so plenty of time to bulk up :sport:


Feed -1.5L every 2 days 600ppm 

Temp - 25 to 31'C

Humidity - 51 to 70% (high after watering)

PPFD - 700 approx

DLI - 50 approx

Light schedule - 20/4









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day 56

I have had to start thinning out the buds on one of them as the cupboard is bare well needs must.:blub:

On the upside - quality control test confirmed this baby is strong! seedstockers state upto 30% but I doubt whether I have grown anything that potent but it hit the spot with me and my tolerance is high after smoking for years only with enforced breaks when I ran out. so must it be mid 20's % .


anyhow, here are some close up bud shots.



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Ive chopped one of PP and did a little autopsy of the roots - the roots have grown through the jiffy pellets webbing but it does seem to have restricted the root growth as not much mass inn the rest of the compost.

I dont think I'll be using these again, I suspect this is why they havent grown to their full potential - or if I do I will remove the webbing in future.



As I now have some more room, Ive had a bit of a tidy up and got my OG Kush x 2 in the middle and @brock1 Joshua seedlings on the far right.

Turned the right hand light off as theres enough light to keep the kush and Joshua happy untill the tent arrives and I can rehome them all.


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@RUFUS HOUNDInteresting to see the effect the jiffy pellets have on the roots. I will be chopping 3 down in the next week or so, I think from memory I cut 1 net fully off, 1 net I cut the bottom & loosened and 1 I left as is so I could have a look at the difference after the grow, to be fair it doesnt look like there is a significant difference between any of the 3. 

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I think with photos the jiffies would be ok as you can extend the veg until they are big enough, auto plants are on the clock and they waste time and effort getting through the netting.

Im sticking with 1 litre starter pots for autos then transfer them to finals - Ive not had a plant that didnt like being repotted to be fair 

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both the og kush have been repotted - the one in flower is in an 8L fabric 100% compost and the other og kush (a week behind) into a 12L bucket with a mix of sharp sand, compost and vermiculite to see if it improves drainage as this lidl compost is a bit claggy!,  if you know what I mean.


Back to having not having room to swing a mouse again.

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