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alternate to ecothrive coco lite 70/30


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23 hours ago, HazyDaze said:

I wasnt having  a go

I know. no probs. chill pill taken

can I just say, publicly, for the record, ive no ill feeling towards our esteemed member @GSZZ

I do appreciate the advice

im well pissed off, and at the end of my tether (about the growing, not the slanging match)

I felt as though I perhaps was being talked down to or a little sarcastically by the post that preceded the 'jog on', now ive gone back and re-read it, it doesn't come across that way but the events are done and I cant go back




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  • 3 weeks later...

canna coco pro+, with 2 x 8 hr home nutrient buffering, is what ive gone for on this latest run

as the issue happened again with the jiffy pro7




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  • 2 weeks later...

All been kicking off since I last visited I see lol


Without knowing your whole situation one thing I did see you mention was that your pH was around 5 and even high 4's. That's REALLY low. Is there a reason for that? You want somewhere between 5.5-6.5 for coco really. There are a lot of people that don't pH at all as the medium can buffer the pH itself but I imagine most people not adjusting still have a feed between 5.5-7.5


Personally I think the medium is going to make hardly any difference. Perlite or no perlite, canna or ecothrive or whatever. Any off the shelf coco from a hydro shop should be good for growing decent crops, any differences should be minor as should any buffering issues which tend to correct themselves ime. I really don't think the medium is the problem here


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12 hours ago, BushDoctoR said:

you mention was that your pH was around 5 and even high 4's.

yes bro, when the pH was at that level that was when I had tweaked the feed slightly (adding canna traces) which must be acidic and brought the pH down, which I'd not checked for a few days. then I noticed it and corrected it

normally, I know where my pH is and dont have to mess with it - its about 5.6 - with nutes in RO water, so I dont adjust it as its a ball ache in RO there's hardly any buffer, it was the traces that sent it to the low 5'/high 4's

now I know I can add 0.5g of bicarb to a 25L mix, with traces added it gives me 6.2 pH

the nutrient buffering that I have done to the canna coco pro+ seems to be working bro, im happy to report




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Do you have a diary up? There's  obviously something wrong but it's hard to pin point without knowing everything that's going on.


12L pots with 10 old seedlings is huge, could potentially be an issue with overwatering


What are your ambient shade temps like? What's the temp in the root zone?


I'd sack off the traces until you've fixed the problem, they shouldn't be necessary and will likely just throw you off. Same with the calmag. Whenever I've had issues in the past it's always best to strip everything back to the very basics, additives should only be used once the basics are dialled in.


What food you using and at what strength? How often you watering? Are they dry or wet between waterings? Have you measured run off EC? Could be some sort of lock out which can be caused by allsorts

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