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Polytunnel autoflower

Crow River

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@CustardVape, no heating, no insulation. Maybe asking for trouble, will see what overnight temperatures are looking like before going ahead...

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2 minutes ago, Crow River said:

@CustardVape, no heating, no insulation. Maybe asking for trouble, will see what overnight temperatures are looking like before going ahead...


It's been lovely down here today , but still chilly at night.

I guess you could try with some less expensive beans and see how it plays.

Couple more weeks and I'll start mine off 😉



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3 minutes ago, CustardVape said:


It's been lovely down here today , but still chilly at night.

I guess you could try with some less expensive beans and see how it plays.

Couple more weeks and I'll start mine off 😉




Yeah, been a bit chilly here too. Was just thinking that if the peat pots are in a propagator, with lid on, raised off the ground on a wooden table, maybe with some foam under it and bubblewrap on top, in the polytunnel, that will provide some insulation and shelter from the worst of the cold and wind chill.


I'll be germinating a few beans from crosses I made last year, plus later in May some autos too. I don't really have many expensive beans, priciest would be the UGORG stuff, then some of the TerpyZ strains. Neither will be grown this year...

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Today being the 20th April, decided to wet some beans. 


This is my first attempt at outdoors germination. Well, strictly speaking not true outdoors as it's in the polytunnel, so a bit warmer than outside - quite a bit warmer during the day at least. I spotted 28ºC in the afternoon sun, while outside it was less than half that. That's with all the windows open too.


I have some beans that I made last year by crossing a reversed Frisian Duck clone with a female of the same strain, a Super Kush clone, and a Triton Biscotto Lime clone. Two of each cross were planted today. I have no idea if the seeds are viable, some of them look a bit pale, others look normal.


Compost/coco mix in paper pots, water, beans in, and lid on the propagator, then bubble wrap over that. Forgot to bring capillary matting, but they should be okay until next visit.


We'll see how they get on...



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Checked in on the polytunnel today, and no sign of any seedlings. 


Maybe it's been too cold, in which case something might happen over the next week. Or maybe the seeds are just not viable. 


Either way, I'll give it another week. If still nothing happening, might have to go back to tried and tested window sill germination. Maybe do germ tests on the beans from the crosses to check if they're viable at all...

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Got my fingers crossed mate. Ya never know , mother nature may just win the day 👍

Edited by CustardVape
Tinymight vape is good :D
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@CustardVape Aye, we'll see. Was just trying to give the girls maximum daylight, as sunlight hours are increasing so fast just now. I'm due to wet auto beans in a week, but might wait to see if anything happens with these first. If need be, there's the window sill for another batch...

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Went to the polytunnel to check on how things are going, and two seedlings have broken the soil. :) The Frisian Duck F2/S1* have emerged, and looking healthy. No sign of the others yet. That's this season's grow on the way now...




* - Crossed two clones from the same plant, one reversed. It's either an F2 or S1, I'm not sure.

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Was at the polytunnel this afternoon. 


The two F2/S1 seedlings have grown a tiny bit, second leaves are doing well on one but the other's a bit behind. No sign of the others. I'll soak some more beans from the other crosses at home, see if they germinate. Was supposed to start some auto beans this week, but I'll leave it a week.


Weather is getting a bit warmer now, so hopefully the wee seedlings will speed up a bit...



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When I left the polytunnel on Sunday, I decided to leave the lid off the propagator. That turned out to be a big mistake. I went down today, half expecting the seedlings to have dried out. That wasn't the problem though. A rat had got in, and as well as eating all the slug pellets out of the bottle, the wee fucker knocked all the paper pots over, and munched one of the two seedlings! 🤬☠️💀


One seedling had survived, but the pot was on its side so it was growing sideways...


This is after I righted all the pots. Reckon it must have happened fairly recently, as the stem of the munched seedling is still turgid. You can see the wee bastard has torn open some of the pots.



I know it was a rat because it has visited before, and the tell-tale hole in the corner of a raised bed in the polytunnel was there.


Oh well. I suppose I'll need to wet some more beans from those crosses then. :) I'll germinate them at home this time though. 


On a more positive note, I planted six auto beans today. We're at the start of a heatwave here, so hopefully that will help with the germination. I planted one each of Quick One, Easy Bud, Northern Light Auto, Auto Mazar, Critical Kush Auto and Super Kush Auto. We'll see how they get on.


Propagator lid is staying on this time! 



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Had a chipmunk wipe out over thirty seedlings last year it's bad when they get munched before they even make it to the plot 

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Popped by the polytunnel to see how things are going.


The surviving Frisian Duck F2/S1 seedling is doing okay, onto its second set of true leaves now. Maybe a bit slow but that's fine. I might pot her up next visit. Two auto seedlings have sprouted: Critical Kush Auto and Super Kush Auto. No sign of the others yet. The Super Kush Auto was stuck in the seed shell, so I teased that off - good timing.




Frisian Duck F2/S1



Critical Kush Auto



Super Kush Auto.


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Back at the polytunnel today.


A new arrival has sprouted over the past few days, so that's a Quick One added to the Critical Kush Auto and Super Kush Auto. The latter two have grown a fair bit since Wednesday. No sign of the other three autos yet.




Quick One



Super Kush Auto



Critical Kush Auto



As for the surviving Frisian Duck F2/S1, a quick check showed that roots were starting to break through the sides of the paper pot. So I potted her up in a fairly large pot. She can stay in this, and once she's rooted it out she'll go outside. I added some copper tape and home made slug barrier - hopefully this will help keep slugs and snails at bay if we get a wet spell of weather...





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Posted (edited)

Went to the polytunnel this evening, after a very wet couple of days. I was apprehensive that slugs or snails might have had a feast, but apparently not.


However all is not well. The Frisian Duck F2/S1 seedling seems to have stalled, and is looking a bit pale. Brown spots on leaves too. It's possible it's just putting energy into roots, but there's been literally no visible growth for a week. 


Also there's no sign of the missing three auto seedlings, presumably they are not going to sprout. I'll give them a bit longer, but it doesn't look good. The three that have sprouted were ready to pot up, root tips piercing the paper pot sides. So I put them in some decent sized pots so they can spread their roots. They'll spend another three weeks or so in those before going outside.


Finally, no luck so far with the four seeds from Frisian Duck crosses which I soaked then planted  just under a fortnight ago. I'll wait a bit longer, but not too hopeful. These are indoors too. 


I expected some germination issues with trying it outdoors, but it seems there are issues with these crosses I made. Low germination rates... If this lot don't do it then I might just pop some backup beans from last year's effort.


Frisian Duck F2/S1 & Critical Kush Auto



Frisian Duck F2/S1



Critical Kush Auto



Super Kush Auto & Quick One



Quick One



Super Kush Auto


Edited by Crow River
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Thinking more on it, the Frisian Duck seedling is showing symptoms of damping off. Maybe due to the very wet, cooler weather lately. Might be the end for her...

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