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Hola from The Mountains of Southern Spain.

Hombre del Monte

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@Hombre del Monte  Hi there, I've been following the cobbing adventures and really looking forward to giving it a try come harvest time, couple of months to go and I can join the cobbing club! I've been living in central Portugal for the last nearly 8 years and the ganja I grow here is a completely different experience to what I used to grow indoors in the UK. Everyone I've let try agrees that there's something extra special that comes through from the power of the sun and other environmental factors here. The summers are harsh (this year has been brutal!) and it stays over 30c for a good 3-4 months. One thing that I've been wondering about recently is whether weed stored in jars that are kept over 30c for extended periods could ferment without me intending it. Do you have any experience/insights about this?


I normally jar my weed with more humidity than most people I know and last years crop remains bendable and normally needs leaving out overnight for it to smoke really well in a pure joint. The sativa/sat doms I've grown the previous year especially seem to become exaggerated at this time of the year after they have been in the jars 9/10 months, generally a higher more psychedelic experience. I suppose it could just be the length of cure but if there has been some fermentation going on then that would be awesome and I was wondering if it would mean it was good for eating? I suppose there's only one way to find out! :eat:


Anyway sorry for the rambling, many thanks for bringing cobbing weed to my attention, the only cobbing I was previously familiar with is the type I've done on the walls of my house! So much information and help you have provided, massive respect   :hippy:

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18 minutes ago, bigbadbudboi said:

I suppose there's only one way to find out! :eat:


Its sunday - do you have plans - if not munch away.

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52 minutes ago, bigbadbudboi said:

@Hombre del Monte  Hi there, I've been following the cobbing adventures and really looking forward to giving it a try come harvest time, couple of months to go and I can join the cobbing club! I've been living in central Portugal for the last nearly 8 years and the ganja I grow here is a completely different experience to what I used to grow indoors in the UK. Everyone I've let try agrees that there's something extra special that comes through from the power of the sun and other environmental factors here. The summers are harsh (this year has been brutal!) and it stays over 30c for a good 3-4 months. One thing that I've been wondering about recently is whether weed stored in jars that are kept over 30c for extended periods could ferment without me intending it. Do you have any experience/insights about this?

Hi there @bigbadbudboi, Your certainly right about full sunshine weed being superior to indoors and quite different. Yesterday we hit44! 

Weed would not ferment in a good way stored in jars. Any moisture would be likely to cause mould. However I've stored in a vac bag (which at the time appeared dry for smoking) and kept at 30c, was fermented nicely when opened a year later. There was more moisture still in the buds than we thought.



I normally jar my weed with more humidity than most people I know and last years crop remains bendable and normally needs leaving out overnight for it to smoke really well in a pure joint. The sativa/sat doms I've grown the previous year especially seem to become exaggerated at this time of the year after they have been in the jars 9/10 months, generally a higher more psychedelic experience. I suppose it could just be the length of cure but if there has been some fermentation going on then that would be awesome and I was wondering if it would mean it was good for eating? I suppose there's only one way to find out! :eat:



Anyway sorry for the rambling, many thanks for bringing cobbing weed to my attention, the only cobbing I was previously familiar with is the type I've done on the walls of my house! So much information and help you have provided, massive respect   :hippy:

 Sat weed gets better for several months, much more so than hybrids, but I can't see it fermenting in the air of a jar. Be careful leaving too much moisture in your jars and keeping them at 30c; But I agree with you, weed should still be springy when it comes out of the jar even months later. I always jarred it on the stems. I won't be jarring weed ever again! Cob weed smokes better than jarred, imo and certainly smokes much smother in half the time.


Thank you brother and no, your not rambling. Look at me. Once you start eating cob, then you'll start to ramble. Have a Super Sunday!

Edited by Hombre del Monte
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35 minutes ago, highgrower said:


Its sunday - do you have plans - if not munch away.

As the man says, but I doubt. I'd love to be proved wrong though.

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@highgrower  @Hombre del Monte  I'm just getting over a dose of the thrupenny bits so won't be trying it today :no:   :D


Looks like I've missed something fundamental here, I take it the fermentation takes place anaerobically then? Sorry I must've missed that somehow :doh:  Too eager to join the cob gobblers!


I've never had a problem with weed going mouldy in the jars during the summer, only once in the winter I had a bit go mouldy but that was in a general jar not a clip top kilner styleeee and it was a particularly wet winter. I've got a decent bit left of some Bangi Haze and Angels Breath that are still good and springy so maybe better to try cobbing or vac bagging some up for a while and seeing how I get on. Would I be better to separate some into a jar with some fan leaves for a couple of days to get the moisture higher before I start or is this not necessary?


I used to regularly make space yoghurts with home made bubble hash and used to love eating one first thing in the morning and then racing to a nearby woods (before it kicked in too strong!) and then meandering around with my dog following animal tracks and admiring the wonders of nature until I felt safe enough to drive home, good times! Would be great to have some easy to administer edibles in my life, smoking pure joints out here draws too much attention and word soon gets around here.


Thanks for your help guys :notworthy:


A pic here of the Bangi Haze (left) and 2 Angels Breath sisters on the right a few days before the chop....




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23 minutes ago, bigbadbudboi said:

@highgrower  @Hombre del Monte  I'm just getting over a dose of the thrupenny bits so won't be trying it today :no:   :D


Looks like I've missed something fundamental here, I take it the fermentation takes place anaerobically then? Sorry I must've missed that somehow :doh:  Too eager to join the cob gobblers!


I've never had a problem with weed going mouldy in the jars during the summer, only once in the winter I had a bit go mouldy but that was in a general jar not a clip top kilner styleeee and it was a particularly wet winter. I've got a decent bit left of some Bangi Haze and Angels Breath that are still good and springy so maybe better to try cobbing or vac bagging some up for a while and seeing how I get on. Would I be better to separate some into a jar with some fan leaves for a couple of days to get the moisture higher before I start or is this not necessary?


I used to regularly make space yoghurts with home made bubble hash and used to love eating one first thing in the morning and then racing to a nearby woods (before it kicked in too strong!) and then meandering around with my dog following animal tracks and admiring the wonders of nature until I felt safe enough to drive home, good times! Would be great to have some easy to administer edibles in my life, smoking pure joints out here draws too much attention and word soon gets around here.


Thanks for your help guys :notworthy:


A pic here of the Bangi Haze (left) and 2 Angels Breath sisters on the right a few days before the chop....




Nice looking plants.


I doubt that it will work at this late stage in the game, as I expect that the bacteria required would be dead by now. You could try adding a few fan leaves to it but as I said, I doubt It'll work at this late stage.


And yes you are correct, yes it is anaerobic fermwetation.

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@Hombre del Monte  Ok no worries I shall bide my time, read through everything more thoroughly and have a go when things are ready this year. Iv got a Smile from Oldtimer and some offspring of the Angels Breath that I crossed with Sunshine Daydream growing this year which will hopefully be sat dom enough to give it a go. 


Thanks again, all the best for this years harvest :lucky: :hippy:

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