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Should I tell my Dr?


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10 hours ago, Shumroom said:

@Diddy Regular driver and sufferer of chronic lol pain here. 


I smoke like a proverbial chimney,

If you've ever followed my diaries you'll get a rough idea. 


I also have to take controlled drugs on a daily basis on prescription(I'm fucked in a crash situation due to these anyway). 


I can't speak for all the other Dr's out there though. 







Sorry I meant to tag @Degsy not Diddy :)



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@Maesteg Cannabis Club I don't know how you get 0.5g in a 0 capsule, I use 000 and i'd struggle I think. I can't really weigh half a gram, but I'm good by eye and I'd say the 000 might just hold it.


I can't believe I smoked all those years....what a waste!


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12 hours ago, Shumroom said:

Sorry I meant to tag @Degsy not Diddy :)




Sorry mate , what's the reply or question ?


My opinion is you shouldn't tell your doctor that you use cannabis if you want to keep your driving licence and continue driving


If that isn't an issue then my all means tell them

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6 hours ago, Degsy said:

My opinion is you shouldn't tell your doctor that you use cannabis if you want to keep your driving licence and continue driving


I have had doctors tell the dvla I shouldn't get a licence, but it wasn't anything to do with the weed - it was the diagnosis, and symptoms blah blah...I've been open about my cannabis use, if they ask and it might have relevance to [health thing I may want help with], and, beyond the stock advice re harm minimisation, it's never been escalated to anything.


So I'm not sure it's a thing that would happen often. I sense, like @JamieThePainter wrote, they'd have to be a right twat.






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17 hours ago, KC said:

@Maesteg Cannabis Club I don't know how you get 0.5g in a 0 capsule, I use 000 and i'd struggle I think. I can't really weigh half a gram, but I'm good by eye and I'd say the 000 might just hold it.


I can't believe I smoked all those years....what a waste!



I can get 0.4g into a capsule if I fill the top section and I don't close them properly. If I fill them properly so they click together, I get about 0.3g in. I find taking two of these does the trick. I take one in the morning, then I usually take 2 around 18.00hrs, I'm ready for bed by 22.00hrs. 



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I had my PCV licence revoked back in 2018. Not for cannabis use, I had a dizzy spell. Honestly, I woke up one morning and the whole world was spinning. I couldn't do anything, it was that bad, so I went to see my GP. When I returned to work 3 days later, I was told that, legally I had to inform the DVLA that I had had a dizzy spell. Apparently this is due to that incident in Glasgow a few years back, when a guy who was driving a bin lorry, had a fit while driving, and killed a few people. It took me 6 months to get my PCV entitlement back but I did eventually after having to provide medical evidence that I was fit to drive buses.

Edited by Maesteg Cannabis Club
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On 23/01/2022 at 11:37 PM, Kush Lover said:

I think everyone loved the mk2, I would have mine back in a heartbeat!


re telling the doctor I have done quite a few times but with the recent state of the world and the fact a little oversharing has landed people on trouble I’m reverting back to my usual stance...tell people as little about yourself as possible, keep it on a need to know basis type thing!

Mk1 ,much prefered the shape ,just not the rust on them in comparason to the mk2 onwards , they just got fatter as the newer ones came out:yinyang:

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Oh the MK1’s were just in a league of their own especially if you had a 3 door non sunroof! Although people loved the cabriolet’s. I absolutely loved the MK1 and I know it winds a few people up but the 205 GTI was my favourite of them all.


Sorry for playing a part in derailing this thread, maybe we should start a Should I tell my doctor I have an unhealthy obsession with 80s / 90s cars!

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On 28/01/2022 at 8:44 PM, Degsy said:

Do any of the people saying you should tell your doctor that you use cannabis have a driving licence

and drive a vehicle on a regular basis ?


That's the issue here . They will inform the DVLA and it's no more driving licence for you .



This was the question I was responding to :)






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1 hour ago, Kush Lover said:

I know it winds a few people up but the 205 GTI was my favourite of them all.

Shhhh, it's a secret, let them have their Golfs lol

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My G.P.s practice was informed when I went with Project Twenty-21,

I still have heard nothing from DVLA.


I was previously on a high-ish Morphine dose,


Zomorph leaflet says,


" Do not drive whilst taking this medicine until you know how it affects you

It is an offense to drive if this medicine affects your ability to drive.

However, you would not be committing an offense if:

The medicine has been prescribed to treat a medical or dental problem and

you have taken it according to the instructions given by the prescriber or in the information provided with the medicine and it was not affecting your ability to drive safely "


Seems to say same thing twice,but there it is.



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3 hours ago, latigid aikon said:

Shhhh, it's a secret, let them have their Golfs lol

Further derail sud and sprint:yep::yinyang: sorry had to:bag:

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8 minutes ago, Personunknown said:

Further derail sud and sprint:yep::yinyang: sorry had to:bag:

FFS, it's the first rule of hot hatch drivers club lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/16/2022 at 4:25 PM, mystic_roots said:

How many of you tell your Dr that you smoke cannabis to help with a medical condition?


I suffer with anxiety, depression and IBS for the past 13 years or so and if i'm not medicated I literally cannot function. Since smoking cannabis I find it helps me immensley, I feel like a different person but I only smoke in an evening. I'm having some issues be that from my anxiety/depression or if it's my IBS, but I don't know if I should tell my Dr or not since it's illegal, I'm not sure what the reaction or consequences would be as I drive a fairly expensive car and I don't want them to think I sell the stuff.


Comments or experiences?


I've spoken, about my cannabis use, for my ailments, with every GP at my practice.  Only 1, the juniormost, was opposed to my use.  She looked spooked to be asked about it, and acted cagey like she was in a sting and had to "say the right thing". 


When asking how long until I can be prescribed (rather than just their tentative reassurances that it wont be harming me or encouragements to keep using it), until recently, I'd been told "years" (and before that "never"), and so it seems to be accelerating, faster than GPs' predictions.  Rumours abound that there are patients getting their cannabis with NHS help, more than the promoted numbers.  How many are doing so via the privatisation of the NHS though, I'm unsure, but have my suspicions. 


Terrible that such corrupt "legal" matters interject on what's a health matter.  Terrible that we do not simply say "I am not unlawfully in possession of a controlled substance." and terrible that we might ever even need to.  ... Restore Cannabis!


On 1/28/2022 at 8:44 PM, Degsy said:

Do any of the people saying you should tell your doctor that you use cannabis have a driving licence

and drive a vehicle on a regular basis ?


That's the issue here . They will inform the DVLA and it's no more driving licence for you .



I don't say "should", but, I do tell my(/any) doctors, and have a driving license, and drive on a semi-regular basis, and is a necessity for me.   ... no apparent DVLA involvement, no loss of driving license for me, in the 2 decades I've kept my doctors aprised of how much cannabis does for me, ever since GW pharma have been a thing I could point to.     [Edit: (also... as a further aside to that, I dont trust my driving without cannabis.)]


I suspect there may be some scaremongering parroting going around here, but I wouldnt like to take that gamble and find myself on the losing side of a postcode lottery in this matter.  Do as you think best in your situation, as best you can ascertain it. 


Really should be no impedence to discuss health matters with a health care consultant, from corporate-state terroristical prohibition and other corrupt laws lacking evidence for their basis.  If our system legit, free discussion proceeds unimpeded. 


... Given the data-mining and NHS-undermining and backdoor privatisation, and "Prohibition 2.0"... very understandable, to take what seems a prudent tigh-lip aproach to these "for profit medicine" goons offering a velvet gloved hand.  But then, also, the silence compounds and reaffirms the bubble of ignorance so many Doctors are still in.  If they wont learn about the endocannabinoid system from the system purportedly chaged with educating them about all the biological systems, and wont take it on their own due diligence to learn beyond what they're spoon fed and told is the correct symptom-diagnosis-treatment responses, then perhaps they are in need of well educated patients able to discuss whether they need more alosteric agonists of the CB1 receptor, and how much of which partial agonists of the CB2 receptor would help facilitate easing of reaching this dose for the CB1 receptor, or other such questions.   ... Ask around a few doctors, maybe.  May get a surprise in the range of receptivity and knowledge on offer from them.

Edited by Digit
misplaced comma
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Quite a number of years ago a friend introduced me to CBD oil and I had no knlowedge of what it did or if it would work. I did question this with my Dr who didn't know anything about it but said it couldn't harm to try.


I've got a blood test tomorrow and i've got some samples to hand in and I guess I'll see what happens with the results. I've been on pretty much all the anti depressants the Dr's prescribed, but I didn't realise the Dr's can only prescribe a certain amount so I was refferred to a specialist who could prescribe other tablets. The reason the Dr couldn't prescribe me certain tablets were because they're too expensive..........surely that contradicts the entire point of seeing a Dr? Thankfully my specialist said he didn't care how expensive they were, his aim was to get me fit and healthy.


Cannabis is the only thing that reverts me back into the happy, care free person i was when i was younger. Lets hope this time they get to the actual cause of it.

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