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Lot#5 evo F2


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21 hours ago, murphyblue said:

i think 3-4 weeks.


I think you're on the right track with that. Although I always find it hard to guess with my own plants so take that with a pinch of salt.

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Well today is 63 days so 9 weeks sine i flipped to 12/12.

I defo got 2 phenos one is all lemon and i swear the other one smells like lilt pop gonna see if i can get some to compare. lol




Girl on left lemon girl on right lilt pop CMOG by hso in the middle which will come down next week.

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I got to say something as we all know OT1 passed away and he created the original Lot#5 evo and thanks to @Smokebelch of course for creating the f2's and was very generous with his subbie seeds.

I must look like some kind of stalker but OT1's profile as helped me a lot with the info and help he has offered others over the years the man just knew his stuff R.I.P. butty.


They are 70 days since i switched em to 12/12 no signs of finishing.

The one that has started sending out tentacles the girl on the left is all lemon what kind of lemony smell i couldn't say.

The girl on the right is getting so fat the branches are in need of propping up as buds starting to flop a bit she is lilt pop girl i swear and until i get a can to confirm it i'm sticking with it. 


I am looking for some advice in that i am thinking of giving em an extra hour of darkness but unsure if this will speed things up or slow things down ???

I remember reading somewhere in OT1's profile that the more light the better for the #5's evo so someone with a decent set up and a much bigger light would pull a decent harvest.






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As you’re aware, mine have suffered some “issues” at my hand. 

regardless, they’re still here and flowering. Mine have been on 11/13 for their entire flower cycle and are about the same way along as yours. The ESB I had finished much sooner. My assumption has been that there’s something a little unruly and equatorial in Lot5 and that’s the reasoning for the extended flower. It wouldn’t be far-fetched to think there’s at least one long flowering Sativa in L5E. Maybe multiples.  All that sorta lines up with the few smoke reports I’ve read of it. Most folks seem to report that it knocked them sideways in some kinda serious way. 

As I understand it, a good deal of OT1s work had long flowering plants as the basis, and something was worked in that influenced physical traits with (sometimes anyway, maybe?) the idea of achieving indoor size and manageable flower time with outdoor Sativa effects.   That all sorta lines up with what we’re seeing re flowering time. If it’s not the case, it’s at least a logical assessment. 


Mine are stunted at my hand, but pistil status, at the least, is lining up with what you’re seeing. I believe we went into flower around a similar time, so I think we’re both seeing a similar rate of maturation.  They just seem slow. I have an equatorial African plant next to L5E in the tent and the look during flower is similar. Tons of white pistils and the look as if the plant has no plans of finishing anytime soon. 

I think it just wants a long flower. That’s been my assessment, anyhow. 

Edited by Cajafiesta
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If i remember correctly ot1 said in one of his posts the more light the better and reported different results from many of his test grows but with one same result treat it with respect or it will fuck you up. lol

Could u post some pics of urs mate to add to the thread.


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3 minutes ago, murphyblue said:

If i remember correctly ot1 said in one of his posts the more light the better and reported different results from many of his test grows but with one same result treat it with respect or it will fuck you up. lol

Could u post some pics of urs mate to add to the thread.


Yeah, let me pick the dead leaves off them and photoshop them a nice green and I’ll post.  lol


jokes. I believe in “warts and all.”  I’ll get some photos up tonight 

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21 minutes ago, murphyblue said:

If i remember correctly ot1 said in one of his posts the more light the better and reported different results from many of his test grows but with one same result treat it with respect or it will fuck you up. lol

Could u post some pics of urs mate to add to the thread.


Was that light intensity?

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Just now, Personunknown said:

Was that light intensity?

That’s sorta how I took what’s been said. It would almost have to be light intensity being referenced. 

I can’t see more duration of light doing much other than confusing the plants into revegging or just giving it up altogether in the process of reveg.

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As requested @murphyblue photos of my sad Lot #5 Evo plants. Three females total.  I've got a bunch of excuses, but whatever. They're sad plants and I'm doing what I can to keep them afloat. They havent had a kind life.  Good thing I managed to root clones of them. I've learned a good deal since these seeds were started.


I don't think we're very far apart at all on flowering dates.  I flipped these Jan 8.  Yours look great to me.  I think they're going along just like I'd expect.  My most sturdy plant is at about the same place yours is, going by pistil color and all that. So I'd guess you're on track for a likely 12 week flower, maybe? Two of mine seem to be "finishing" earlier than yours, but I think that's more the plant giving up on life than actual maturation. lol







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@murphyblue I've been looking at your recent photos over and over.  I don't know much, but I think your plants really do look quite good. The cola size appears to be pretty huge compared to pot size.  They look healthy.  


I'm really curious to see if we get similar highs off these plants from plant-to-plant.  I'm also curious to see how much my ham-fisted shenanigans influence the high.  It's clearly influenced my plants physically. 


I'm really curious because these are F2s.  There's a possibility ( or even a good chance) that you and I may experience different smells, tastes, high etc.  I'm very curious to see how that pans out.  Please tag me whenever you get to smoking and comparing your plants against each other.  I'll make sure to do the same for you






Is anyone aware of more of these Lot #5 Evo seeds floating around?  Either the F2 or the originals?   @Smokebelch These F2 were your creation, right?  Are there any more of them?


I sorta feel compelled to do an open pollination with the small amount of seeds/clones I have left.  I just don't know if I'll end up with enough males to do it justice. In light of the recent passing of The Legend Oldtimer1, it sorta feels like there's a "duty" to not let Lot #5 Evo disappear.  Very curious if anyone has hoarded stock of the original F1 release? 






I've gotta say, I'm my experience, these really are some tough as nails plants.  They seem to have pretty low nutrition wants.  The L5E were pretty consistently the best looking abused plant in my tent.  One even began to improve and the leaves darkened up and got glossy.  


My gut tells me there's gotta be some wild-ass sativa in these things and mine haven't shown any signs ( that I caught anyway) of hermaphroditic tendencies.  That's really surprising.  I beat the dogshit out of these three plants.  No danglies in site, yet.  

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38 minutes ago, Cajafiesta said:



Is anyone aware of more of these Lot #5 Evo seeds floating around?  Either the F2 or the originals?   @Smokebelch These F2 were your creation, right?  Are there any more of them?


I sorta feel compelled to do an open pollination with the small amount of seeds/clones I have left.  I just don't know if I'll end up with enough males to do it justice. In light of the recent passing of The Legend Oldtimer1, it sorta feels like there's a "duty" to not let Lot #5 Evo disappear.  Very curious if anyone has hoarded stock of the original F1 release? 








Still sat on half a pack of OT1's earlier release, threw some pollen resulting in a box full of F2's..

Grew out quite a few of those over the years under a 600w HPS, all very similar as I remember, lemon, skinny, frosty and very much top heavy.  No hermies but they did vary in flowering times, up to 14 weeks ? but did find a 8-10 weeker which I've been growing ever since.


Unfortunately they've not been stored well, all germinated at the time but that was a few years ago. Keep on meaning to go back to them..


Can't see them disappearing as they're too well thought of here, but do yourself a favor and bag some seeds, they are pretty special :smokin:

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Just now, ComfortablyDumb said:


Still sat on half a pack of OT1's earlier release, threw some pollen resulting in a box full of F2's..

Grew out quite a few of those over the years under a 600w HPS, all very similar as I remember, lemon, skinny, frosty and very much top heavy.  No hermies but they did vary in flowering times, up to 14 weeks ? but did find a 8-10 weeker which I've been growing ever since.


Unfortunately they've not been stored well, all germinated at the time but that was a few years ago. Keep on meaning to go back to them..


Can't see them disappearing as they're too well thought of here, but do yourself a favor and bag some seeds, they are pretty special :smokin:

That's sort of where my head is going with "intent" here.  I've contacted Smokebelch to see exactly how he made the F2 that I have.  curious if they were open populated or selected pheno reproductions.  Just trying to get an idea of what to expect from these F2 as well as a potential F3.



Good to know someone has some sitting around still.  I've got about 5 seeds left from the Smokebelch F2 run as well as three female clones.  So that's technically the potential for an 8 plant open pollination.  Not quite what I'd consider a "thorough sample of the gene pool" of an F2 run, but it's better than just two plants. 



I may open pollinate them.  Sorta depends on what the future holds for the tent space(s) I have. 

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I have plans for a boy hunt in the summer but as i tend to love mama nature though i want to hit some serious6 and some super#61 with some evo pollen.

As they will all be reg's i hope to get at least one of each male so i can get different combo's.

Trouble is i won't get to test em till next season even if i do get some seeds.

And more than anything am looking for mould resistance being from Wales where the weather is king and will fuck up months of work in a few days.

The S6 is a good place to start and the super#61 by RGSC has a sensi skunk#1 added so figured most of the work has already been done from what i have read about the evo is if crossed will add potency again i also read that sometimes the S6 lacks a bit of oomph which the evo would bring to the cross plus i am sure if they turned out ok and i can nail down a strong potent mould resistant pheno i would be more than happy sending them in for the outdoor boys to maybe sub and support the site.

@Personunknown yes mate light intensity.

@Cajafiesta did u not read @Smokebelch's thread he explains how he made his seeds there.

Edited by murphyblue
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They are 11 weeks since i flipped today.






Anybody wanna take a guess at how long left.


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Looking awesome buddy! 


They deffo look like they've got a couple of weeks left in 'em , if I were you I'd pencil in week 14 or there abouts.



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