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Jeff Ditchfield


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On 30/11/2021 at 8:49 AM, Hir said:

Can't believe the hypocrisy here.  "Sadly missed", "Very sad" by certain members whilst the truth is exactly the opposite, and he was hated by certain members.  You know who you are, two faced cunts.


I hated the cunt, as I did know him in person.

He was a narcissistic sociopath, a liar, a fraud, loved by stoners who didn't know him and hated by those who did.

He didn't help people; he scammed them. 

The late Mel Thomas wrote the Medical Cannabis Cookbook; Jeff fell out with him, as he did every person he worked with. 


He was so rude; it was almost comical; you had to see it to believe it. He conned so many people with his bullshit, including me.


I fully understand why Tommy Corbyn preferred bankrupting his company instead of going into business with that man. I'd rather marry Peter Reynolds than go into business with Ditchfield. 

The cannabis-hating Daily Mail paid Jeff to stitch up Tommy Corbyn to damage his dad before the election. He talked to the Sun and The Daily Mail and was keen to get the story out before the 2019 election. I guess the Daily Mail had a bigger chequebook.

The only way you'd have got him near a kid with cancer would be to tell him there was a TV or film crew present or waive £3k in cash under his nose or Western Union it to Jamaica. 

He was cremated today, so he's not around to defend himself; I say nothing I wouldn't have said a few weeks ago, and it wouldn't take much detective work to find people he fell out with or scammed that would corroborate what I've said. 

The last time I spoke to him, I told him I would tell people the truth, which didn't make him happy, not that the miserable old bastard was ever happy. I guess there's no point, and this post will have upset many people, but I don't care, as most who knew him who would say I am bang on point.

They say don't speak ill of the dead, yet when I read the comments about a wonderful person with such a big heart, nothing could be further from the truth. Is there any point to bring this up? I don't know; I'll likely get slated, and who am I to shatter the illusion of the tireless campaigner whose selflessness was such an inspiration to so many. Ah, that's what got me, the word 'selflessness', Jeff had many qualities, selflessness was not one of them; he was the antipode of selflessness.

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Jeff did not suffer fools gladly. 


Saying that, it amazed me over the many years I knew him,  how he became involved with so many characters fitting that very description. 

He seemed to be a magnet for fools. 

Fools that would try to lead him down a garden path with their stories. Begging for his involvement with their harebrained ideas and/or crazy money making schemes. 

Only to run off butt hurt and crying when they realised that Jeff was not the easiest businessman to deal with. 

All that glitters is not gold. 

Likewise, all gold doesn’t glitter either. 

Especially the gold for fools.


Cross him or try to take the piss in abundance and you’d soon see his ruthless side in full exposé.

Unfortunately for him though, the users and manipulators queued at his door relentlessly.


The previous poster in this thread being a fine example of such a fool.


@DrHempIt looks like yours and Eacups wish came true after all but please remember that although he is not here now to defend himself, your lies and bullshit accusations have been duly noted. 

You are entitled to your opinion, of course you are, but making shit up and washing your dirty laundry in public in this manner looks very ugly indeed. 

It is bad form especially in a thread that was made in his honour by another of his dear friends.


There’s nowt stranger than folk, they say. 

Haters will hate.


Away from the world of business, Jeff was kind, caring, compassionate, honest and reliable. 


I loved him like a brother and miss him dearly. 

The lies and bullshit that you are saying here in this thread (and elsewhere) are cutting a tad deep with me right now. 

I politely urge you to stop it.


To all the non fools. 

His cremation service was intimate and in minimal attendance earlier this week due to the pandemic and the wishes of his close family.


A wake (to bake) memorial gathering is being planned for in the new year for the wider community to pay their respects to a remarkable and truly extraordinary human being. 

All attendees with altruistic good intentions will be welcome. Others not so much.


RIP Jeff. 

Gone but never forgotten. 

He will be forever in our hearts and minds. 

Long may his legacy continue.


Farewell Buddy. :yinyang:

















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Music interlude.

Songs taken from Jeff’s Cremation Service. 20 December 2021.


Processional Music.



Reflection Music.



Song for Jeff.



Recessional Music.






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Well said @bartman I'll keep an eye out for details of the memorial for the wider community if there is an in person event I will endeavour to attend. Jeff's work made a huge difference to me personally during my dad's battle with cancer and regardless of the ill will from certain individuals he did a lot of good for many and probably wasn't even aware how much he helped people like me. 


His loss is tragic that's all that needs to be said.

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On 21/12/2021 at 0:46 AM, DrHemp said:

I hated the cunt, as I did know him in person.


Mate can you not just keep it to yourself? Instead of putting the boot into a dead man. People get it you did not like Jeff but is there any real need to drag him through the dirt like that. That slew of verbal shit tells me more about you as a person than it ever will about Jeff.


Fuck you and your feelings. He was loved by a great deal of people in the community. Many who he helped well beyond anyone's expectations.


So again, Fuck you. You utter cunt.

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On 22/12/2021 at 7:55 PM, Arthur Mix said:

Is Drhemp maybe affiliated with the original spice seller in uk per chance ? :wanker:

That was an Amerian guy called Tom, the original UK seller was a guy called Paul, his company was called the Psychadeli and the originar European Spice seller was Ananda, owner of De Sjamaan.


It was on the market for a good year before I added it to my old online headshot, as I thought it was a bit naff,but people kept on asking for the stuff so we added it. Evecy headshop in the UK sold it; some corner shops sold.


It wasn't that strong, but over time it got stronger and more companies started producing synthetic cannabinoid smoking blends.


I remember getting a sample of one of the first super strong cannabinoid mixes. I thought it was all right, but I didn't sell it as it was so strong, I envisaged problems. We tried making it with motherwort herb that brought it down to the strength of a normal joint. We always tested those mixes and never sold a blend that was too strong. 


We could have sold a lot more as most people wanted the strongest mixes.i always argued legalising cannabis would destroy the spice market. Are you a prohibitionist?


If our want to attack me then try something that is true, rather than lies made up by Peter Reynolds. 


Jeff always said he didn't disapprove of Spice, which you'd likely know if you knew him. We both hated Peter Reynolds, although everyone hates Peter Reynolds and Jeff hated pretty much every person that got to know him.


I used to be his most trusted confident, I'm not sure if he ever liked me, he don't think he was capable of liking anyone, apart from himself.


Jeff used to like Tommy Corbny, yet he doesn't seem to like him much according to this Dailf Mair Story. They did pay him a lot of money for the story and both were keen to get the deal done before the 2019 General Electoin to do maximum damage to Tommy's dad, Jeremy Corbyn.






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On 22/12/2021 at 7:47 PM, bartman said:


Jeff did not suffer fools gladly. 


Saying that, it amazed me over the many years I knew him,  how he became involved with so many characters fitting that very description. 

He seemed to be a magnet for fools. 

Fools that would try to lead him down a garden path with their stories. Begging for his involvement with their harebrained ideas and/or crazy money making schemes. 

Only to run off butt hurt and crying when they realised that Jeff was not the easiest businessman to deal with. 

All that glitters is not gold. 

Likewise, all gold doesn’t glitter either. 

Especially the gold for fools.


Cross him or try to take the piss in abundance and you’d soon see his ruthless side in full exposé.

Unfortunately for him though, the users and manipulators queued at his door relentlessly.


The previous poster in this thread being a fine example of such a fool.


@DrHempIt looks like yours and Eacups wish came true after all but please remember that although he is not here now to defend himself, your lies and bullshit accusations have been duly noted. 

You are entitled to your opinion, of course you are, but making shit up and washing your dirty laundry in public in this manner looks very ugly indeed. 

It is bad form especially in a thread that was made in his honour by another of his dear friends.


There’s nowt stranger than folk, they say. 

Haters will hate.


Away from the world of business, Jeff was kind, caring, compassionate, honest and reliable. 


I loved him like a brother and miss him dearly. 

The lies and bullshit that you are saying here in this thread (and elsewhere) are cutting a tad deep with me right now. 

I politely urge you to stop it.


To all the non fools. 

His cremation service was intimate and in minimal attendance earlier this week due to the pandemic and the wishes of his close family.


A wake (to bake) memorial gathering is being planned for in the new year for the wider community to pay their respects to a remarkable and truly extraordinary human being. 

All attendees with altruistic good intentions will be welcome. Others not so much.


RIP Jeff. 

Gone but never forgotten. 

He will be forever in our hearts and minds. 

Long may his legacy continue.


Farewell Buddy. :yinyang:



















Jeff mocked me, and I mocked him after he spent a week in a Jamaican Mental Health institution. it wasn't a car crash, he took too much.




I didn't accept his fake olive branch, I told him to fuck off and to stop hassling me, my friends, even my wife.

He chose not to back off, so I cosninuedi sampled his voice from the video made from the Jamaican mental health facility; it's called Jamaica Set Me Free, Jeff hated it; they should have played it at his send off, 




Jeff carried on harassing me, even after I threatened him, warning him not to cross me and I took the piss of him.


I took the piss out of him and told him there would be consequences if he continued to cross me.Which one of us is still breathing?


He did have a ruthless side to him, that's why I despised the cunt.


Jeffs swapped the oils sample sample that he got from Jason Eucups, that's why the late Mel Thomas, the sole author of the book Jeff was credited with writing, fell out with Jeff. Mel found out Jeff swapped the oil sample sent to the lab.


At least I'm not a hypocrite like those Hir complained of, who paid tributes to him, even though they knew he was a cunt.


I know the truth, I'm more than happy to dripfeed screenshots. If his public personal were true then you are right, I would be a cunt. I'd met him many times, travelled with him in Spain, yet it was some time before I knew the truth; I thought he was a likable grumpy old git.


The truth about him will come out and when it does, his memorial on here will be as welcome as a tribute to Jimmy Savile or an NSPCC forum.


I don't care if people I don't know think I'm a cunt. I'm beyond caring what people think about me. If you want to believe lies made up by Peter Reynolds, I don't care. If you don't want to question why every person who worked with Jeff fell out with him, I don't care.


I know why they full out with him. He was a liar, a fraud, a scammer, a thief, a sociopath, a narcissist, and above all he was a cunt.


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Get to fuck.


E2A He was a difficult man to be friends with but he wasn't a liar, a scammer, a fraud or anything else, he didn't do what he did for his own personal gain, that's just bullshit.

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29 minutes ago, Boojum said:

Get to fuck.


E2A He was a difficult man to be friends with but he wasn't a liar, a scammer, a fraud or anything else, he didn't do what he did for his own personal gain, that's just bullshit.



That's funny. If only you knew.


I don't care if you believe me, I guess you don't want to feel like the little children who were awake last night when their parents sneaked into their bed room to deliver the Christmas stocking and no longer believe in Father Christmas.


He was the biggest scammer of them all; you've been had.


I was chatting on Whatsapp the other day with someone who knew him well about how Jeff got away with his scams.











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54 minutes ago, Arthur Mix said:

You are a vile vermin mr bogey



I don't like police informants, even dead ones. It's just the way I am.


A lot of people backed me, including Jeff, when Peter Reynolds boasted about reporting me to the police.


I've got loads more on my laptop which is in my office. It can wait, I'm looking forward to sharing the email correspondence between Jeff and cannabis-hating Daily mail who paid him to stitch up Tommy Corbyn to damage his dad in the run up to the general election.


There's a beauty of him boasting about him playing the Daily Mail against Thu Sun to see who would pay him the most. 



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There'll be a lot of ''stuff'' after we're all gone , and none of us without sin . Some things are as they say probably best left unsaid ,won't benefit anybody . 

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