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Jeff Ditchfield


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1 hour ago, Arthur Mix said:

You are a vile vermin mr bogey



I don't like police informants, even dead ones. It's just the way I am.


A lot of people backed me, including Jeff, when Peter Reynolds boasted about reporting me to the police.


I've got loads more on my laptop which is in my office. It can wait, I'm looking forward to sharing the email correspondence between Jeff and cannabis-hating Daily mail who paid him to stitch up Tommy Corbyn to damage his dad in the run up to the general election.


There's a beauty of him boasting about him playing the Daily Mail against Thu Sun to see who would pay him the most. 



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The screenshots I shared proving I am telling the truth have been deleted.


I've joined this site in Januacy 2002, I was the 300th member and this will be my 115th and lost post.


I can get those screenshots to a far wider audience then this site. As they were deleted I will make a point of making sure they go a wider audience.


What a joke that someone said Jeff was not a person to cross. Peter Reynolds and Jeff found out the hard way not to cross me. I always win.


I don't know why people were scared of the scammer. Still, I expected the old goat to have put up more of a fight. I would have preferred he lived to see his reputation in ruins.

Sadly, the cunt died the day after he realised the game was up and he'd lost. I would have loved to have seen his face after he read that email and realised I beat him and there was nothing he could do about it. All he had to do was be a good boy and back the fuck off away from me, but he was too arrogant to accept that he should not cross me.


Was it a heart attack? I confess, I did chuckle to myself, "With any luck the old cunt will have another heart attack when he reads this," as I hit the send button.


My Mrs came into the bedroom and said: "You won't be getting any more trouble from Jeff."


"Oh good, it worked," I thought.


"Why's that?" I replied.


"I just read on Facebook that he died last night."


"Good, my curses work," I said.


Anyway, I don't know how he died, he could have been eaten by an alligator for all I know, and the timing of that email purely coincidental. He can no longer scam the terminally ill; that's the most important thing for me. 

History will be corrected. The deleted screenshots I posted are not going away and they were just the tip of the iceberg.






Edited by lildaveham
Deleted offsite hosted picture as stated it is against site rules.
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45 minutes ago, DrHemp said:

The screenshots I shared proving I am telling the truth have been deleted.

if you had uploaded them here, as per the rules then they would still be there ( i didn't delete them by the way, just saying)


45 minutes ago, DrHemp said:

I can get those screenshots to a far wider audience then this site. As they were deleted I will make a point of making sure they go a wider audience.


45 minutes ago, DrHemp said:

I always win.


it's an empty win dude, there's no prize to be had here in this thread

Edited by Joolz
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Dr hemp bogey has said he sold weaker spice to counter what’s been said , that means you sold weak mixes for full price and that alone is in a way an utter cuntoid would act. One day you’ll go back under your rock and carry on being dubious. Just the fact you was involved in some way to cash in shows exactly your type of character. As for being in the first 300 members here and have such a low post count also shows you aren’t into helping people become self sufficient and you just a money man. I also reckon you helped get the police guidelines changed from 9 plant to 7 with the people you last latched on to .:wanker:  Maybe one day you’ll pop off this planet and I know more people would have more to say then , like you are doing now. You say you was mocked by the deceased yet the way you are now is much much more despicable. Always jealous of the next man . As for me people know I’m a cunt lol 

Edited by Arthur Mix
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10 hours ago, DrHemp said:

I would have preferred he lived to see his reputation in ruins.




then you should have had the balls to post this shite while he was still alive, you obviously were afraid to do so, sad bastard



44 minutes ago, Arthur Mix said:

 As for me people know I’m a cunt lol 


me too lol

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On 22/12/2021 at 7:47 PM, bartman said:


Jeff did not suffer fools gladly. 


Saying that, it amazed me over the many years I knew him,  how he became involved with so many characters fitting that very description. 

He seemed to be a magnet for fools. 

Fools that would try to lead him down a garden path with their stories. Begging for his involvement with their harebrained ideas and/or crazy money making schemes. 

Only to run off butt hurt and crying when they realised that Jeff was not the easiest businessman to deal with. 

All that glitters is not gold. 

Likewise, all gold doesn’t glitter either. 

Especially the gold for fools.


Cross him or try to take the piss in abundance and you’d soon see his ruthless side in full exposé.

Unfortunately for him though, the users and manipulators queued at his door relentlessly.


The previous poster in this thread being a fine example of such a fool.


@DrHempIt looks like yours and Eacups wish came true after all but please remember that although he is not here now to defend himself, your lies and bullshit accusations have been duly noted. 

You are entitled to your opinion, of course you are, but making shit up and washing your dirty laundry in public in this manner looks very ugly indeed. 

It is bad form especially in a thread that was made in his honour by another of his dear friends.


There’s nowt stranger than folk, they say. 

Haters will hate.


Away from the world of business, Jeff was kind, caring, compassionate, honest and reliable. 


I loved him like a brother and miss him dearly. 

The lies and bullshit that you are saying here in this thread (and elsewhere) are cutting a tad deep with me right now. 

I politely urge you to stop it.


To all the non fools. 

His cremation service was intimate and in minimal attendance earlier this week due to the pandemic and the wishes of his close family.


A wake (to bake) memorial gathering is being planned for in the new year for the wider community to pay their respects to a remarkable and truly extraordinary human being. 

All attendees with altruistic good intentions will be welcome. Others not so much.


RIP Jeff. 

Gone but never forgotten. 

He will be forever in our hearts and minds. 

Long may his legacy continue.


Farewell Buddy. :yinyang:

















i have bad mental problems and i was one of the fools he didn't tolerate lovely fucking guy

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13 hours ago, Joolz said:

if you had uploaded them here, as per the rules then they would still be there ( i didn't delete them by the way, just saying)





Hi Joolz, long time no speak. I've never read a Forum's rules in my life. I don't take my MacBook home, so I was using a smartphone, which is fiddley, even more so after a bottle of red wine. I couldn't work out how to post an image, I know some forums prefer you to upload on a 3rd party site to save space; I wrongly concluded I had been censored, which upon reflection would be unlikely, so I apologise for that.  I've figured how to post images (I think) so I will repost them.

Jeff was sectioned in Jamaica earlier in the year, I couldn't resist sending him a message when he got out, he mocked my mental health issues and tried to use them against me. He sent emails to all my friends, even the landlord of my pub and my ADHD psychiatrist. Worst of all, he sent some disgusting emails to my wife, which was a red line crossed that couldn't be uncrossed. 

Here he admits to mocking mental health, he tries to worm his way back in with me, a narcissist he was unable to handle the fact I'd told him to go fuck himself and leave me and my family alone. 

I mocked him again; I sampled his voice from the video he made in the Jamaican secure mental health facility, Jamaica Set Me Free.


I'm told he hated it. I think it's ok. What's not to laugh about Jeff strapped to a bed in a Jamaican mental health facility with a dodgy catheter?

<iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/1149643471&color=%23ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe><div style="font-size: 10px; color: #cccccc;line-break: anywhere;word-break: normal;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: Interstate,Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Sans,Garuda,Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif;font-weight: 100;"><a href="https://soundcloud.com/dj_king_cnut" title="DJ King Cnut" target="_blank" style="color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;">DJ King Cnut</a> · <a href="https://soundcloud.com/dj_king_cnut/i-dont-know-where-the-fuck-i-am" title="Jamaica set me free!" target="_blank" style="color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;">Jamaica set me free!</a></div>

it's an empty win dude, there's no prize to be had here in this thread

Mate, I never asked to go into battle with Jeff Ditchfield, I wrote "I always win" to mock him after the grave, as he was such an arrogant wanker, he would have hated that I wrote that. There is no point, as the cunt is dead and I don't treat every human interaction as a battle, as Jeff Did. He memorised Sun Tzu's Art of War as a blueprint for the way he treated people.

There are numerous people who were trying to bring him down; I just let him think I was plotting against him when in reality I was doing more interesting stuff than fighting a war with Jeff Ditchfield 

This is what a former assistant at Bud Buddies said:


I didn't want to fight with Jeff bloody Ditchfield; I'd been ill, with a stress-induced condition, that was caused by nearly going into business with that lunatic. 

He would never stop, and I knew he was ruthless. He reported me to the police for sending a colourful email to him, as I was pissed off that he kept hassling my wife and sending emails to my friends telling them I'd gone mental as I was alcohol, cannabis and prescription medications. None of this was true, and nobody believed it; I told them, "The guy is a fruitloop, just ignore him," but it was still irritating. 

I did send Jeff a rude email after he sent yet another email to my friends; Jeff's response was to report me to the police and make up a false allegation to my local Council that I had committed fraud under the furlough scene. Luckily, the policeman wasn't interested, and after I told him that I would stop contacting Jeff Ditchfield if he stopped hassling my wife and sending defamatory emails to my friends. The cop was unaware of this and said, "I can assure you, Mr Ditchfield will be told in no uncertain terms to stop contacting your wife and your friends.

See for yourself, Mr anti-establishment, running to the police, coz I called him a cunt in an email. 



It's not the first time I have been reported to the police by a so-called cannabis activist.




Ditchfield was one of the most vocal people critical of Peter Reynolds for stuff like reporting cannabis activists/ medicinal cannabis consumers to the police. 

I'm not stupid. I knew posting the truth about St Jeffrey would get me a lot of flack; I don't care; the truth is more important. He was a cunt. 

I was chatting on What's App a few days ago to someone who worked with him on a product for some time. Jeff came up in conversation; he calls it PTJD, what you get after working with him, i.e., Post Traumatic Jeff Syndrome.


I almost went into business with Jeff and pulled out for the same reason Tommy Corbyn pulled out. The guy was a cunt, a nasty one at that.

Every word I have said is true, and I'm happy to share more screenshots; I have many. I did try to warn people about him, and I told Jeff if he didn't back off, I'd do a peter-reynolds-watch.com on him,  as I did to Peter, because he pissed me off so much. Jeff knew I had loads of dirt on him, so I was surprised he kept hassling me after telling him to stop. 

I don't care if people believe me to not; there are people on here who know darn well I am telling the truth. Generally, I agree don't speak ill of the dead. Yet, I don't believe a man that scammed cancer patients and lied about treating terminally ill people. This man was so abusive to anyone who dared call him out on his bullshit; he doesn't deserve to be remembered as some kind of here who helped so many people. He should be remembered for what he was, a scamming cunt. 

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@DrHemp why not post all this shit while he was still alive then? What are you trying to achieve?


Surely all you’re really achieving at this point is hurting his friends/loved ones at a time of year that’s already gonna be incredibly difficult for them which makes you just as much of a cunt as you’re accusing him of being. 

You say you “always win” but you spent your Christmas thinking and posting about a man you clearly hate. Doesn’t sound much like winning to me 

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There is clearly the ring of truth here and there, but wtf @Dr Hemp? If you didn’t have the balls to come here and post all of that when he was alive, with the right to reply, then you’re just making yourself look like a coward.


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