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Wedding glue and the wardrobe of doom

Idicanna jones

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Firstly, huge thanks to @Seedstockers-Mark for the opportunity to chuck a bean in a manky pot noodle....


Seeds (1 wedding glue and a free sour diesel) went immediately into jiffy pellets, and here is where it all started to go a bit wrong.... 

I'm pretty sure I wasn't that drunk but I kind of knocked the sour diesel over and mildly flooded the prized wedding glue (think tsunami)..... 

Putting them both into an already crowded mini grow was always going to be a challenge. I readied myself to throw another attempt in xmas week.... 

Woke up this morning to find the diesel has flung its shell off and 90% of its life support (utterly my fault).... 

However (and let's face it that's what we're here for).... The glue lives (she's called Gloria). She's gonna be on 12/12 on the middle of my lego farm. Will throw up the first pic in a bit. 


Bless up ya fine selves 

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I don't have a drink problem.... I have a standing up problem. 

I'm merely a weekend drinker and smoker.... Sunday to Saturday..... 


I'm here all week... Try the veal 

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50 minutes ago, Newcouch said:

nice. is it me seeing double or is there another potnoodle behind it?

Indeed there is old bean. A last minute decision thanks to @MindSoup. Not a great deal to report pictorally on the wedding glue so I thought I'd arrange a group photo (she's in with all kinds of nefarious ladies) . Quick note to @Potprincess.... My existing noodle hempy arrangement has had some brown leaf spot recently. I've put a hole in the bottom (making the hempy principle void) and it's stopped. Keep a close eye on roots sitting in an enclosed reservoir 

Edited by Idicanna jones
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Hi @Idicanna jones yes, she looks kinda droopy / overwatered, esp with the other plants looking so good.

I've never found the bottom resevoir alone causing overwatering. It certainly wont help, but in my mind either the resevoir is small relative to the overall pot, or the wick is restricted such that the resevoir cant push water into the soil above to waterlog it.

what medium did you have in your hempy bottom, hydroton?

Its weird, she is a lovely size and shape so she obviously had been enjoying things so conditions must have suddenly changed - did you just repot her into the potnoodle?


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9 hours ago, Idicanna jones said:

Indeed there is old bean. A last minute decision thanks to @MindSoup. Not a great deal to report pictorally on the wedding glue so I thought I'd arrange a group photo (she's in with all kinds of nefarious ladies) . Quick note to @Potprincess.... My existing noodle hempy arrangement has had some brown leaf spot recently. I've put a hole in the bottom (making the hempy principle void) and it's stopped. Keep a close eye on roots sitting in an enclosed reservoir 

Thank you for sharing your experience with the pot noodle. So far this one looks ok! I’ve not been growing long but can already see things can change quick, when it comes to growing these beautiful plants! 

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12/12 from the get go? other than the (temporary) overwatering she is looking mighty fine.

I am thinking the potnoodle competition should have a bonsai award - for the most perfect structure and shape. a perfectly symetrical training and a perfectly flat top with idnentical colas.....

I really want to try 12/12 from the start. i might start one of normally and then when i flip, start another.....

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