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Potting up- Why?


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Just now, B0bbyBuds said:

That explains a lot :yep:


If you were starting in the final pot anything you’d recommend to minimise the gangly stretchyness? 

If your referring to autos this doesn't really apply mate but if photos the above advice is good for minimising stretch. 


Not sure how effective it will be at stopping poor growth because as hazy mentioned. Plants above ground mirror whats happening in the roots.

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If you're growing with LED you can push the PPFD a bit more which will shorten node spacing, I've tried to keep one lanky girl from going for it but in the process tightened the spacing on it's siblings that were not so Sativa influenced.

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10 hours ago, Exhale said:

@thekingofobsolete your roots are poor for coco, looks a bit too wet my butty bach.




lol  my roots are bound to look wet as i always water my dope upon potting up with a nice feed see settles them into the new husk nicely :sly: plus the cutting did have only a few roots it was in the prop 5 days ago bach still rooting in its jiffy :yes:



10 hours ago, Exhale said:


That's your overwatering at work there bach.

nope that a picture taken of the rootball  20 mins after i watered / fed the bugger. :doh:


now then heres the cutting 24 hours later setting a few more roots UNRESTRICTED !!  + she`s got root aphid`s which i will sort with neem oil next drenching,i cant water her for a few days yet see. :gossip:


here .





shes under 700 watts mixed lighting from today i will crank the lights up during flower.




now please excuse me im watching corrie. :skin_up:

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Blackadder 'I was under the impression that it's common maritime practice for a ship to have a crew?'

Captain Yosser 'Opinion is divided on the subject..' 


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On 9/18/2021 at 0:26 PM, Cajafiesta said:

Hello all,


I've been doing some head scratching lately.  Since my arrival here at uk420, I've been having consistent humbling experiences.  I find myself looking at "situations" differently and realizing how dense I've been.  Ignorance will give you quite a bit of false confidence.  


What I'm saying is, I've got some Dunning-Kruger going on full force over here. 



I've been growing in soil/compost in fabric pots with applications of compost tea and liquid fish.  



I've been ignorantly growing for a year or two, just sort of accepting that I was " doing a decent job" because I always produce flower that works.  But it's generally pretty sad looking by the time the plants get around to the end of flower.  I believe mobile nutrients are being sucked up to the point of the "tank being on empty" by the time flower is over.  



I've always grown in one pot from start to finish.  I've never potted up, as I didn't see the logic in it.  I theorized that providing tea would be " more than enough" to keep the soil in an acceptable state with regard to available nutrients.  My plants don't agree with that statement. 



It occurs to me that, perhaps, I've been monumentally dumb.  The more I consider it, the more it makes sense that, in addition to providing new space for root growth, potting up provides fresh soil.  It's entirely possible that providing a soil recharge ( or lacking a soil recharge) could be a massive impact on the plants health.



Is it common or accepted practice, anywhere in this universe, to stay in one pot from start to finish?  Am I an idiot? 


I've tried to chase my current plants back into health, but they're pretty resistant to come "back around" from what I believe is a Nitrogen and Phorphorous deficiency, at the moment.  I've been feeding Tea (bokashi, worm castings, mushroom compost, alfalfa, kelp etc ) once a week, I top dressed with some worm castings and I fed some liquid fish once.


I can't help but think I'm chasing the issue illogically, though.  Why go through all the fray of adding organic amendments when I could have just given the fuckers new, freshie soil as the main nutrient support.



I can't help but think I could have avoided this headache and had much happier plants if I had provided new soil at the light flip, "potted up" as it were.



Any insight is welcome. Feel free to have a laugh at my expense.  I think I've been a bit dense. 



I haven't read any of the replies.   But I'm a new grower.   I look at it "growing" as a new escapade.    I've only managed one,  r two grows (last one was just chucking a few speed+ seeds,) and they work.    But back to the point, or rather your one (apols, forgive me)   is that i've found that seeds once popped, prefer a bigger space.    I've got a few regs from the site,  dropped 7 and four came up.   so will batter on with those.      So at moment i've got bruce banners.   Lord knows if they will survive.    They seem a bit too much pernickity.   I'll go back to drawing bord and drop some more seeds.

Apols - there was a point i wanted to make, but, well i'll remember later!

Time to drop some more seeds and see what happens...:)

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To be fair @pepe16 if you only managed to pop roughly half the seeds 4/7 and the four survivors are, ahem, pernickety then perhaps id question why you think seeds/seedlings prefer more room.  On what have you based your opinion on exactly.  Im not being rude, just curious bud.



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Just now, Phoenix said:

To be fair @pepe16 if you only managed to pop roughly half the seeds 4/7 and the four survivors are, ahem, pernickety then perhaps id question why you think seeds/seedlings prefer more room.  On what have you based your opinion on exactly.  Im not being rude, just curious bud.



I fell into this trap,  that ot was a long time ago.  Third grow...i extended their life cycle....and it went forwards then.    Have to keep in mind,   My grip on your reality looks a chunk different at times.   best :)


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Perhaps take the time to read the thread.......you might learn something that will help you on your new escapade. There's good advice to be garnered from the thread as well as bad advice corrected.


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The problem is, that I'm physically, pretty fucked..   I'veghad a few chest pains and all, anbd now I really couldnt give a single flying fuck.    A lot pof people don't like that, and if you don't,  well,  hmmmm.....tell yer Ma I sail hello.  Just simple nonintelligent stuff.      I wish I could tgrow a line in water and haul in some fish.  thats fun.   



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Just now, blackpoolbouncer said:

Perhaps take the time to read the thread.......you might learn something that will help you on your new escapade. There's good advice to be garnered from the thread as well as bad advice corrected.


My heads going nuts.  Arm is covered i  deep scars etc.  you're performing a service 

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Do you want to get any better at growing weed or are you happy to wade through blind growing with shit results?


Your here and are actively participating in a conversation about growing yet have just actively dismissed even reading good advice growers have put forward that was suggested might help you become a better grower.


Instead of saying thanks you refused rudely with ignorance.


Good day sir. Hope you find some peace.


Edit. You might have troubles. Don't need to be rude to others though. We all got problems mate.

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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The way I see it is that potting up kind of creates layers to your root ball. 

imagine a root a bit like a can of silly string. If it’s a big pot it’ll shoot all the way to the edge and then start stacking up from there. Unlike a can of silly string though it grows from its tip and keeps growing the only thing that really stops it and forces out a lot of side rooting is when it finds a hole in the pot and air prunes itself. Using air pots help this but if you pot up then the roots shoot out a small way and then start building up along the side of the pot, you repot it and it happens again. Each time it creates like a shell of roots that were layered against the edge of the pot. This increases the density of the center of the root ball drastically. Each pot up creating a new dense layer of root.


now when you water your pot the whole pot gets wet but as it drys it dries from the top and the outside first and moves into the center and lower parts of the pot. 

so having these levels/layers to the root ball maximises nutrient intake by massively increasing the volume of roots within the centre of the pot. It also spreads the roots out so each part of the pot has a dense layer to absorb and not just one mega dense layer on the outside of the ball against the pot.


simply ensuring even root mass throughout the whole pot you ensure your medium is being maximised and not simply the soil that touches the pot.


a 1200ltr pot is different though. The roots can grow long and straight and it wouldn’t really be a root ball like a pot more like a weed plant being grown is an odd shaped cupboard where some branches are allowed to reach out. In a no till though you want your roots free to seek out nutrients as they dissolve and become available. With just a pot you want as dense a root mass as you can fit in to feed the plant the nutrient solution you pour directly on their roots. All in a ready available format that should be (fuck, what’s the word. Cheatered no, chelated, Sounds closer) I can’t be bothered googling it pre-chumbawombered.


using a solution with err (someone correct this) pre chumbawombered nutrient ions then this helps as they can be taken straight in by the plants.

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Forsure tis always best to re pot up with out a doubt.


Thats why i used to love MH  mix in with HPS .


Nice  blue light makes the plant nodes nice and tight.


More smaller stocky plants .

Plus i always found it made the buds, alot more tighter and dense.


And more tric prodution alot more trics on the buds under MH .


Thats what i  always found anyway.


Never grow just under hps.

Always mix up the spectrum for the best resin and tight solid buds.


Than say under the hps.Which on their own often made for moe whispy buds.


Not grown under the new fancy disco lights.


Ie led, they have come on along since the early day say back in the 90.



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