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I've a confession to make...


I don't trim my plants before drying. I chop them then hang them up leaves and all :ohmygod:


It's not that I smoke them leaves and all lol it's just that I find getting rid of the leaves to be much less hassle when it's all dry, I just find it much easier to pull the dry leaves off as I jar the buds :)


To trim or not to trim, that is the question lol

Edited by Boojum
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I do the same too mate, I dunno why you say its a confession like you doing wrong dude it was a game changer ime. I found it really preserves the terps, stops it drying too quick, and helps with the first stages of curing. They're still alive until dryed and carry on processing unspent nutes and what not from what I hear. 

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I guess I'm thinking in terms of the advice I got way back when I started growing, trimming before drying was just how it was done. Only benefit I can really see from trimming first is if you've got a load of weed to dry in a small space, taking the leaves off means less bulk to dry, less humidity, less chance of mould. But if you've only got a couple of plants then that isn't an issue :) and pulling dried leaves off really is so much easier lol

Edited by Boojum
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Big fan of dry trimming here too. Cut into foot long stalks. Hung for 2 weeks, then trimmed up using various expensive snips in a jar of ISO to unstick them after gunking up. Radio on in the background, TrimBin helps. I'm currently researching that controversial dry trim bag thing to save time with the big flowers. About 40% of the harvest is trimmed for vaping, the rest is dried Moroccan style and smooshed over the screens to make hash for capsules. :yep:


Dry is best but it's a personal choice, making dry sift is fun too. Bubble was too cumbersome and messy. lol





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Powder coated snips don't get so gunked up ,and just easier to use . I can't find any except in the States but I use a large one ,which is awkward but being powder coated sort of makes it a bit handier than a smaller cutters .It doesn't get sticky .,the resin builds on the blade but not smeared to it . 

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I have some Chikamasa's with a special coating but they only last a few mins longer. Rotating the snips in a jar of ISO is the only way to get through a day, just don't knock them over.. :yep:


For those interested, trimming outdoor fresh buds in the pissing rain is almost resin free for scissors. Wet resin doesn't gunk up. 

Edited by Slippy One
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33 minutes ago, Kickstand said:

I do the same too mate, I dunno why you say its a confession like you doing wrong dude it was a game changer ime. I found it really preserves the terps, stops it drying too quick, and helps with the first stages of curing. They're still alive until dryed and carry on processing unspent nutes and what not from what I hear. 


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Yup always whole plant hang and dry trim here.


Probably won't ever change the leaves become a shroud that protects your buds and help achieve a nice slow dry.


I have 2 jars for each strain a storage jar that contains rough trimmed buds for curing I trim these with a silicone baking brush simply gently brush against the sugar leaves and they fall right off, bosh straight into the curing jar. Then when the buds are ready to consume I manicure them and into the "ready to rock" jar they go.

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5 minutes ago, NezA said:

Yup always whole plant hang and dry trim here.


Probably won't ever change the leaves become a shroud that protects your buds and help achieve a nice slow dry.



:) That's how I think of it too



I have 2 jars for each strain a storage jar that contains rough trimmed buds for curing I trim these with a silicone baking brush simply gently brush against the sugar leaves and they fall right off, bosh straight into the curing jar. Then when the buds are ready to consume I manicure them and into the "ready to rock" jar they go.



I'm not a good enough grower to do that lol But I've got a bag of dry leaves that I'm gonna make cannabutter from :)

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1 hour ago, superfruit said:

Chop and hang whole for me!


Same.  Although my next grow is a single plant in a 4x4 - so I may have to rethink that approach.


3 hours ago, Boojum said:

I just find it much easier to pull the dry leaves off as I jar the buds :)


To trim or not to trim, that is the question lol


Isn't that... trimming? lol

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I'm another one for not fucking about making my buds look "bag appealing" the plant gets chopped, the leaves with no sugar come off with a quick trim beforehand. Any leaves with sugar and a quickly accessible stalk get snipped to go in a seperate pile to be joined by the fluffy lower buds.


Last run I did my new found PASxMAC1 subby keeper - she's an absolute resin monster - think my Chikamasa's would have welded together trimming this! large.PASxMAC1ready.jpg

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I couldn't handle bud like that, there'd be fukall left by time I pulled it leaf bare. I like nicely manicured bud, I'm very  anal about no stalk , no leaf.

All that  Leafy shite goes into the hash pile. 


That pic gives me anxiety lol


But yeh, I pull a few fans at harvest and hang plants whole,  no  wet trimming for me , fook dat.



Edited by HazyDaze
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